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"Dr. Potter's Handbook will find a place, and a very important one, in our colleges and the libraries of our practitioners. It contains almost everything that can be found in the larger works in a more concise form and brought up to a rather more recent date. . The section on pharmacy and prescription writing is very carefully prepared, all the pharmaceutical processes are described, and the composition of the official preparations is given. Under the head of prescription writing considerable attention is paid to the subject of incompatibilities, and the student will here find many valuable hints for his guidance in this difficult subject. Besides this there are, under the head of special therapeutics, very many formulas for the treatment of particular diseases and abnormal conditions, arranged alphabetically for easy reference. This will be especially valuable to young practitioners, and will frequently save the trouble of looking through large works and monographs for suitable formule in the treatment of special cases. This department is fuller in this book than in any with which we are acquainted."

From the Therapeutic Gazette.

"The author has aimed to embrace in a single volume the essentials of practical materia medica and therapeutics, and has produced a book small enough for easy carriage and easy reference, large enough to contain a carefully-digested, but full, clear and wellarranged mass of information. He has not adhered to any pharmacopoeia, as is the case of certain recent manuals, thereby limiting his work, and in this day of new remedies causing constant disappointment, but has brought it up to date in the most satisfactory way. No new remedy of any acknowledged value is omitted from this list. Under each the section on physiological action and therapeutics has been written with care. . . . In the enumeration of drugs suited to different disorders a very successful effort at discrimi nation has been made, both in the stage of disease and in the cases peculiarly suited to the remedy. It is no mere list of diseases followed by a catalogue of drugs, but is a digest of modern therapeutics, and as such will prove of immense use to its possessor." From the Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal.

"In looking over the work, we are not surprised that it has taken the author the best part of two years in its preparation, for it shows on every page great labor and careful research; and as no good work goes unrewarded, we feel that he will be compensated by the favor with which his book will be received by the profession. We have been indeed pleased with the examination made, and have already used it for reference. As the title informs us, it is not materia medica alone—in fact, this is the least important part of the book-but it contains the essentials of therapeutics, pharmacy and the physiological action of drugs, besides many points of information which are useful to the student and a convenience to find in one and the same book."

From the American Practitioner and News.

"Dr. Potter's work contains what is worthy to be preserved of the materia medica and therapeutics of times old and new, and sets it to the physician's hand in admirable shape."

From the Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal.

"This work, as seen by its title, embraces much that is new to the profession, including, as it does, well-written and concise articles on extemporaneous pharmacy, as well as official. The part on physiological action of medicines is well written and comprehensive. The portion of the book relating to special therapeutics of disease is especially valuable, as it is so concise and to the point. Taking it all in all, this is a book well worth having."

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