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uterus, 224
Cystitis, 73

Cystotomy, suprapubic, 313

Dabney, W. C., digitalis, 44

Da Costa, J. M., albuminuria, 33
medical education, 235, 254
Society, 77, 78

Dalton, H. C., gunshot wounds, 69
Dana, C. L., apoplectic pulse, 210
Davis, E. P., abortion, 84

Deaths, 26, 52, 78, 104, 156, 182,
208, 234, 260, 290, 324
Deaver, J. B., hemorrhoids, 30
Debility, nervous, 98

Delirium tremens, 99, 172, 284
Dental cream, antiseptic, 99
De Schweinitz, G. E., appointment of,

injections of corrosive sublimate,

Dermatitis, pruriginous, 100
Dermatomycosis tonsurans, 290
Diabetes, 44, 46, 189

diet in, 44, 189
levulose in, 277

Diarrhoea, 24, 41, 71

bilious, 176

choleraic, 148

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Dorland, W. A. N. and Potts, C. S.

quinine in chorea, 280

Douche, vaginal, 17

Drainage tubes, 198
Dropsy, 225

Duane, A., Students' Dictionary, 322
Duckworth, Sir D., Diet for the Sick,

Dunglison's Medical Dictionary, 202,

Dust, microbes in, 233

Dusting powders for syphilis, 122
Dysentery, 289
Dysmenorrhoea, 18, 178
Dyspepsia, 70, 98, 150, 204
Dyspnoea, 198

Ear, inflammation of middle, 125
pain in, 124

removal of polypi, etc. from, 209
Earley, C. R. olive oil, 243
Eclampsia, 197, 199
Eczema, 17, 99, 257

seborrhoeal, 226

Education, Medical, 235

Eliot, G., enteric fever, 13
Emission, excessive, 226
Empyema, 94, 121, 122, 176
Enema, nourishing, 284
Enterectomy, 157

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Glycerine, 121

Gonorrhoea, 18, 70, 71, 88, 95, 139,
145, 178, 193, 196, 226, 284,

Gould, G. M., homatropine, 61
Gouley, J. W. S., catheters, 190
Gout, 70, 116

Graham, J., appendicitis, 36

Grandin, E. H., symphyseotomy, 174
Granular lids, 205, 257

Gray's Anatomy, 228, 288

Groff, J. W., 100 cases of labor, 295
Gross monument, 100

Gross (S. D.,) Prize, 323
Guaiacol, 24, 141

Gunshot wounds of abdomen, 69
Gynecological surgery, 319

technique, 27

Gynecology, dangers and difficulties
of, 123

Hæmoptysis, 100, 283

Hair, human, as cause of disease,

Enteric fever, 13, 279, 283, 284, 317, Hare, H. A., injections into bowel,

Enteritis, 125


Harlan, G. C. See Allen, H.

Epilepsy, 149, 215, 226, 253, 257, 317 Harte, R. H. See Allen, H.

Epistaxis, 226, 283
Epithelioma, 46

Era Key to U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 256
Eruptive diseases, exposure to, 227
Erysipelas, 17, 18, 205, 224
Esmarch bandage, 197
Exalgine, 197
Eye, burn of, 73

Face, operations on, 113
False membranes, 94
Fenner, E. D., urethrotomy, 309
Ferguson, J., uric acid, 219
Ferro-saline mixture, 289
Fever, 18

puerperal, 224
Fevers, incubation of, 218
reduction of, 224
Fifth nerve, neuralgia of, 148
Fisher, J. M., gynecology, 123
Fissure of anus, 47

