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effect, of universal acceptance in every State of the Union, and it is now too late for any single physician or State society to oppose or set at defiance the moral power of this body. Had the Association done nothing else than to originate and adopt these beautiful precepts, which should govern in our relations to each other, our patients and the public, it would have done a service entitling it to everlasting gratitude and to an imperishable name in the annals of our country. There has recently been exhibited by a few a disposition to be restive under the operation of certain portions of the code. It may not, perhaps, be becoming in me to discuss this matter here, as it will be for judicial investigation and decision; but I may be permitted to suggest that we should not retreat from our well-chosen lines of defense. One mistaken movement would involve us in a whirl of inconsistencies, tending to place us in a false attitude and bring dishonor upon the profession. The broad lines of demarcation between the irregular and the true physician should never be obliterated. Our Association stands prominently forth in its high purposes, and its means of accomplishing these purposes are distinctly enunciated. In the discussion of all ethical questions, a spirit of liberalism has always mingled with a neversleeping sense of imperative obligation to the established truths of science, of order, of law. I do not say that the time may never come-for there is no perfect work of mortal hands-when your organic laws will require modification and amendment; but until the time does arrive, when the impulse of the great heart of the profession shall be felt and radical changes be demanded, in the light of a perfected knowledge, let us maintain without internal strife the unsullied standard of professional honor and morals, now "full high advanced" in our midst, and decline association with those who will not recognize that flag, or who, having once recognized, have abandoned it. We should, without reservation, declare the perpetuity of this Association, and renew our vows of fidelity to its constitution and laws.

Of the thirty-three distinguished members of the profession who have occupied the honored position of President of this Association, only thirteen now survive. But a few days ago, he who immediately preceded me in the performance of these offices, was suddenly called by the stern messenger whose summons brooks no refusal. At his post of duty, at the noon of his day's labor, with but a moment's warning, he was bidden to

lay down his tools and leave his unfinished work for other hands. In the fullness of his honor and his fame was he stricken. Of his beautiful character as a citizen, a husband, a father, a friend, it may here be spoken. But ill would this hour be filled if we did not pause to point to the brilliant career of HODGEN as worthy of emulation and imitation. Of solid attainments, quick perception, clear judgment, and an energy remarkably above all his fellows, his place was assured among the eminent men of his time. Of him it can be truly said, that he was endowed with "the king-becoming graces, as justice, verity, temperance, stableness, devotion, patience, courage, fortitude."

These rapidly thinning ranks remind us that we, too, who form the link between the founders of the Association and the younger members of the profession, must soon yield our places; and it behooves those who are to follow us to reflect, that in a short time the burdens and cares necessary to sustain the honor, usefulness, and dignity of the profession will rest on their shoulders. The permanent withdrawal of only a very few of our experienced and revered veterans would not only entail a sad and serious loss upon us personally, but would be almost irreparable to the legislative and judicial administration of our affairs.

Our younger brethren, some of whom are meeting with us. for the first time, will pardon me, then, if I urge them to enter upon these responsibilities with a zeal and determination equal to that of those highly cultivated and brilliant men who were present at the birth of this society, and who have maintained its character untarnished up to its present vigorous manhood.

I have attempted, by reference, at least, to direct your attention, gentlemen, to our present condition, our relation to science, and our duties. If anything I have said may appear presumptuous, you will charitably impute the blame to an earnest desire for the successful accomplishment of the aims of this Association, and a jealous regard for its honor and good name, believing, as I do, that if we go forward in the future as the noble men before us have gone, in the quest of truth, with earnest seeking and unselfish devotion, we will be of good in our day and generation, and fitly perform the work found to our hands to do.








AT 3 P. M., Tuesday, June 6th, the Section on Practice of Medicine, etc., was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. JOHN A. OCTERLONY, of Kentucky.

In the absence of Dr. D. J. ROBERTS, the Secretary, Dr. THOMAS N. REYNOLDS, of Michigan, was elected to act as secretary.

A paper on "Systematic, Antiseptic and Germicidal Home Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption" was read by the Secretary, in absence of the author, J. HILGARD TYNDALE, M. D., of New York City.

It was, on motion, referred back to the author for publication in one of the medical journals.

Dr. JOHN V. SHOEMAKER, of Pennsylvania, presented a number of specimens of new oleates, and described their therapeutic action.

He also read a paper on "Treatment of Syphilis with Subcutaneous Sublimate Injections."

Dr. P. Y. FRYE, of New York, commended the ideas of the author.

Dr. J. H. BENNETT, of Michigan, had not used bichloride of mercury hypodermically, but had used it internally in syphilis, and thought it more frequently beneficial in the tertiary stage than iodide of potassium. Thought the subcutaneous use of mercury an excellent resort in gastro-intestinal irritation. On motion, the Section adjourned.

The Section met Wednesday, June 7th, 3 P. M.

Dr. JOHN A. OCTERLONY, the Chairman, being absent, the Section was called to order by the Acting Secretary, Dr. THOMAS N. REYNOLDS.

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