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those whom the Creator destines to perpetual and magnificent fetes of nature; one of those for whom the light, the breeze, the trees, the sea, the sky, have harmonies and utterances unseen and unheard by other men. Go, now, where thy soul dwelt already, all fettered as it was by the chains of a suffering organism; go, and see face to face, that God whom thou sawest always, where the vulgar see only clouds and vapors; go, and behold that God whose imprint was clear to thee in the frailest leaf, whose greatness was visible in the lowliest herb, whose face beamed in every ray of the sun, whose voice sounded in the roar of waters, and the murmur of swaying trees.

While thy body, returned to the earth, goes to mingle with the herb, the foliage, the flowers, thy spirit departs to enter the presence of that glorious Being towards whom it was ever so powerfully attracted. Thou goest to become in the bosom of thy God, all which thou hast loved, all which thou hast admired, all which made thy joy, and caused thee to forget thy sorrows.

Ah! God spends not His eternity in listening at the door of our dwelling for the weak words of man's lips.

They who love his word, they who find only the beautiful in his works, who disdain alike false riches and false glory, are not rapacious, nor envious, nor wicked; they, whatever their creed, are nearer God, than other men; they are His elect.

member, should occasion offer to test his patriotism and valor, that his next laurels must be earned before they can be worn; and may He who watches over us all, in our house of peril as well as of safety, guard him well.

The remarks of children are proverbially thoughtful. Our friend, Mrs. B., trains her children admirably, never losing an opportunity to impress a moral truth upon their hearts or to add a new fact to their intellectual store. One day in a story she was reading aloud to a little fellow of five years, the word instinct several times occurred. Franky observed it, and inquired its meaning. The mother entered into an elaborate and lucid explanation of the term, telling him that it was a property possessed by all animals; and flattering herself that the matter was perfectly understood by the child. A long time after, as the boy one evening lay falling asleep in her arms, he slowly opened his drowsy eyes, and in a sleepy tone inquired, "Mother, is Jane a going to cook that rooster to-morrow, that Jack's been killing?"

"Yes, Franky; but you must not talk any more now."

"Well, mother, I only want to know whether she is going to cook his instinct, too?"

The lesson on instinct had been as well understood, we thought, as certain theological tenets are by older heads.


O Domine Deus, Speravi in te.

O care mi Jesu! Nunc libera me,
In dura catena, in misera pœna,
Languendo, gemendo, et genuflectendo,
Adoro, imploro, ut liberes me!

Let the following be taken as a pretty literal, though a rude translation.

O, Lord, and my God! I have hope but in thee,
O, Jesus beloved, now liberate me!
In heavy chain,

In bitter pain,

A pretty little incident occurred this morning, which is worth relating. We were visiitng a friend in a neighboring town, with a young soldier who is here on a week's furlough. A little boy of three years old, living opposite our friend's house, probably attracted by the bright epauletts of the youthful lieutenant, had followed him at a distance, all the morning, whenever he went out, but not offering to speak to or approach him. As we were, however, about leaving and bidding farewell at the house door, the little fellow who stood watching us from the other side, seemed sud- I adore, and implore thee to liberate me. denly inspired with a resolution; stooping down, he gathered something from the garden, and running hastily over, held up a wreath of evergreen laurel, exclaiming in the most earnest manner, "I want to give this laurel to the soldier before he goes away." Dear little fellow! was his thought unconsciously prophetic? However that might have been, may the young soldier not forget the incident, but re

With langor, and groaning, and bending the knee,

A. G. L.

NOTICE.-The contributors to the Ladies Repository are requested to transmit their articles to the editor at Clinton, Oneida County, New York, where she hopes the old favorites of the Magazine, as well as others who have not yet introduced themselves to its readers, will not fail often to remember her.-ED.




The Thirtieth volume of the LADIES' REPOSITORY will commence with the number for July, 1861. The Editorial Department will be conducted by


Assisted by MRS. C. A. SOULE HOLCOMB and MISS MINNIE S. DAVIS. Mrs. S. is too well known to need any commendation from us. Mrs. Livermore, the assistant editor of the "New Covenant," says of her:-" Mrs. Sawyer is, without question, preeminent above all other female writers in our ranks, as a literary woman. She has talent, scholarship, taste, and a love of literature and literary labor, all of which she will bring to her new work. She is to be ably seconded by a corps of contributors. Mrs. C. A. Soule Holcomb, of Boonsboro', Iowa, will retain her connection wtth the Magazine, which gives it a claim on Western women.'

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Miss Minnie S. Davis will become Assistant Editor. Miss Davis is the author of "Marion Lester" and "The Harvest of Love," and is well known to the readers of the Repository by her many excellent contributions during the past three years.

With this trio of Editors, aided by a host of talented Contributors and Correspondents, the Repository will rank among the first Magazines in this country.

It has been deemed advisable to omit the Juvenile Department, but this will not prevent the publication of good Juvenile Stories occasionally.

The new volume will contain a much larger amount of reading, as the type will be set solid, the space between the lines being omitted.

It will continue to be a medium for the choice productions of our female writers, while it will also contain good articles on moral and religious topics from many of our clergy and laymen.

The Repository will be made a real HOME COMPANION, combining the substantial thoughts of our ablest minds, with the lighter reading of our best story writers.

