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1690, Baron Horton, the French governor of the colony of Newfoundland, had made a journey into the interior of America, and is supposed to have reached and navigated the Mississippi river, in the vicinity of which he learned from tribes of natives, who brought him captives of other tribes, of the existence of a great inland salt sea; and this information, communicated by the Baron to his countrymen, is the first recorded history we have touching this wondrous lake. The Baron writes:

"The Mozeemlek nation is numerous and puissant. These four captives informed me that, at a distance of one hundred and fifty leagues from where I then was, their principal river empties itself into a salt lake of three hundred leagues in circumference, the mouth of which is two leagues broad; that there are a hundred towns, great and small, around that sort of sea, and upon it they navigate with such boats as you see drawn on the map, which map the Mozeemlek people drew me on the bark of trees; that the people of that country made stuffs, copper axes, and several other manufactures."

We next find mention of Salt lake and its vicinity in a publication deriving its authority on this subject from the accounts of the natives of the interior, and issued in 1772, with the remarkable title of "A description of the Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French called Louisiana;" in which is given an account of "a lake many leagues west of the mountains in which there is no living creature, but around its shores the spirits inhabit in great vapors; and out of that lake a great river dise.nbogues into the South sea."

In the winter of 1824-5, a party of American trappers, connected with the fur company of Ashley, Henry, and others, found themselves in the vicinity of Great

Salt lake, and James Bridger, one of the number, was intrusted to follow the course of Bear river, in which he was led to discover the lake, and, after tasting its water, had concluded that it must be an arm of the Pacific ocean. In the spring of 1826, four men, in skin canoes, explored its margin and islands in search of an outlet and in pursuit of beaver, neither of which were found. This is supposed to have been the first American discovery of this inland sea, and James Bridger is supposed to have been the real discoverer.

The expeditions fitted out by the United States in 1842-5, under the leadership of John C. Fremont, and subsequent scientific expeditions, brought for the first time to the notice of the general public the wonders of Great Salt lake and its vicinity, and the final settlement of the Mormon pilgrims at this point. The overland emigration to California and Oregon, and finally the completion of the great overland railroad, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans by steam, and passing close to the northern end of the lake, and through the entire length of Utah, has brought this whole region, with its natural wonders and its singular people, into direct contact with the public.

The traveller will now find in Utah, in addition to railroad conveniences, a comfortable steamboat_navigating the waters of Great Salt lake.

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Population and religions of the world-Christianity-Mohammedanism-Buddhism Judaism Mormonism: its rise, progress, history, and practices-Joseph the prophet and his followersThe golden plates from the hill Cumorah-Christ in AmericaMormon and Moroni-John the Baptist ordains Joseph SmithSmith's birth, early history, life, adventures, and death-Polygamy-Brigham Young: his birth, history, and career-Desertion of Nauvoo-Mormons march westward-Settle at Salt lakeTheir city, religion, society, and practices-Despotism in UtahMormon godhead.

IN considering the peculiar religious tenets of the only organized religious body claiming to be Christian which still practices, as a part of its faith, polygamy, and holds a distinct revelation from God to its prophet, it is well to briefly review the several religious divisions of the earth, and the leading organized religions of the world.

The population of the globe is in round numbers about 1,381,000,000, divided as follows: 380,000,000 Caucasians, 200,000,000 Ethiopians, 220,000,000 Malays 1,000,000 American Indians, and 580,000,000 Mongolians.

All these people speak 3,064 languages and practice 1,000 different religions, which may be classed into six general divisions, within which all the other creeds and denominations exist. These general divisions of course convey but an imperfect idea of the religious faith of the several divisions of the globe, as the reader may judge from the fact that all European countries and America are classed as Christian; but the division will

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