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552 Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.

June 9

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Oct. 22

629 Same to same.

Oct. 30

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Recognition of the provisional government. In- 393
closes correspondence with the Dominican for-
eign office on the subject.

Presentation of the letter of President Roosevelt
to President A. Woss y Gil. Incloses corre-
spondence relating to the.
Blockade of insurgent ports. Full report of the
demand made on the steamship Cherokee to
discharge her cargo for the ports of Puerto Plata
and Samana at Santo Domingo. Incloses cor-
respondence with the minister for foreign af-
fairs who contends that the interdiction was
not made under orders of blockade, but by vir-
tue of the company's contract, and his letter of
advice to the master of the vessel.

.do... Same subject. Blockade has been declared, but
no notice has been given to the legation. Both
Dominican vessels are in Santo Domingo harbor.
Nov. 3 Same subject. The Cherokee left for Samana with
a letter from the legation to the United States
naval commander requesting the latter to con-
voy her into port.





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from the

1903. Jan. 13

French embassy. Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay (tele- Apr. 16 gram).


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Claims of France against Venezuela. Statement
of the position of the French Government.
Visit of United States war vessels to Marseille to
participate in the reception of President Loubet

Same subject. The United States European
Squadron will proceed to Marseille.
Same subject. High appreciation by the French
Government and people evinced by the special
marks of attention paid by President Loubet
to Admiral Cotton in Marseille and Paris. In-
closes clipping from the New York Herald.

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Hay.. July 3 Stoppage on the high seas of the French steamer

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Desertion of seamen on the Pacific coast. In-
closes letter from the Rickmers Reismühlen
Rhederei & Schiffbau A. G., complaining of the
rapid increase of desertions of ships' crews in
California, and requests that the Government
of the United States earnestly apply itself to
afford an effectual remedy.

Same subject. The matter has been brought to
the attention of the governors of California and

Same subject. The governor of California re-
ports that he has requested the local authori-
ties to strictly observe the provisions of the con-
sular convention of 1871.


Mr. Hay to Mr. von Holleben.

Dec. 17


Same to same...

1902. Feb.











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Mr. Dodge to Mr. Hay.....

1902. Nov. 28

2154 Same to same......c..



Mr. Hay to Mr. Dodge (tele-




Same to same...

Dec. 10

Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower Dec. 12

Difficulty with Venezuela. Incloses semiofficial
announcement of the sending of three more
small cruisers to Venezuelan waters.
Same subject. The under secretary for foreign
affairs denies, in an interview, report of in-
crease of German naval forces in Venezuelan

Same subject. The President would be pleased
to see a settlement effected through J. & W.
Seligman & Co.
Same subject. The under secretary for foreign
affairs mentioned, at a reception, presentation
of ultimatum and negotiations with Great
Britain about display of force. Seligman's offer
of financial assistance to Venezuela not offi-
cially known at the foreign office. Incloses
text of memorandum laid before the Reichstag.
Same subject. Directs to inform the German
Government that the United States does not
acquiesce in any extension of the doctrine of
pacific blockade which may affect adversely
the rights of States not parties to the contro-
versy, or discriminate against the commerce of
neutral nations.

Same to same (telegram) Same subject. Directs to inform the German

Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay (tele-

Dec. 14

Mr. Hay to Mr. Tower (tele-

Dec. 16

Dec. 17


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Dec. 18

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Government that the Venezuelan Government
requests the United States minister to communi-
cate a proposition to Germany that the present
difficulty relating to the manner of settling
claims of German subjects be submitted to

Same subject. The German Government has
yielded to the wishes of Great Britain and in-
tends to unite in a joint declaration of a war-
like blockade, but has at present no intention
to declare war.

Same subject. Directs to ascertain what is in-
tended by a warlike blockade without war,
and to represent the desirability of arbitration.
Same subject. Gives substance of interviews at
the foreign office.