The form of the Repository will be the same as during the past year, thus making a uniformity in the New Series, which commenced with the present (twenty-ninth) volume. Each number will contain forty-eight double column octavo pages of solid reading matter, making FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX PAGES at the close of the volume.

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And Clubs of Ten or more, $1.50 per year, the cash in all cases to accompany the list. Persons getting up Clubs of Ten or more will receive one copy gratis in addition.

Twenty-five good, responsible men, are wanted to canvass for the Repository, to whom liberal discounts will be given. Address

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A. TOMPKINS, Publisher, 25 Cornhill, Boston.

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CHEAP! CHEAP! Having removed from our old quarters, we have collected together a number of past volumes of the UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY and LADIES' REPOSITORY, which we propose to sell in numbers, at the low price of 75 CENTS PER VOLUME, Postage pre-paid. These volumes contain a large amount of reading, and are excellent for School, Teachers', Social, or Family Libraries. They are perfect in every respect. Hereafter we shall publish only the number required to supply our regular subscribers, and those who desire these back volumes should send at once. Regular price $2.00 per volume; but the room they occupy is needed for other stock, hence the reduction.

Of the Universalist Quarterly, we have all the volumes from 1 to 17. except volume 2. Of the Ladies' Repository, vols. 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 28.

We have, also, vols, 1 and 4 of the Universalist Expositor,-published prior to the Quarterlywhich we will sell at the same price. All who desire any of these volumes should send at once, direct to

A. TOMPKINS, Publisher, 25 Cornhill, Boston,


ABEL TOMPKINS, Proprietor,



All Books published in the Universalist Denomination,




constantly on hand, and furnished at the very lowest prices. Complete Catalogues sent by mail when desired.

Bacon's Sabbath School Service Book

Has been the established Service Book in the Universalist Denomination for many years. Over TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND copies have been sold. The superiority of this book over all others consists in the variety and number of Special Services, the simplicity of language, the variety of music, and the appropriateness of the responses. There is nothing published that is equal to it. It is sold at the low rate of $2.50 per dozen.


of every kind suitable for Universalist Sabbath School Libraries, constantly on hand. Particular care is taken to select such books as are not objectionable to Universalists generally, and the largest assortment of Juvenile Books in Boston can be found at this store. Universalist Societies and Sabbath Schools in all parts of the country will find it to their advantage to send directly to Boston for Library Books, as they will be sure to secure the RIGHT KIND of books, and at such low prices as will more than remunerate them for the cost of transportation. Perfect satisfaction warranted in all cases. As new books are being continually added to the stock, it is impossible to keep a complete list of Juveniles, and to secure such as are desirable in a Universalist Sabbath School Library, the following is all that is necessary to send :

1st. A catalogue of books already in your Library.

2d. The sum to be expended.

3d. The average age of the Scholars for whom the books are intended.

Where volumes are desired for Teachers' Library or Department, let this fact be stated, and the books will be selected accordingly.


Twenty or thirty good responsible men wanted in various parts of the country to sell Universalist publications, and to canvass for the "Ladies Repository," to whom liberal discount will be made, by which an active, energetic man can make money. For particulars, and a catalogue of Universalist books, address



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Our friends will pardon me in calling their attention to the terms of the "Ladies' Repository," especially in these troubled times, when we need every cent, to meet current expenses. Now is the time for the true friends of the Repository to come forward and help the undersigned, and the best way to do it, is, on receipt of this number, to forward the amount which they severally owe. It will be most gratefully received, and the favor will never be forgotten.

I would take this opportunity of calling the attention of our readers to Mrs. Soule's letter in the Editor's Table. Also, to the few remarks of the Editor, at the close of the number; they both speak of the need of some effort on the part of our friends to aid the Repository now. A little effort at this time would cheer us much, and place the work in a position where we could reciprocate the friendly act, by renewed efforts to please our subscribers.

By a glance at the contents of the two numbers of the present volume, and the writers, it will be seen that for variety and excellence, they will compare favorably with any previous number. Both Editors and Publisher will spare no pains to make

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M. L. & M. J. B. Huntington, 2.00 each; S. C. B., Rochester, 2.00; J. A. S., New London, 2.00; E. P. S,, Auburn, 2.00. L. P., Hartford, Wis., 2.00; L. M., Williamstown, 2.00; J. K. P. Veray, 2.00 for Quar. and 2.00 for Repository; E. K. Uniouville, 2.00; B. H. Middle Haddam, 2.00; M. B., Milton, 2.00; C. T., Stoughton, 2.00; M. A. W., North Clarendon, 1.75; G. M. P., Stafford, 2.00.


The above will be published about the middle of September, in time for the United States' Convention, which meets in New York, on the 17th of September.

Orders should be sent in early, as only a limited edition will be printed. It will contain a complete Calendar for the year, a Clergyman's Almanac, valuable articles on theology, a large number of interesting anecdotes, complete statistics of the Universalist Denomination, with a list of all the clergymen and their post-office address.

One hundred copies,.

One dozen copies,.

Single copies,.





Every Universalist should have a copy of this annual record of our denomination. It is an invaluable publication Send four three cent postage stamps to A. TOMPKINS, 25 Cornhill, Boston, and you will receive the Register by return mail, post

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