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it descends towards the inferior [principles] with man it becomes unpacific and tumultuous on account of the things therein being inordinate, n. 8823. The quality of the Lord's influx with the prophets, n. 6212.

That there is a common (or general) influx, which is described, n. 5850. That it is a continual effort of acting according to order, n. 6211. That this influx takes place into the lives of animals, n. 5850. And also into the subjects of the vegetable kingdom, n. 3648. That thought is formed into speech, and the will into gestures with man, according to this common (or general) influx, n. 5862, 5990, 6192, 6211.

278. Of the influx of life with man in particular. That there is one only fountain of life, from which all live both in heaven and in the world, n. 1954, 2021, 2536, 2658, 2886 to 2889, 3001, 3484, 3742, 5847, 6467. That this life is from the Lord alone, illustrated by various things, n. 2886 to 2889, 3344, 3484, 4319, 4320, 4524, 4882, 5986, 6325, 6468, 6469, 6470, 9276, 10196. That the Lord is life itself, may be seen in John i. 1, 4; chap. v. 26; chap xiv. 6. That life from the Lord flows-in with angels, spirits, and men, in a wonderful manner, n. 2886 to 2889, 5337, 3338, 3484, 3742. That the Lord flows-in from his divine love, which is of such a quality, that it wills that what is its own should be another's, n. 3742, 4320. That all love is of such a quality, thus divine love infinitely more so, n. 1820, 1865, 2253, 6872. That hence life appears as if it were in man, and not as flowing-in, n. 5742, 4320. The reason why life appears as if it were in man, is also because the principal cause, which is life from the Lord, and the instrumental cause, which is the recipient form, act as one cause, which is felt in the instrumental, n. 6325. That the chief of the wisdom and intelligence of the angels consists in perceiving and knowing that the all of life is from the Lord, n. 4318. Concerning the joy of angels perceived and confirmed by their discourse to me, from the consideration, that they do not live from themselves, but from

the Lord, n. 6469. That the evil are not willing to be convinced that life is received by influx, n. 3743. That doubts concerning the influx of life from the Lord cannot be removed, so long as fallacies, ignorance, and a negative [principle] prevail, n. 6479. That it is generally known in the church, that all good and truth is from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord, and that all evil and false is from hell; and yet the all of life hath relation to good and truth, and to evil and the false, insomuch that there is nothing of life without them, n. 2893, 4151. That the doctrinal tenets of the church derived from the Word teach the same thing, n. 4249. That nevertheless man does not believe that life flows-in, n. 4249. That if the communication and connexion with spirits and angels were taken away, man would instantly die, n. 2887. That it is evident from hence, that the all of life flows-in from the first esse of life, because nothing exists from itself, but from things prior to itself, thus all things and singulars exist from that which is first; and because every thing must subsist from the same source from which it first existed, inasmuch as subsistence is perpetual existence, n. 4523, 4524. That angels, spirits, and men, were created to receive life, thus that they are only forms recipient of life, n. 2021, 3001, 3318, 3344, 3484, 3742, 4151, 5114, 5986. That their forms are such as is the quality of their reception, n. 2888, 3001, 3484, 5847, 59S6, 6467, 6472. That men, spirits, and angels, are therefore such


are their forms recipient of life from the Lord, n. 2888, 5847, 5986, 6467, 6472. That man is so created, that in his inmost [principles], and in the principles following in order, he is capable of receiving the Divine, and of being elevated to the Divine, and of being conjoined with the Divine by means of the good of love and the truths of faith, and that on this account he lives to eternity, which is not the case with beasts, n. 5114.

That life from the Lord flows-in also with the evil, thus also with those who are in hell, n. 2706, 3743, 4417, 10196. But that they turn good into evil and

truth into the false, and thus life into spiritual death, for such as the man is, such is his reception of life, n. 4319, 4320, 4417. That goods and truths from the Lord are also continually flowing-in with them, but that they either reject or suffocate, or pervert them, n. 3743. That they who are in evils, and from thence in falses, have not real life, and the quality of their life, n. 726, 4623, 4742, 10284, 10286.

