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Avoid cold and damp, use clothing the same time a regulated diet. When suited to the changes of temperature. the piles are external, or can be reached, 595. INTERMITTENT FEVER, OR one or two applications of the extract AGUE. Take No. 16 during the in- of lead, with an occasional dose of termission of the paroxysm of the fever; lenitive electuary, will generally suckeeping the bowels free with a wine- ceed in curing them. glass of No. 7. Avoid bad air, stagnant pools, &c.

596. ITCH.-The ointment of No. 32, or lotion No. 33.

597. JAUNDICE.-The pills No. 1, afterwards the mixture No. 7, drinking freely of dandelion tea.

598. LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS (ENGLISH CHOLERA).-One pill No. 23, repeated if necessary; afterwards the mixture No. 25. Avoid unripe fruits, acid drinks, ginger beer; wrap flannel around the abdomen.

599. MEASLES.-A well-ventilated room, aperients No. 4, with No. 17 to allay the cough and fever.

607. QUINSEY.-A blister applied all round the throat: an emetic, No. 19, commonly succeeds in breaking the abscess; afterwards the gargle No. 20. Avoid cold and damp.

608. RHEUMATISM.-Bathe the affected parts with No. 27, and take internally No. 28, with No. 29 at bedtime, to ease pain, &c. Avoid damp and cold, wear flannel.

609. RICKETS.-The powder No. 37, a dry, pure atmosphere, a nourishing diet.

610. RINGWORM.-The lotion No. 36, with the occasional use of the powder No. 5. Fresh air and clean, Îiness.

600. MENSTRUATION (EXCESSIVE). -No. 47 during the attack, with rest 611. SCARLET FEVER.-Well venin the recumbent position; in the inter-tilated room, sponging the body when vals, No. 46. hot with cold or tepid vinegar, or spirit and water; aperients, No. 4; diapho retics, No. 8. If dropsy succeed the disappearance of the eruption, frequent purging with No. 5, succeeded by No. 7.

601. MENSTRUATION (SCANTY).-In strong patients, cupping the loins, exercise in the open air, 47, the feet in warm water before the expected period, the pills No. 45; in weak subjects, No. 46. Gentle and regular exercise. Avoid hot rooms, and too much sleep.

602. MENSTRUATION (PAINFUL).No. 48 during the attack; in the intervals, No. 45 twice a week, with No. 46. Avoid cold, mental excitement, &c.

603. MUMPS.-Fomentation with a decoction of camomiles and poppy heads; No. 4 as an aperient, and No. 9 during the stage of fever. Avoid cold, and attend to the regularity of the bowels.

604. NERVOUSNESS.-Cheerful society, early rising, exercise in the open air, particularly on horseback, and No. 15. Avoid excitement, study, and late meals.

605. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. --The pills No. 2, with the mixture No. 15.

606. PILES. The paste No. 38, at

612. SCROFULA.-Pure air, light but warm clothing, diet of fresh animal food; bowels to be regulated by No. 6 and No. 30, taken regularly for a considerable time.

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three times a day; white spots to be
dressed with the honey of borax.

617. TIC DOLOREUX.-Regulate the
bowels with No. 3, and take in the
intervals of pain No. 31. Avoid cold,
damp, and mental anxiety.
618. TOOTHACHE. Continue the
use of No. 3 for a few alternate days.
Apply liquor ammonia to reduce the
pain, and when that is accomplished,
fill the decayed spots with silver suc-
cedaneum without delay, or the pain
wili return. A drop of creosote, or a
few drops of chloroform on cotton,
applied to the tooth, or a few grains of
camphor placed in the decayed opening,
or camphor moistened with turpentine,
will often afford instant relief.

619. TYPHUS FEVER. the body with cold or tepid water, a Sponging well-ventilated apartment, cold applications to the head and temples. Aperients No. 4, with refrigerants No. 9; tonics No. 16 in the stage of debility.

620. WATER ON THE BRAIN. Local bleeding by means of leeches, blisters, aperients No. 5, and mercurial medicines No. 18.

621. WHITES.-The mixture No. 43, with the injection No. 44. light but warm, moderate exercise in Clothing the open air, country residence.

622. WORMS IN THE INTESTINES.The aperient No. 5 followed by No. 7, afterwards the free use of lime water and milk in equal parts, a pint daily. Avoid unwholesome food.

