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is still welcome, for his presence, or that which he brings at least, puts an end to the most cruel of human sufferings-uncertainty.

THE LAST HOURS OF REV. O. A. SKINNER, D. D. The following private letter from Mrs. D. P. Livermore of Chicago, just received, contains the most graphic account of the departure of our friend which we have seen, we have therefore taken the liberty of transferring it to our columns, commending it to the careful perusal

of all.

A. T.

"We are all deeply saddened by Dr. Skinner's death, which occurred last night at half past eleven o'clock. He died away from his home, in Naperville, about 20 miles from Chicago. Two weeks ago he preached in Naperville, on exchange with Rev. Mr. Bulkeley, the resident pastor of the Naperville society. He had been ailing from the Thursday previous, with diarrhoea, but not to a degree that he called himself sick. IIe should not

have preached Sunday, and had he been home, he would not. But he went through the services of a part of the day, and took to his bed

never to leave it. His disease was typhoid dysentery, a fatal sickness for one of his temperament. He was sick but eighteen days, but has endured indescribable suffering, and with the most heavenly patience. He was conscious to the last moment of his life, and longed to be dismissed from his pain, expressing at all times the firmest faith in God, and the certainty of

the blessedness awaiting him. Mr. L. and my

self went down to see him last night, and reached him about four hours before his departure. He knew us perfectly, expressed pleasure at our coming, took my husband by the hand, and delivered a message to him, to be given to the denomination, saying in reply to a question, that “his faith was strong, his hope beautiful! beautiful!"

There was something very grand in his death. I never realized the dignity of death, and of dying before. He had made every preparation possible for the event-had arranged for his funeral services, specified where he desired to be buried, taken such leave of his friends as he could—and then he lay waiting patiently his release. He knew that the event of death was near at hand, that he was not expected to survive after the hour of midnight, and he himself kept note of the time as it passed. The emaciation of his face caused his noble brow to stand out more prominently than ever-the dim light of the room that

came from behind the head of the bed, shone through the silvery curls of hair that frequent bathing had wreathed round his forehead, almost making a halo about it; occasionally he would open his eyes, ask the time of night, and make some comment to those about him, and then relapse into semi-drowsiness. Conscious how each moment was drifting him out into eternity, with "the great battle almost fought," as he expressed it, done with earth, the moment when he should be admitted to the with his face heavenward, he patiently waited audience of the King of Kings. In the midst of the deep grief of the occasion, I was yet awed, and impressed with the dignity of the

last scene.

Mrs. Skinner has been sustained beyond all expectation. She was with her husband throughout, and has surprised herself by her after his death, and when there was no longer

strength and fortitude. But the reaction came

any need for her to bear up. We are all very anxious for her. Addie reached her father at noon yesterday, some ten or eleven hours before his death. It was a great comfort to them her." And so it seemed; he sank so rapidly both for, as he said, "he was waiting for after her arrival. The blow is crushing to his family; you know, he was no ordinary husband and father. Indeed, it has fallen on us all, heavily; we could not believe he would die, he was so vigorous and strong. He has died a victim to over-work; his immense la

bors for his brother's estate, joined to an end

less amount of perplexity and anxiety concerning it, the care of his parish at Joliet, and his custom of preparing and preaching four times on Sunday were enough to break down

a stronger man than he. He went from his

morning service immediately to a town six miles distant and preached, and from that to another station six or eight miles distant and preached, then came back to Joliet, and took his second meal, dinner or supper, whichever

you please, and preached again in the evening.

He is to be buried from St. Paul's church to-morrow, Friday the 20th, at 2 o'clock P. M., and is to rest beside his brother Samuel. and Livermore, and Bro. Bulkeley are to offiThe Chicago ministers, Messrs. Ryder, Tuttle, ciate. All this by his arrangement. I have given you full particulars, knowing that you would like to know them."

Let even day or night unhallowed pass,
But still remember what the Lord hath done.

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world; but we took this reply in a some what limited sense, thinking it probable that her ideas of foreign countries comprising her world, were likely to have been about as clear and definite as those of the generality of her class of countrywomen; for instance as much so, as that of our hostess in Genoa, who felt quite proud and happy that her son, (a sailor lad) had been to our country, he knew all about America O! yes, he had been to our home! Upon investigation, however, it proved that his having been to our home,' was merely touching upon the coast of South America, which in the eyes of the family was all one with United States usually the idea of our country is very vague in the minds of the common classes as we have before stated. They have some incoherent notion of New York in connection with Americans, but whether it is a kingdom, city, or republic, scarce one in a dozen could tell.

But to return to Chiavari. After selecting a package of towels for home use, comprising specimens of various texture from the coarser ones at three shillings, up to fabrics beautifully fine for eight, ten and twelve shillings each, our companions trudged on to the carriage left standing in the public square, well pleased with the establishment, their bargain, and the pretty young ladies connected with it! a place which we shall not probably forget, so long as we have such reminders daily before us in these truly excellent articles of service.

