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continua pas moins de travailler, et c'est alors qu'il fit cette innombrable quantité de dessins, dont il avait puisé les idées dans les ouvrages d'Anacréon, de Virgile, de Sapho, d'Ossian, et des autres poètes, dont la lecture faisait ses délices.

Les travaux de Girodet parurent cependant encore au salon de 1824, où on vit les portraits en pied de Cathelineau et du général Bonchamps; mais avant que l'exposition fût terminée, Girodet n'existait plus. Sentant sa fin approcher, il éprouva sans doute de vifs regrets de ne pouvoir exécuter tout ce que son âge lui permettait encore de faire. Surmontant le mal qui l'accablait, il sort de son lit, soutenu par sa seule domestique, et monte à son atelier: il promène ses regards mourans sur des travaux qu'il n'achèvera pas; il considère dans un morne silence et pour la dernière fois les lieux témoins de tant de veilles, de tant d'études; mais ne pouvant soutenir une situation si pénible, il se retire lentement, puis, se retournant sur le seuil de la porte : « Adieu, dit-il d'une voix éteinte; adieu, je ne vous reverrai plus. »

Les élèves de toutes les écoles se réunirent aux siens pour lui rendre les derniers hommages : ses dépouilles mortelles furent accompagnées de tout ce que Paris renfermait de plus distingué et de plus recommandable.

Un monument lui fut élevé au cimetière de l'Est, sur les dessins de son ami, M. Percier, et le buste dont il est orné a été exécuté par M. Desprez. M. P. A. Coupin a publié en a volumes in-80 les OEuvres littéraires de Girodet; il a mis ainsi le public à même de juger des talens de notre peintre pour la poésie, et surtout des conseils qu'il sait donner relativement à l'art de peindre. Ce recueil est précédé d'une notice du plus haut intérêt, écrite par M. Coupin, sur la vie et les ouvrages de Girodet.





Among David's numerous pupils, three painters had been the more remarked, as all three had a different manner, and that it was difficult to determine to which the preference ought to be given. Gros, Gérard, and Girodet seemed to form a triumvirate, and as soon as the public eagerly offered the palm to one of them, the two others were seen offering new motives equally deserving of it. But, death separated this group of three artists who might still for a long while have contributed to adorn the public Exhibitions. The fame of him', who had disappeared from this mortal scene, appeared to increase suddenly, without, however, in any way diminishing that of his two competitors.

Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy was born at Montargis, January 6, 1767. From tender youth, he showed great aptitude for study, and a decided taste for drawing. His parents had first intended he should learn Architecture: they subsequently had the project of letting him follow the military career; but David, seeing one of Girodet's designs, said to his mother. •You may do what you please, Madam, but still your son will be a painter. The opinion of this master was unquestionably of a nature to shake the determination of Girodet's parents, and thus they determined to place him in David's School.




but his imagination continued not the less actively employed› and it was then he did that immense quantity of designs, the ideas of which he had gathered in the works of Anacreon, Virgil, Sappho, Ossian, and other poets, that he delighted in reading.

Some of Girodet's productions, however, appeared once more in the Exhibition of 1824, where were seen the full length portraits of Cathelineau, and of General Bonchamps : but ere the Exhibition closed, Girodet was no more. No doubt, aware of his approaching end, he felt deep regret at not being able to execute all, that, at his time of life, he might have been induced to hope. Mastering, for a moment, the disorder that overwhelmed him, he left his bed, and, supported by his servant only, went into his study: he cast his languid looks at those works he knew he should never finish in sullen silence, considered, for the last time, the spot, witness of his many watchings, and studies; but, unable to bear so painful a situation, he withdrew slowly, then turning on the threshold of the door : « Farewell, said he, in a dying voice; farewell, I shall see you no more. »



The pupils of all the schools joined his, to pay him the last homage: his mortal remains were accompanied by all the most distinguished and respectable persons in Paris.

A monument was raised to his memory in the Eastern Ceinetery, fafter his friend's designs, M. Periez ; and the bust adorning it was executed by M. Desprez. M. P. A. Coupin has published Girodet't Literary Works, in 2 vols. 8° : he has thus enabled the public to judge of the talents of our painter for poetry, , and particularly of the advice he gives relative to the Art of Painting. This collection is preceded by a highly interesting Notice of the Life and Works of Girodet, written by M. Coupin

FX Fabre F



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