623. Prescriptions.

To be used in the Cases enumerated under the head" Diseases."

624. The following prescriptions, originally derived from various prescribers' Pharmacopoeias, embody the favourite remedies employed by the most eminent physicians:

1. Take of powdered aloes, nine grains; extract of colocynth, compound, eighteen grains; calomel, nine grains; tartrate of antimony, two grains; mucilage, sufficient to make a mass, which is to be divided into six pills; two to be taken every twenty-four

hours, till they act thoroughly on the
apoplexy, &c.
bowels: in cases of inflammation,

and gum mastiche, each one scruple;
2. Powdered rhubarb, Socotrine alocs,
make into twelve pills: one before and
one after dinner.

extract of jalap, and Castile soap, of 3. Compound extract of colocynth, each one scruple; make into twelve pills.

mel, three grains: in fevers, for adults. 4. James's powder, five grains; caloFor children, the following:-Powdered camphor, one scruple; calomel and powdered scammony, of each nine grains; James's powder, six grains; mix, and divide into six powders. Half of one powder twice a day for an infant years; and for four years, the same a year old; a whole powder for two three times a day.

5. James's powder, six grains; powdered jalap, ten grains; mix, and divide the child's age: in one powder if for into three or four powders, according to an adult.

mercury and chalk, three grains; ginger
6. Powdered rhubarb, four grains;
rient for children.
in powder, one grain: an alterative ape-

7. Dried sulphate of magnesia, six infusion of senna, seven ounces; tincdrachms; sulphate of soda, three drachms; ture of jalap, and compound tincture of cardamoms, each half an ounce: in acute diseases generally; take two tablespoonfuls every four hours till it operates freely.

8. Nitrate of potass, one drachm and ounce; camphor mixture, and the spirit a half; spirits of nitric ether, half an of mindererus, each four ounces: in fevers, &c.; two tablespoonfuls three times a day, and for children a dessertspoonful every four hours.

dilute nitric acid, two drachms; syrup,
9. Spirit of nitric ether, three drachms;
three drachms; camphor mixture, seven
ounces: in fevers, &c., with debility;
dose as last.

mixture, of each three ounces and a half;
10. Spirit of mindererus and camphor


wine of antimony, one drachm and a half; wine of ipecacuanha, one drachm and a half; syrup of tolu, half an ounce: dose as last.

11. Decoction of broom, half a pint; cream of tartar, one ounce; tincture of squills, two drachms: in dropsies; a third part three times a day.

12. Pills of soap and opium, five grains for a dose, as directed.

13. Compound powder of ipecacuanha, seven to twelve grains for a dose, as directed.

14. Battley's solution of opium, from ten to forty drops; camphor mixture, an ounce and a half: in a draught at bedtime.



carbonate of ammonia, two scruples; compound tincture of bark, six drachms; spirits of ether, two drachms: tablespoonful every twenty-four hours. 23. Blue pill, four grains; opium, half a grain: to be taken three times a day.

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24. FOR A CLYSTER.-A pint and a half of gruel or fat broth, a tablespoonful of castor oil, one of common salt, and a lump of butter; mix, to be injected slowly. A third of this quantity enough for an infant.

25. Chalk mixture, seven ounces; aromatic and opiate confection, of each one drachm; tincture of catechu, six drachms: two tablespoonfuls every two hours.

15. Ammoniated tincture of valerian, six drachms; camphor mixture, seven 26. Carbonate of soda, powdered ounces: a fourth part three times a rhubarb, and Castile soap, each one day; in spasmodic and hysterical dis-drachm; make thirty-six pills; three orders. twice a day.

16. Disulphate of quina, half a drachm; dilute sulphuric acid, twenty drops; compound infusion of roses, eight ounces: two tablespoonfuls every four hours, in intermittent and other fevers, during the absence of the paroxysm.

17. Almond mixture, seven ounces and a half; wine of antimony and ipecacuanha, of each one drachm and a half: a tablespoonful every four hours; in cough with fever, &c.

18. Calomel, one grain; powdered white sugar, two grains; to make a powder to be placed on the tongue every two or three hours. Should the calomel act on the bowels, powdered kino is to be substituted for the sugar.

