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explained to them the preparation, qualities, and uses of animal substances employed in the Arts, such as leather, silk, wool, and horn.

In the Vegetable Group such distinctions as that of endogen and exogen should be made clear; the gradual growth of plants such as beans and wheat should be traced; the uses of vegetable substances, such as cotton, linen, starch, sugar, coffee, tea, and india-rubber, with the processes of manufacture, should be explained.

In the Mineral Group attention should be called to the general properties of metals, iron, copper, silver, gold, lead, tin, zinc, mercury, etc., and the qualities peculiar to each. The iron and steel manufactures, and the making of brick, pottery, earthenware, etc., may be explained; and the distillation of coal and manufacture of gas, may be experimentally illustrated.

A graphic oral lesson requires constant acquisition of fresh matter, rearrangement of plan, thoughtful preparation of illustrations or experiments, as well as a copious choice of language, and a readiness of adaptability to difficulties that may arise in the course of a lesson for which no preparation can be made.


Division 3 (Standards II. and III.).

Note Test.-(1) To sing slowly as directed by the Examiner's pointer, using the sol-fa syllables, a series of notes in the key of C, containing an F sharp contradicted by an F natural, and a B flat contradicted by a B natural. The F sharp should be approached by the note G and return to G as in the example, and the B should

be approached by C, and be followed by A as in the example.


Time Test.-(2 a) To sing on one sound to the syl

4 3

lable "laa" an exercise in or time, containing semi4 4

breves, minims, crotchets, and quavers, with dotted minims, and rests on non-accented portions of the bar.


(2b) Or, to say rhythmically the value names of the same notes as before explained. (See Division II., Time Test (2 b).

Ear Test.-(3) To repeat and afterwards give the names of any consecutive three notes of the scale of C which the Examiner may first sing to the syllable laa, or play twice after having sung or played the whole scale of C.

(By Examiner.)




Sol, Fa, Mi.

(The above test should only be applied to the more advanced children of this division.)

Song Test.-(4) To sing in unison, or in two parts, if preferred, in good time and tune, and with due expression, a school song or round (set to words) previously prepared.


Division 3.

Note Test (Modulator).—(1a) To sol-fa from the Examiner's pointing on the modulator, or from dictation, in any key, simple passages in the major diatonic scale, including fe and ta in stepwise progression, used thus: s fe s—d' ta 1.


dm sls mfrs fm sdtis fe s fm s d'tals 1 td's m d

Note Test (written or printed).-(1b) To sol-fa at sight a written or printed exercise, including the notes of the Doh chord in any order, and any other notes of the major diatonic scale in stepwise succession. The exercise not to contain any difficulties of time.


: d M :r

d :m ន :f M :8

:8 1 :t d' :

Time Test.-(2) To sing on one sound to the syllable

"laa" an exercise in three-pulse or four-pulse measure, containing one-pulse notes, half-pulse notes, and whole pulse rests on the non-accented pulses of the measure.

[blocks in formation]

Ear Test.-(3) To imitate to "laa," and afterwards give the names of, the tones of the scale in stepwise succession, which the Examiner may first sing or play twiceafter having sung or played the chord of the key note.

Example.-Examiner sings d ms d' s m d. Then to "laa" he sings sf m, s f m. The children then repeat to "laa," and afterwards give the sol-fa names.

(The above test should only be applied to the more advanced children of this division.)

Song Test. (4) To sing in unison, or in parts, if preferred, in good time and tune, and with due expression, a school song or round (set to words) previously prepared.

N.B. By the Education Department's Circular, the children of Standard II. will be required to pass the tests placed in this scheme for Standard III.


(Scheme continued from p. 81.)


(1) To sing the chord of Soh,' in connection with that of Doh' as directed in the exercises of the school charts.

"(2) To sing simple modulator exercises, introducing all the tones of the major diatonic scale.


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"(3) To sing from dictation a simple phrase or passage. (4) To sing similar exercises from the manual signs. (5) Ear Tests. To tell any tone of the scale on hearing it sung twice to 'laa,' the chord of the tonic having been sung.


"(1) To sing on one tone, 'laa,' in correct time, an exercise in two, three, or four-pulse measure, containing only whole pulse notes and their continuations, half-pulse notes, and whole pulse rests on the non-accented pulses of the measure.

"(2) To read a similar exercise in time. By reading in time is meant, that the sol-fa names of the note should be said, giving to each its proper duration of time.

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66 Time and Tune.

(1) To sing any of the Exercises 1 to 20 of the school charts in correct time and tune.


(2) To sing in correct time and tune a similar exercise from the blackboard, the time having been first learnt. "(3) To sing in unison, or in parts if preferred, in good time and tune, and with due expression, five school songs.

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