After leaving Sestri we pursued our route to La Spezzia through a most charming district of country, where we found something new to admire at every turn of the road, (always excepting the beggars who beset us on every hand;) a very devout set of little rogues were they for the most part, invoking all sorts of blessings upon the head of the traveller, always expecting returns for their prayers in shape of "piccioli monie," for which they would roll and scramble in the dirt like a pack of young dogs; sometimes keeping up a chase with the carriage for more than a mile. It was quite marvelous to us to see swarms of them appearing at short intervals all along our road, when

signs of habitations were invisible; one might have supposed the little brown elflike creatures came out from the ground for the purpose of exercising, trotting along after us with a celerity which proved themselves thoroughly trained by practice in this mode of locomotion, they would disappear as soon as the pence were received, or after finally exhausting their patience and agility, (both of which held out wonderfully long,) they would at length fall back reluctantly, minus the "piccioli," setting us down probably in their estimate of the days business in this line as so much capital lost, and then recruit their energies for another onset upon the next carriage which good fortune might send in their way. After all, there was a quaint picturesqueness in this peculiar feature of these mountain scenes, that added a sort of charm to the journey, which otherwise would have been lacking

-not that one can really believe begging to be a desirable, or improving feature among any people; still, in this part of the world, we must consider how the custom-bad as it must ever prove in its ultimate effects upon any class—had its foundation in the religious sentiment everywhere prevailing in the middle ages. That to distribute alms was one of the highest privileges of the good catholic, and to be poor and destitute, dependent upon the charity of the rich, was rather an honor than otherwise. The idea of Christian brotherhood underlying this, was certainly a true principle, but mark how it degenerated into evil with both classes; the wealthy considering the mere giving of money upon certain occasions to the poor, and to the church, as furnishing them absolution for any amount of self-indulgence and sin on their own part, and also for their entire neglect of the improvement and elevation of their more unfortunate brethren. And on the other hand, the pauper, begging his scanty subsistance from day to day, was encouraged to continue in this course through life, bequeathing the same inheritance to his children, which has resulted in the fact, that the poor of two centuries past, are the poor of to-day, content, alike with their forefathers, to vegetate, to die, without moving

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The Universalist Companion with an Almanac and Register, containing statistics of the Denomination for 1862. A. B. Grosh, Editor and Proprietor, Boston: Published by Abel Tompkins, 25 Cornhill.

This valuable little annual has again made its appearance in its usual neat and appropriate style. This number contains the articles of Faith of the Universalist denomination, and much other valuable matter which is worth many times the price charged for the book, which is 12 cents. Send four "three cent" stamps to Mr. Tompkins, and he will send you the Companion and Register by return mail, post paid.


We wish to call special attention to Messrs. Williams & Everetts splendid collection of card Photographs. They have just published three of the best we have seen, viz: "Maud Muller," ," "The Motherless," and "Morning Glories," (three children of Prof. Longfellow), also a truly life-like likeness of Rev. A. A. Miner. In addition to these, they have the largest variety of card Photographs, which can be found in the city, all nnished in the most artistic manner. New Photographs re ceived as soon as published. We take pleasure in commending our friends, who are collecting Photographs, to call on Messrs. Williams & Everett, No. 234 Washington St., Boston. In addition to the above, Messrs. W. & E. are extensive dealers in engravings and paintings. Their splendid store is indeed a gallery of art, and the gentlemanly proprietors are always happy to meet their numerous friends and customers. Remember 234 Washington St., Boston.

THE UNION MEMORIAL; containing Choice Anecdotes, Patriotic Songs, and Burning Words, struck from true American hearts.

This little work contains 72 pages, closely printed, on fine paper, with a neat and appropriate cover. It contains nearly THREE HUNDRED ANECDOTES, SONGS, &c., representing the unanimity of feeling, with which our people responded to the call of their country in the hour of danger. When rebellion is crushed and the Union no longer in danger, the sayings and incidents here recorded will be cherished as mementoes of the patriotism of our people and their devotion to their country in the hour of danger.

It is sold at the low price of 15 cents, that every one may be able to procure a copy. Send 15 cents in stamps, to A, TOMPKINS, 25 Cornhill, Boston, and you will receive a copy by return mail post-paid.

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Having removed from our old quarters, we have collected together a number of past volumes of the UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY and LADIES' REPOSITORY, which we propose to sell in numbers, at the low price of 75 Cents per VOLUME, Postage pre-paid. These volumes contain a large amount of reading, and are excellent for School, Teachers', Social, or Family Libraries. They are perfect in every respect. Hereafter we shall publish only the number required to supply our regular subscribers, and those who desire these back volumes should send at once. Regular price $2.00 per volume; but the room they occupy is needed for other stock, hence the reduction.

Of the Universalist Quarterly, we have all the volumes from 1 to 17. except volume 2. Of the Ladies' Repository, vols. 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 28.

We have, also, vols, 1 and 4 of the Universalist Expositor,-published prior to the Quarterlywhich we will sell at the same price. All who desire any of these volumes should send at once, direct to A. TOMPKINS, Publisher, 25 Cornhill, Boston,


Our friends will please remember that from the following rules we cannot deviate, except by special arrangement. 1. PRICE OF THE WORK.

Single copies, $2 per year, payable in advance; four copies, $7; six copies, $10; Clubs of ten or more, at $150 per volume, the cash to accompany the list. All orders to be sent directly to the publisher.


in JULY of each year, and no subscription will be taken for less than AN ENTIRE VOLUME. There fore persons who subscribe any time after the first of July will receive the back numbers, and their volumes will then be complete — twelve numbers or one year's subscription making a vol



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