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at, 82. Early condition of, 87-88. Taken
possession of by the Americans, 96-
99. First house built in, 117. Early
commerce and newspapers, 117-123.
Rush for the gold-mines from, 117–123.
First steamer arrived at, 125. Destroyed
four times, 134. Real estate and rents,
136. Chinese in, 426–429.
SAN Gabriel mission founded, 52.
SAN Inez mission founded, 52.

SAN Joaquin county, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, cities, &c., 490-491.
SAN Joaquin river, 182.

SAN Jose mission founded, 52.
SAN Jose, loss of, 48.

SAN Juan Bautista mission founded, 52.
SAN Juan Capistrano founded, 52.
SAN Juan island and its occupancy, 641.
SAN Lorenzo river, 186.

SAN Luis Rey de Francia mission founded,

SAN Luis bay, 192.

SAN Luis Obispo county, area, soil, climate,

productions, population, &c., 448-449.
SAN Luis Obispo mission founded, 52.
SAN Mateo county, area, soil, climate, pro-
ductions, population, &c., 452-453.
SANTA Maria river, 185.

SAN Miguel mission founded, 52.
SAN Miguel island, 205.

SAN Nicolas island, 203.

SAN Pedro bay, 191.

SAN Rafael mission founded, 53.
SANTA Rosa island, 204.

SAVANNAH and Preble take the town of

Monterey, 93-95.

SCHOUTEN in the Pacific ocean, 36.
SCHOOLS, colleges, education, books, news-
papers, intelligence, 382-400. In San
Francisco, 454-466. In Oregon, 539.
In Utah, 551. In Washington Territory,

SCHOOLS, first, in California, 118.
SCHOOL lands of California, 318-319.
SCIENTIFIC agriculture, earliest efforts to es-
tablish, in Europe and America, 388-395.

SCOTT river, 190.

SEALS of Alaska and Newfoundland, 650-

SEALS and sea-lions, 239-240.

SEA of Cortez, the Gulf of California, 151.
SEASONS and climate, 292–305.

SERRA, Father, at the head of the missions,
47-48. At San Diego, 49-50.
SETTLEMENT, of America, 33-39. Of New
England and Virginia, 36. First, in
California, 49-51. First, of California,
58-59. In Oregon, 71-75. Of Sitka,
65. Of San Francisco, 116-123.
SEWARD'S, W. H., purchase of Alaska, 70-

SEYMOUR, British admiral, outdone in his
designs on California, 93–99.
SHASTA County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 477-478.
SHEEP and wool in California, 154, 342–

344. In Oregon, 538-539.
SHELL money of the natives, 205.
SHIP-BUILDING on the Pacific coast, 369-
370. On Puget sound, 370.
SHIPPING and commerce, 377-381. Of
Oregon, 537-539.

SHOSHONE falls, Idaho, 608.

SHRUBS, plants, flowers, and grasses, 167-

SHUBRICK, Commodore, in California, 108.
SIERRA County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 518–519.
SIERRA Nevada mountains, Fremont and
his party in, 83-85. Climate of, 157-
161. Mineral wealth and extent of, 523-
525. In Nevada, 541. In the Far West,

SILK and the silk-worm, 340–341.
SISKIYOU County, area, soil, climate, for-
ests, resources, population, &c., 474-

SITKA founded, 65. With Alaska, pur-
chased by the United States, 70-71, 645.
Location, population, climate, &c., 653-

SLAVERY of Chinese in America, 440.

SLOAT, Commodore, takes possession of
California, 92-106.

SMALL feet of Chinese women, 438.
SMITH, Captain Jedediah, first man over-
land, 75-79. His troubles and letters in
California, 76–79. Finally slain on the
Cimarron river, 78. First American in
California, 79.

SMITH, Joseph, the "prophet," founder of
Mormonism, 566-600.

SMITH river, 189.

SNAKE river, Idaho, 608.

SNOW blockade on railroads, 367.
SOLANO County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 484-485.
SONOMA County, area, resources, soil, cli-
mate, productions, geysers, population,

SONOMA, capture of, 90-93. Fremont in:

appointed governor, 92.

SOUTHERN Pacific railroad, 603-606.
SPANISH navigators on the coast of Cali-
fornia, 35-38. Rule in, 44-54. Galle-
ons on the coast of California, 47. Rule
in California, 57-59, 87-89, 114. Jealous
of Russians, 59.

SPANISH grants, 315.

