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Where the Laws Are Enforced

If you wanted to find a place in which the laws are really enforced where would you go? Kansas holds the proud distinction, alone perhaps of all our States, of executing the legislation on the statute books. Moreover, the government protects its citizens, as does no other State, against their own perverse attempts to contract contagious diseases. The Kansans are a peculiar people-peculiar in the right, the law-abiding way—as Henry M. Hyde shows in the leading article in Technical World Magazine for September.

Engine Makes Its Debut

This article is contributed by the well-known writer, C. F. Carter, who can make an account of an invention have all the absorbing interest of an Arabian Night's tale, and without sacrificing anything of accuracy, either. He's got good material to work, with, too-the story of the long struggle of the inventor of the wonderful new Herrick engine that has created such a sensation among engineers and scientists.

Wild Game to Cut Meat Bills

¶ Has it occurred to you while boycotting the packers that you need not deprive yourself of the choicest of flesh foods? John L. Cowan give us a tip-and a mighty important one, at that—on how to circumvent some of the present high prices. He makes you acquainted with many new foods.

Is Mars Breaking Up?

All astronomers admit that there are tremendous geological changes taking place on Mars at the present time. Are the new fissures, so rapidly appearing on its surface, additional canals being dug by the frantic Martians to divert the overflow of seas and lakes that have been driven from their customary beds? This article by F. A. Talbot will act as a fillip to the most jaded imagination.


will present half a score of other articles of equal interest and importance.

Technical World Magazine

On All News-stands, August 17th

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