Same subject. Department's telegram relating
to arbitration of claims has been submitted to
the German Government.
Same subject. Capture of Venezuelan gunboats.
Gives names of boats captured and explanation
relating to the destruction of two of them.
Same subject. Directs to inform the German
Government that the Government of Venezuela
has conferred upon the United States minister
to Venezuela full powers to enter into negotia-
tions on the part of Venezuela to settle present
difficulties and to ascertain if Germany is dis-
posed to assent thereto.

Mr. Tower to Mr. Hay (tele- Same subject. Blockade and arbitration. War-

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like blockade will be enforced under the rules
of Capt. Charles H. Stockton's naval war code,
although it is not intended to make a formal
declaration of war. Question of arbitration is
under consideration and is acceptable in prin-
ciple to Germany.

Same subject. Germany and Great Britain have
agreed to invite the President of the United
States to act as arbitrator. Certain claims will
be reserved.

Same subject. Proposal to empower the United
States minister to Venezuela to enter into ne-
gotiations has been communicated to the Ger-
man Government.

Same subject. Arbitration. The President has
informed Venezuela of the proposed invitation
to act as arbitrator, and inquired if it is the
wish of Venezuela that he so act. The Presi-
dent desires to be informed more precisely of
the reservations of the subject-matter of arbi-
tration contemplated.
Same subject. Blockade.

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Dec. 23 Difficulty with Venezuela. Arbitration. German
memorandum accepting arbitration of claims
under reservation of those specified in the
memorandum of the chancellor to the Reichs-
tag of December 8, 1902, and amounting to
the aggregate of $325,000, to be immediately
paid, defining the scope of arbitration, tender-
ing the office of arbitrator to the President, and
accepting recourse to The Hague Tribunal if
the President declines.

Dec. 24 Same subject. The German Government an-
nounces that as the President has been invited
to act as arbitrator, this invitation must take
precedence of the proposal made by the Vene-
zuelan Government that the United States
minister there should be empowered to nego-
tiate as the representative of that Government.
Same subject. Incloses text of the memoran-
dum relating to arbitration.
Same subject. Arbitration by The Hague Tribu-
nal is preferred by the President, who will
continue extending good offices if desirable.
Same subject. German preliminary conditions
have been telegraphed in full to the United
Venezuela's re-
States minister at Caracas.
sponse will be promptly communicated.

.do... Dec. 26

Dec. 27

Dec. 29 Same subject. Încloses memorandum of German claims and grievances.


Same subject.

Incloses memorandum from the German foreign office relating to the appointment of United States Minister Bowen as Venezuela's plenipotentiary.










.do... Same subject. President Roosevelt's declination
of the office of arbitrator has been communi-
cated to the German Government.
sentiment of the German people.
Same subject. Instructs to communicate to the
German Government a telegram from the
United States minister to Venezuela containing
President Castro's reply to the German prelim-
inary conditions.


Dec. 31


1- Jan. 2 Jan. 6

Same subject. Above telegram has been com-
municated to the German Government.
Same subject.

The German Government will
open negotiations with Minister Bowen in
Washington upon receipt of definite statement
of President Castro accepting preliminary
conditions. Negotiations not to prejudice the
right of reference to The Hague Tribunal. ... Same subject. Advises him of acceptance by
Great Britain of the negotiation if Venezuela
assents to the conditions imposed by Great


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Same subject. Incloses text of German memo-
randum accepting, conditionally, the negotia-
tion with Minister Bowen.

Same subject. Designation of Minister Bowen
as Venezuela's plenipotentiary. Quotes tele-
gram of January 8 from Mr. Bowen.
President Castro's answer has
Same subject.
been communicated to the minister for foreign
affairs, who incidentally remarked that the
answer was still lacking a definite statement
as to the payment of claims or security therefor.
Same subject. Mr. Bowen is coming to Wash-
ington. Instructs to suggest that the matter
of raising the blockade be taken into consider-
ation with a view to early determination.
Same subject. Blockade. The minister for for-
eign affairs states that the subject will be dealt
with in the answer of Germany to Venezuela.
Same subject. Reports in full interview with
Baron Richthofen on the matter of raising the

Same subject. The German Government will
instruct its representative in Washington to
open negotiations with Mr. Bowen upon the
distinct agreement that Venezuela declares
itself bound by the three conditions set out in













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Military service. The application of George Hoferer for permission to visit his home has been denied on the ground that he emigrated after being actually enrolled. Difficulty with Venezuela. Raising of blockade of Maracaibo and Puerto Cabello officially announced.