SPEECHES of Mexicans relating to Cali-
fornia, 97-100. Of Thomas H. Benton,

"SPIRITUAL" conquest of California, 44-49.
SPRINGS in California, 207.

STANISLAUS County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 491–493.
STATE, California organized as a, HI.
Area and resources of, 151-159.
STATE of Deseret seeks admission into the
Union, 583-584.

STATE laws respecting homestead, separate
property, exemptions, and divorce, 415-

STATE prison and its occupants, 408-413.
STATE university and school, 390.
STARS and stripes hoisted, 92-99.
STEAMERS, first,in California, 118-125, 138–
139. Sailing to various ports and coun-
tries, 367-369.

"STEVENSON's regiment" in California, 97.
ST. GEORGE and St. Paul, Alaska, 650-656.
STOCKTON, Commodore, in Califórnia, 96–

97. In command at Monterey, 102-105.
STRAIT of Fuca, discovery, early history,
and voyages to; Captains Gray and Cook
at, 616-625.

STRAWBERRIES, season of, 332.
SULPHUR in California, 280.

SUNOL, Antonio M., early settler in Cali-
fornia, 79.

SUTRO tunnel and the Comstock lode, 271-

SUTTER County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 481-482.
SUTTER, John A., in the revolutions, 63.
Purchases Russian property, 70-71.
Fremont at his home, 84. Gold discov-
ered at his mill, 119–123.
SUTTER'S fort, Fremont at, 92–93.
SWAN lake, 176.

"SYDNEY ducks," a riotous rabble, 134.

TAR springs, 210.

TAYLOR, General, in Mexico, 93.

TEA, its culture and variety, 335-339. Im-
ports of, 380.

TELEGRAPH on the Pacific coast, 371-374.
TEMPERATURE in various parts of the world,

302-304. In the several counties of Cali-
fornia, 443-523.

TEMPERATE habits of the Chinese, 436.
TENNENT, brig, enters the Columbia river,

"TERRESTRIAL paradise' on the Pacific,


"THE Book of Constant Purity," 197.
THE Bridal Vail, 219.

THE California, first steamer in California,

"THE Cross" planted in California, 40–49
THE "Dome" of Yosemite, 217.
THE flea in California, 244.
THE Five Classics and Four Books, 431.
THE Golden Rule of Confucius, 432.
"THE last tie and the last spike," 365.
THE place for the boys, 392.

"THE same Brown," 68.
THIEVES, robbers, and vagabonds, 408-413.
TIERRA, Salva, visits California, 44-46.
TIME in various places, 371-374.
TIMOTHY and clover not universally grown,
169, 323.

TIN in California, 280–281.
TOBACCO in California, 325.
TOMALES bay, 198.

TOWNS in the counties of California, 443-


TRANS-CONTINENTAL railroads, 359-367.
TRAPPERS on the Pacific coast and in the

Rocky mountains, 71–80.

TREATY of Utrecht, 72. Of Ghent, 74.
Between Russia and the United States,
70-71. Between Mexicans and Ameri-
cans, 106-107. Of Guadalupe Hidalgo,
110-115. With France and Spain, 113–

TREASURE and commerce compared, 377-

TREES, fruits, and herbs, 329–331.
TRINITY County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 476–477.
TRINITY bay, 200.
TRINITY river, 189.

TRUCKEE lake, 177.

TULARE County, area, soil, climate, re-
sources, population, &c., 497-498.
TULARE lake, 171.

TUOLUMNE County, area, soil, climate,
mountains, forests, resources, population,
&c., 508-510.

UGARTA, Father, in California, 46–47.
ULLOA, Francisco de, explores Lower Cali-

fornia, 41.

“UNCLE Sam" showing his authority on

the Pacific, 70–71.

UNITED States, encourages Captain Gray,
67-80. Settles difficulties between Russia
and Mexico, 70-71. Citizens ordered
out of California, 67-69. Purchases
Alaska, 70-71. Northern boundary, 72.
War with Great Britain, 73. Congress

interested in exploration, 78-79. Con-
gress projects Wilkes' expedition to the
Pacific, 80-82. Seeks pass to the Co-
lumbia river, 82-85. Takes possession
of California, 92-106. Officials and so
diers in California, 92-109. War with
Mexico, 110. Gold discovery in and
product of, 250-253. Mining laws, 281–
289. Aid to railroads, 363-364. Branch
mint and coinage, 373-377. Establishes
agricultural colleges, 388-400. Courts,
418. Chinese and Japanese in, 420–441.
Acquisition of Oregon and other terri-
tory, 526-529. Religious denominations
of, 565. Acquires Alaska, 656. Popu-
lation of, 658. Yellowstone Park, 628.
Aid to Northern Pacific railroad, 630.
UNION Pacific railroad, 363-366.
UTAH, precious metals in, 267. Chinese
in, 423. Newspapers in, 465. Area,
climate, mines, soil, rivers, lakes, agri-
culture, Mormons, population, cities, de-
velopment, religion, 549-600. Popula-
tion of, 661.