19. Antimony and ipecacuanha wines, of each an ounce; a teaspoonful every ten minutes till it vomits: but for an adult a large tablespoonful to be taken. 20. Compound infusion of roses, seven ounces; tincture of myrrh, one ounce. 21. Decoction of bark, six ounces; aromatic confection, one drachm; tincture of opium, five drops.

22. Infusion of orange peel, seven ounces; tincture of hops, half an ounce; and a drachm of carbonate of soda: two tablespoonfuls twice a day. Or, infusion of valerian, seven ounces;

27. LOTION.. Common salt, one ounce; distilled water, seven ounces; spirits of wine, one ounce: mix.

28. Dried sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; heavy carbonate of magnesia, two drachms; wine of colchicum, two drachms; water, eight ounces: take two tablespoonfuls every four hours.

29. Compound powder of ipecacuanha, ten grains; powdered guaiacum, four grains in a powder at bedtime.

30. Brandish's solution of potash; thirty drops twice a day in a wineglass of beer.

31. Disulphate of quina, half a drachm; dilute sulphuric acid, ten drops; compound infusion of roses, eight ounces: two tablespoonfuls every four hours, and as a tonic in the stage of weakness succeeding fever.

32. Flowers of sulphur, two ounces; hog's lard, four ounces; white hellebore powder, half an ounce; oil of lavender, sixty drops.

33. Hydriodate of potass, two drachms; distilled water, eight ounces.

34. Flowers of sulphur, half a drachm; carbonate of soda, a scruple; tartarized antimony, one-eighth of a grain: one powder, night and morning, in eruptions of the skin or face.



35. Milk of bitter almonds, seven ounces; bichloride of mercury, four grains; spirits of rosemary, one ounce : bathe the eruption with this lotion three times a day.

36. Sulphate of zinc, two scruples; sugar of lead, fifteen grains; distilled water, six ounces: the parts to be washed with the lotion two or three times a day. 37. Carbonate of iron, six grains; powdered rhubarb, four grains: one powder night and morning.

38. Elecampane powder, two ounces; sweet fennel-seed powder, three ounces; black pepper powder, one ounce; purified honey, and brown sugar, of each two ounces: the size of a nutmeg, two or three times a day.

39. Sulphate of zinc, twelve grains; wine of opium, one drachm; rose water,

Six ounces.

40. Common salt, one ounce; water, four ounces; spirits of wine and vinegar, each two ounces: the parts to be bathed or rubbed with this lotion frequently.

41. Spirit of wine and distilled vinegar, each one ounce; rose water, six ounces the parts to be kept constantly damp with the lotion.

42. Linseed oil and lime water, equal quantities; anoint the injured parts frequently with a feather.

43. Sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; sulphate of iron, ten grains; diluted sulphuric acid, forty drops; tincture of cardamoms (compound), half an ounce; water, seven ounces: a fourth part night and morning.

44. Decoction of oak bark, a pint; dried alum, half an ounce: for an injection, a syringeful to be used night and morning.

45. Compound gamboge pill, and a pill of assafoetida and aloes, of each half a drachm: make twelve pills; two twice or three times a week.

46. Griffiths' mixture one tablespoonful three times a day.

47. Ergot of rye, five grains; in a powder, to be taken every four hours.

48. Powdered opium, half a grain; camphor, two grains: in a pill; to be

taken every three or four hours whilst in pain.

49. Balsam of copaiba, half an ounce; powdered cubebs, half an ounce; solu tion of potass, three drachms; powdered acacia, two drachms; laudanum, twenty drops; cinnamon water, seven ounces; one tablespoonful three times a day.

50. Tartarized antimony, two grains; sulphate of magnesia, six drachms; nitrate of potass, one drachm; compound tincture of cardamoms, half an ounce; water, eight ounces.

51. Lime water, two ounces; calomel, one scruple: make a lotion, to be applied by means of soft lint.

52. Blue pill, five grains; powdered opium, half a grain: two pills at night and one in the morning.

53. Biniodide of mercury, two grains; hydriodate of potass, one drachm; extract of sarsaparilla, one ounce; water, eight ounces: one tablespoonful three times a day.

