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(5) Northumberland and Durham.-Physical features, industries, towns, products.

(6) Cumberland and Westmoreland.-Physical features, industries, towns, products.

(7) Lancashire and Yorkshire.-Physical features, industries, towns, products.

(8) Internal communications of six northern counties; recapitulating.

(9) The Dee.-Physical features, industries, products, towns, of Cheshire.

(10) Severn basin.-Counties, physical features, towns, products.

(11) Counties in Wales.-Physical features.

(12) Industries of Welsh counties.

(13) Internal communications of Wales.

(14) Thames basin.-Physical features, counties. (15) Industries, towns, products, internal communi

cations in 14.

(16) Great Ouse basin.-Counties, physical features. (17) Industries, towns, products, internal communications in 16.

(18) Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex.-Physical features, industries, towns, internal communications.

(19) Lincolnshire.—Physical features, industries, towns, internal communications.

(20) Hants and Dorset.-Physical features, industries, towns, internal communications.

(21) Devonshire and Cornwall.-Physical features, industries, products, towns, etc.

(22) Eastern coast-line.-Peculiarities.

(23) Southern counties and coast-line.-Peculiarities. (24) Western coast-line.-Peculiarities.

(25) Railway journeys. - County town to London, Hull, Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester, Yarmouth, Brighton, etc.


"The examination of a Girls' School where Geography is wholly omitted, is a curious experience. The girls seem like machines; they can do certain things well,—read, write, spell, cypher, sew, draw, and parse, but of any acquaintance with the world around them they do not show a trace. The weak point in the Geography has been that the work of each year is allowed to be forgotten in subsequent years. Whatever has been once learnt should be gone over again from time to time, so that it may become fixed in the children's minds and be remembered in after life."-MR. BAILEY.

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'Geography widens the sympathies, enlarges the area of mental vision, quickens the power of observation, cultivates memory, and affords to curiosity abundant interest and amusement."-MR. DU PORT.

"Map drawing from memory is a valuable exercise, and should be attempted in all Standards above the Second."-MR. FISHER.

"In some Girls' Schools Geography is intelligently taught, and the girls answer briskly and well. It used to be a prevalent superstition that girls could learn Grammar but not Geography, but this is now refuted by facts."-MR. SYNGE.

SINGING (STANDARD III.). Same Government requirements as in preceding


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Continuation of Mr. Watkins' Scheme.


(1) To sing the chord of 'Fah' in connection with those of 'Doh' and 'Soh,' as directed in the exercises of

the school charts.




(2) To sing from the teacher's pointing on the modulator, an exercise including all the tones of the major diatonic scale, together with fe and ta in stepwise succession, thus: s fe s-d' ta 1.

"(3) To sing similar exercises from dictation and the manual signs.


(4) To pitch the key-tone in keys C, D, E, F, G, A, B, with the aid of a tuning-fork.

"(5) Ear Tests.-To imitate to 'laa,' and afterwards give the names of the tones of the scale in stepwise succession, which the teacher may first sing twice, the chord of the key-note having been sung.



(1) To sing on one tone, 'laa,' an exercise in two, three, or four-pulse measure, containing whole pulse notes, half-pulse notes, and whole pulse rests on the non-accented pulses of the measure.

"(2) To read in time, as in Standard II., a similar exercise.


"Time and Tune.

(1) To sing in correct time and tune any of the exercises 1 to 26 of the school charts, or a similar one from the blackboard, the time being taken first, then the tune.


(2) Introduce two-part singing, and be able to sing the easy two-part exercises of school charts. As an introduction to two-part singing, divide the class into two parts, let both parts sing 'doh,' then direct one part to sing 'me,' the other part holding on the 'doh.' Do this in other keys, and with other tones of the scale.


(3) To sing in unison or in parts in good time and tune, and with due expression, five school songs.



"Voice Training.

(1) Exercises, as in Standard I., in keys D, E flat, and E. (2) Teach the scale exercises in these keys to syllable 'ah,' the teacher noticing carefully any faults in the production of tones, such as coarseness, breathiness, etc."



READING" To read a few lines from a reading-book or History of England."

[Three sets of readers are required for this Standard, of which one must be a History Reader, and another may be a Geographical or Scientific Reader.]

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WRITING "Eight lines of poetry or prose, slowly read once, and then dictated." Copybooks to be shown." (New Code, 1883.)

"In Standard IV. and those above it, writing should be running, free, and symmetrical, as well as legible and clear. If poetry is selected for dictation, the scholars should be made clearly to understand before beginning to write where each line commences and ends. A pass should not be withheld if the writing is fair, and the errors in spelling do not exceed three." (Instructions to Inspectors.)

ARITHMETIC. 66 Compound rules (money) and reduction of common weights and measures; viz. avoirdupois weight, long, liquid, time, square, and cubical measure.” (New Code, 1883.)

"You will probably continue the usual practice of setting in all Standards above the First, four sums, of which not more than one should be a problem, and of

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