Fistula in ano, 3
Foetus, death of, 225
Forbes, W. S., litholapaxy, 214
Foreign body in bronchi, 253
Foster, M., Physiology, 22, 322
Fox, L. W., visit to Europe, 207

and E. E. Holt, Ophthalmic Case
Book, 97

Fracture, 121

of femur, 178

of skull, 147

Fractures of hinge-joints, 177
Freckles, 230
Freezing agents, 224

Harvard Association Bulletin, 256
Head injuries, 71

Headache, 148

congestive, 226

ocular, 10

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272, 285

Punctured wounds, 176

Pan-American Medical Congress, 51, Pupil, to dilate, 141

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Purgative pill, 94

Pus in urine, 226

tubes, neglected, 186
Pyæmia, 18, 46
Pyopericardium, 322

Quinine, antiperiodic, 147, 148
buzzing from, 94
hypodermatically, 71

in chorea, 280

Rectal feeding, 153, 205

Reference Handbook, Supplement,

Reflexes, ocular and patellar, 190
Respiration, failure of, 46
Rest treatment, 38

Smoking, depression from, 176
Snake-bite, 252

Sodium bicarbonate, action of, 154
Soothing syrup, 289
Sore nipples, 198

throat, 121, 177
scarlatinal, 253

Southern Pines, 51

Sparteine sulphate, 141

Spence, A., pneumonia, 161

Splints, padded, 71

Sponges, resterilized, 91

Sprained ankle, 215

Standish, M., ocular headaches, 10
Status epilepticus, 253

Stearns' Dose Book, 228
Stelwagon, H. W., acne, 244

common forms of skin disease,

seborrhoea, etc., 118

Stewart, D. D., nitroglycerine, 222

Rheumatism, 17, 70, 74, 94, 121, 149, Sthenic fever, 253

150, 197, 199

bandaging in, 94

gonorrhoeal, 197

heart complications of, 95

Rickets, 283

Ringworm, 289

Roberts, J. B., internal hemorrhoids,


Robinson, F. B., gonorrhoea, 196
W. F., Neurasthenia, 228
Romniciano, syphilis, 69
Rosenburg, H. L., singultus, 280
Russian cholera drops, 99

Sacrum, resection of, 45
Salicylic acid, 70

Salicylates in rheumatism, 70

Pneumonia, 19, 141, 143, 161, 176, Saline purgatives, 122

197, 224, 306

Salipyrin, 154

Polyhydramnios, 150

Salophen, 91

Salt injections, 62

Post-mortem examination of a lunatic,


Pope, C., insomnia, 173

points, 269

solution, normal, 121

Savage, G. C., Ophthalmology, 321
Scarlatina. (See Scarlet Fever.)

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Stomatitis, mercurial, 74

Stone in the bladder in children, 94,
Stricture, 253

Strontium salts, 46, 230
Strophanthus, 197

Strychnine in alcoholism, 315

in chest affections, 272, 285
Styer, D. W., typhlitis, 311
Styptics, 153, 197

Sulphuric acid, dose of, 177
Sunstroke, 179

Suppositories, vaginal, 283
Surgery, conservative, 26
Sweating of the feet, 18
Sycosis, 119

Symes, L. W., hiccough, 89
Symphyseotomy, 174, 318
Synovitis, 17

Syphilides of scalp, 204

Syphilis, 46, 47, 62, 70, 94, 95, 108,
122, 148, 149, 153, 176, 178, 192,
194, 197, 204, 225, 226, 253, 282,

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Walton, G. L., dislocation of cervical
vertebræ, 219

Warner, F. M., infant feeding, 168
Wells, Sir S., cremation, 77

Wharton, H. R., ischio-rectal abscess,
etc., 3

Whooping-cough, 24, 176, 177
Willard, De F., clubfoot, 217
Wilson, H. A., clubfoot, 14

J. C, introductory lecture, 239
Witnesses, Medical, 233

Witthaus, R. A., and Becker, T. C.,
Medical Jurisprudence, 203
Wolff, L., hypodermic medication in
syphilis, 108

ulcer of stomach, 55
Women doctors, 290

Woodbury, F., gouty state, 116
pneumonia, 22

World's Fair, 75, 102
Worms, 252

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