Same subject. Incloses notes from the foreign office announcing the raising of the blockade. Same subject. Asks if the chargé d'affaires of the United States in Venezuela can remain in charge of German interests there until the arrival of the German minister. Right of consuls to apply directly to local authorities for information. Reports that the consulgeneral at Frankfort was denied information by the police of that city, the latter claiming that such applications must be made through the diplomatic channel. Discusses the matter and requests instruction. Blockade of insurgent ports by the Venezuelan Government. Transmits announcement of the reestablishment of the blockade of the Orinoco River and of the ports of Carupano and Guanta. Military fine imposed on Jacob Roos. Incloses petition for release from and permission to visit Germany. Blockade of insurgent ports by the Venezuelan Government. Decree of, has been revoked. Right of consuls to apply directly to local authority for information is defined and limited by the treaty, which reads in conformity to the version of the German Government. Discusses the question. Claims against Venezuela.

Arbitration of the preferential treatment of the blockading powers by The Hague Tribunal. Incloses draft of protocol of agreement. Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of above..

Same subject. Respecting the reference of the question of the preferential treatment of claims to the tribunal at The Hague. Text.

Military fine imposed on Jacob Roos. The German Government adhering to its position that the naturalization treaty does not apply to Alsace-Lorraine will, however, permit Roos to visit his home there upon payment of the fine. Visit of United States war vessels to Kiel. Gives full report of the courtesies extended to the officers by the Emperor and officers of the German navy, text of an address by the ambas sador at the dinner given in honor of Admiral Cotton and his officers, and the Emperor's reply. Impressment of Toni Schnackenberg into the German army in spite of his American passport. Release was ordered, although it was at first claimed that the passport was not suffi cient evidence of citizenship. Desertion of seamen on the Pacific coast. court commissioner at San Francisco requires that all requests for the arrest of deserters shall hereafter be presented to a court of record, which is in contradiction of the consular convention of 1871, and will cause loss of time and a large increase of cost, asks that that officer be instructed to recede from his position. Same subject. Quotes from an opinion of the attorney-general, who suggests that the question be fully presented to the proper court by the German consul.


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Dec. 5 Difficulty with Venezuela. With reference to the

Dec. 12

.do ... Dec. 15

effort of J. & W. Seligman & Co. to make an
arrangement for the settlement of the Vene-
zuelan debt, expresses the wish of the President
that force may not be resorted to by Germany
and Great Britain, the United States Govern-
ment assumes no obligation of any nature in
the way of guaranty.

Same subject. See telegram of same date under

Same subject. See telegram of same date under

Same subject. Reports that no reply to Venezuelan proposal is possible to-day on account of the absence of members of the Government. Dec. 16 Same subject. Reports statement made in the House of Lords by the minister for foreign affairs touching the blockade of Venezuelan ports and denying intention to land forces or to occupy territory.

.do... Same subject. Instructs to ascertain whether Great Britain insist on a warlike blockade, and, if so, to get a definition of what is intended thereby, also to represent the desirability of arbitration.

Dec. 17

Same subject. Reports that he has represented
the desirability of arbitration to the minister
for foreign affairs.

.do... Same subject. The blockade of Venezuelan ports
will be jure gentium, but will not be declared
for several days because Germany requires the
assent of the Bundesrath.

.do... Same subject. Incloses his note to the minister
for foreign affairs making reservations in rela-
tion to the "pacific" blockade.
Same subject. Reports the remarks of the prime
minister in the House of Commons on the sub-
ject of the blockade and the state of war in

Dec. 18

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Same subject. Notice of blockade of Venezuelan
ports as published in the supplement to the Lon-
don Gazette.


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