54. Sulphate of zinc, twenty-four grains, in a wineglass of water; to be given for an emetic, and repeated if necessary.

55. Dill water, one and a half ounces; volatile tincture of valerian, twenty drops; tincture of castor, one drachm; spirits of sulphuric ether, twenty drops: make a draught, to be taken three times a day.

56. Syrup of poppies, oxymel of squills, of each one ounce; solution of potass, two drachms: a teaspoonful frequently.

57. Syrup of balsam of tolu, two ounces; the muriate of morphia, two grains; muriatic acid, twenty drops: a teaspoonful twice a day.

58. Salts of tartar, two scruples; twenty grains of powdered cochineal; lb. of honey; water, half a pint: boil, and give a tablespoonful three times a day.

59. Calomel, ten grains; Castile soap, extract of jalap, extract of colocynth, of each one scruple; oil of juniper, five drops: make into fifteen pills; one three times a day.

60. Infusion of orange peel, eignt



ounces; carbonate of soda, one drachm; | kept for use in a wide-mouthed bottle, and compound tincture of cardamoms, and be in readiness for any emergency. half an ounce: take a tablespoonful The druggist may be directed to treble three times a day, succeeding the pills. or quadruple the quantities, as conve61. Carbonate of iron, three ounces; nient. syrup of ginger, sufficient to make an electuary: a teaspoonful three times a day.

627. APERIENT PILLS.-To some adults all liquid medicines produce such nausea that pills are the only form in which aperients can be exhibited; the following is a useful formula :

62. Take of Castile soap, compound extract of colocynth, compound rhubarb pill, and the extract of jalap, of each-iii. Take of compound rhubarb pill a one scruple; oil of carraway, ten drops: drachm and one scruple, of powdered make into twenty pills, and take one ipecacuanha ten grains, and of extract after dinner every day whilst necessary. of hyoscyamus one scruple; mix, and 63. Spirit of rosemary, five parts; beat into a mass, and divide into twentyspirit of wine, or spirit of turpentine, | four pills: take one or two, or if of a one part.

64. Take of thick mucilage, one ounce; castor oil, twelve drachms; make into an emulsion: add mint water, four ounces; spirit of nitre, three drachms; laudanum, one drachm; mixture of squills, one drachm; and syrup, seven drachms: mix; two tablespoonfuls every six hours.

625. Medicines (Aperient).— In the spring time of the year, the judicious use of aperient medicines is much to be commended.

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626. SPRING APERIENTS. For children, an excellent medicine is-i. Brimstone and treacle, prepared by mixing an ounce and a half of sulphur, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, with eight ounces of treacle; and, according to the age of the child, giving from a small teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful, early in the morning, two or three times a week. As this sometimes produces sickness, the following may be used :ii. Take of powdered Rochelle salts one drachm and a half, powdered jalap and powdered rhubarb each fifteen grains, ginger two grains; mix. Dose for a child above five years, one small teaspoonful; above ten years, a large teaspoonful; above fifteen, half the whole, or two teaspoonfuls; and for a person above twenty, three teaspoonfuls, or the whole, as may be required by the habit of the person. This medicine may be dissolved in warm water, mint, or common tea. The powder can be

very costive habit, three at bedtime.iv. For persons requiring a more powerful aperient, the same formula, with twenty grains of compound extract of colocynth, will form a good purgative pill. The mass receiving this addition must be divided into thirty, instead of twenty-four pills.

628. BLACK DRAUGHT. - v. The common aperient medicine known as black draught is made in the following manner: Take of senna leaves six drachms, bruised ginger half a drachm, sliced liquorice root four drachms, Epsom salts two and a half ounces, boiling water half an imperial pint. Keep this standing on the hob or near the fire for three hours, then strain, and after allowing it to grow cool, add of sal volatile one drachm and a half, of tincture of senna, and of tincture of ardamoms, each half an ounce. (This mixture will keep a long time in a cool place.) Dose, a wineglassful for an adult; and two tablespoonfuls for young persons about fifteen years of age. It is not a suitable medicine for children.

629. TONIC APERIENT.-vi. Take of Epsom salts one ounce, diluted sulphuric acid one drachm, infusion of quassia chips half an imperial pint, compound tincture of rhubarb two drachms. Half a wineglassful for a dose twice a day.

630. INFANTS' APERIENT. vii. Take of rhubarb five grains, magnesia

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