279. Of order. That divine truth proceeding from the Lord is that from which order is, and that divine good is the essential of order, n. 1728, 2258, 8700, 8988. That the Lord is order, inasmuch as divine good and divine truth are from the Lord, yea, are the Lord, in the heavens and in the earths, n. 1919, 2011, 5110, 5703, 10336, 10619. That divine truths are the laws of order, n. 2247, 7995. That where order is, there the Lord is present, but that where order is not, there the Lord is not present, n. 5703. Inasmuch as divine truth is order, and divine good is the essential of order, that therefore all and singular the things in the universe have relation to good and truth, that they may be any thing, because they have relation to order, n. 2451, 3166, 4390, 4409, 5232, 7256, 10122, 10555. That good, as being the essential of order, disposes truths into order, and not vice versa, n. 3316, 3470, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690. That the universal heaven, as to all the angelic societies, is arranged by the Lord according to his divine order, because the Divine of the Lord with the angels constitutes heaven, n. 3038, 7211, 9128, 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. That hence the form of heaven is a form according to divine order, n. 4040 to 4043, 6607 to 9877.

That so far as man lives according to order, thus so far as he lives in good according to divine truths, which are the laws of order, so far is he a man, n. 4839. That so far as he thus lives, so far does he appear in the other life as a perfect and beautiful man, but so far as he does not thus live, so far does he appear as a monster, n. 4839, 6605, 6626. Hence it appears that all things of order are collected together in man, and that from creation he is divine order

in a form, n. 4219, 4220, 4223, 4523, 4524, 5114, 5368, 6013, 6057, 6605, 6626, 9706, 10156, 10472. That every angel is in a human form in consequence of being a recipient of divine order from the Lord, which form is perfect and beautiful according to his reception, n. 322, 1880, 1881, 5633, 3804, 4622, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 6054, 9879, 10177, 10594. That the angelic heaven in its whole com plex is also in a human form, by reason that the universal heaven as to all the angelic societies therein, is disposed by the Lord according to divine order, n. 2996, 2998, 3624 to 3649, 3636 to 3643, 3741 to 3745, 4625. Hence it is evident, that it is the Divine Human from which all these things are derived, n. 2996, 2998, 3624 to 3649, 3741 to 3745. Hence also it follows, that the Lord is the only man, and that they are men who receive the Divine from him, n. 1894. That so far as they receive it, so far they are images of the Lord, n. 8547.

That man is not born into good and truth, but into evil and the false, thus not into divine order, but into what is contrary to order, and that on this account he is born into mere ignorance, and ought therefore necessarily to be born anew, that is re generated, which is done by means of divine truths from the Lord, and by means of a life according to them, to the intent that he may be inaugurated into order, and thus become a man, n. 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731. That when the Lor1 regenerates man, he disposes all things with him according to order, that is, according to the form of heaven, n. 5700, 6690, 9931, 10303. That the man who is led by the Lord, is led accord. ing to divine order, n. 8512. That the interiors which are of the mind are open into heaven, even to the Lord, with the man who is in divine order, but shut with him who is not in divine order, n. 8513. That so far as man lives according to order, so far he has intelligence and wisdom, n. 2592,

That the Lord governs the first and ultimate principles] of order, and that he governs the first [principles] from the ultimates, and the ultimate prin


ples] from the first; and that thus he keeps all things in connection and order, n. 3702, 3739, 6040, 6056, 9828. Of successive order; and of the ultimate [principle] of order, in which things successive are together in their own order, n. 634, 3691, 4145, 5114, 5897, 6239, 6326, 6465, 8603, 9216, 9217, 9828, 9836, 10044, 10099, 10329, 10335.

That evils and falses are contrary to order, and that still they are governed by the Lord, not according to order, but from order, n. 4839, 7877, 10778. That evils and falses are governed by means of the laws of permission, and that this is for the sake of order, n. 7877, 8700, 10778. That what is contrary to divine order is impossible, as that a man who lives in evil can be saved from mercy alone, as likewise that the evil can be consociated with the good in the other life, and many other things, n. 8700.

Of the LORD.

280. GOD is one, who is the creator of the

universe and the conservator of the universe; thus who is the God of heaven and the God of the earth.

281. There are two things which constitute the life of heaven with man, the good of love and the truth of faith; man has this life from God, and nothing at all [of it] from man; wherefore the primary [principle] of the church is, to acknowlege God, to believe in God, and to love him.

282. They who are born within the church ought to acknowlege the Lord, his Divine and G G


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