UTRECHT, treaty of, 72. As applied to
the Northwest boundary, 112-115.

VAGABONDS, quacks, thieves, and villains,

VALLEJO, General, at the head of military
affairs, 60-64, 86-89. Taken prisoner,
90. Favors the Americans: his speech,

VALLEYS and mountain ranges, 170. For-

mation, 289–291. Flowers on, 304–305.
VANCOUVER island and British Columbia,
637-639. Boundary of, 112.

VANCOUVER in the Pacific, 36. Island
named, 37, 66.

VEGETABLES, early, in the mines, 130-
143. Production of, 325-326. And
chief productions of each county in Cali.
fornia, 443-523.

VICEROY of Mexico's interests in California,

42, 43-49.

VICTORIA and Vancouver island, 637.

VINCENNES at San Francisco, 82.
VIRGINIA and other cities of Nevada,

VIRGINIA, first settlement in, 36.
VISCAYNO, Spanish explorer, on the coast
of California, 36. Reaches San Diego,
43-44; and Monterey, 44-45, 65.
VOLCANIC eruptions and indications, 220-

VOYAGES and explorations on the Pacific
coast, 64-80.

WALKING, how the Chinese do, 439.
WALLAMET valley and its resources, 537-

WALLAMET falls, Oregon, 530.

WALLAMET river and its navigation, 531-

WALNUTS, fruits, and berries, 330-332.
WAR in California, 89-106. Between the
United States and Mexico, 110. Of
Queen Anne and Louis XIV, 113-114.
With the Mormons, 584-585.
WARM springs, 208.
WASHINGTON Territory, Hudson Bay Com-
pany in, 74-75. Wilkes visits wreck of
Japanese junk in, 80-82. Gold product
of, 267. Rainfall, 300. Ship-building
in, 370. Chinese in, 423. Newspapers
in, 465. Area, climate, soil, mountains,
rivers, harbors, forests, mines, fish, pop-
ulation, resources, railroads, &c., 613.
Population, Chinese, &c., 631.

WHITE Sulphur springs, 208. Soda springs,


WIDOWS restrained from marrying, 438.
WIFE'S separate property, 416.
WILD oats in California, 169, 323.
WILD game in Oregon, 536.
WILKES', Commodore, expedition to the
Pacific coast, 80-82.

WILLIS in the Pacific ocean, 36.

WINE and grapes, 332-334. Shipment of,

WIVES of the "Saints," 594-600.

WOMAN among the Mormons, her con-
dition, &c., 554.

WOOL in California, 154. In Oregon, 538.
WORSHIP of the Chinese, 433-435.

XIMINES explores Lower California, 41.

YANKEE revolution in California, 60-61.
Still bothersome, 62-63. Enterprise on
the Pacific coast, 66-87. Merchant in
the mines, 131-132.

YELLOWSTONE valley, its geysers, beauties.
and wonders, 628.

YELLOWSTONE national park, the larges;
in the world, 628.

YERBA Buena, first settlement at, 117.
YERBA Buena, or Goat island, 196.
YOLO County, area, soil, climate, resources,

population, &c., 481-482.

YOSEMITE valley and falls, 158, 214-220.
Location of, &c., 507.

WATERFALLS, Yosemite, and others, 214- YOUNG, Brigham, converted to Mormonism:

220. Wallamet, Oregon, 530.
WEST Indies, Coolyism in the, 440.
WHALES in the Pacific, 245.
WHEAT in California, 154-305. Product
of the State of California, 320. In the
several counties, 443-523. In Oregon,
537. In Nevada, Oregon, and other
places, 544

his birth and eventful career, 576-600.
YUKON river, its extent, &c., 648.
YUBA County, area, soil, climate, resources,
population, &c., 480–481.

YUBA river, 182.

“ZION, which never shall be moved,” 575.
ZOOLOGY of California, 236-247.


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