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of our foes, and one that hd a directly opposite effect from that which was intended-namely, to exclude all who held to Hahnemann's or anybody's else dogmas from membership in our societies, and thereby prevent dogmatists from using them to gain a foothold with the public. This all our enemies forthwith stigmatized as 'persecution,' and we were at once everywhere denounced as 'allopathic persecutors.'

All of which goes to show that the twentieth century allopath is just as blind to the real de as he was forty years ago. To him of to-day as to his brother of the past century, the science of therapeutics, Homeopathy, is a dogma and it is nothing more. He never has nor never will investigate it. He will throw up his hat and hurrah for any passing fad, but he will not even read a line concerning the greatest of therapeutic laws. It's his loss-and his patients' and we may be sure that he cannot down a law of nature, Homeopathy.

There is one good thing, however, to be said of him-when he does become a homeopath he is one of the best and staunchest of that desirable profession. -Envoy.


Natrum Sulphuricum 12x is a remarkable remedy in asthma, and will probably cure, or relieve, more cases of that disease than any other remedy. We recently heard of the case of a gentleman who was about to try a change of climate to get relief from that disease, when, just before starting, he was put on Natrum sulph. 12x, and relief was so great that he thankfully remained at home. This is only one of many cases we have heard of cured by this remedy.-Envoy.


Mercury is homeopathic to syphilis, as will be observed in the proving of this drug, and it is to be noted that the symptoms were taken in many cases from workers in the mercury mines, artesians, provers and experiments upon animals, takers of both large and small doses. In the mouth, stomatitis, salivation, bluish line along the gums, periostitis of the alveolar processes, fetid odor, and swollen parotid and submaxillary glands. In the alimentary canal, increased pancreatic secretion, increased action on the part of the cecum, colon and rectum, negative effect or reduced secretion of the bile, and congestion of the liver. On the penis two provers had balanitis, and another vesicles, which became ulcers with round overhanging edges and a cheesy colored base. Other observers report ulcers on this organ and on the vulva.

On the skin, eczema rubrum, vesicles and eruption resembling measles, and exfoliation of hair and nails. Some reported nocturnal bone-pains and periostitis. On the nervous system, a peculiar tremor, increased susceptibility to impressions, wakefulness and general uneasiness, and in grave cases when the tremor has existed for a long period, mental weakness, delirium, hemiplegia and coma.

Bartholow reports as a result from long continued inhalation of mercurial fumes plantar anæsthesia, muscular inco-ordination, ocular disorders and locomotor ataxia.

The provings of Iodide of Potash show that this drug is also homeopathic to syphilis. It produces a rash much like acne, always hard, shotty and indurated papules, which may be broad and large.

The secreting glands are first stimulated to increased action, and, later, there is a diminution coincident with atrophy of the organ. Indurated lymphatic glands. Long continued use of the drug causes anxiety, insomnia, palpitation and tremors; one individual presenting violent headache, dilated pupils, nystagmus, tremors and hæmiplegia. Ricord is quoted as having observed transitory amaurosis due to subretinal œdema. Finally, both these drugs produce a cachectic anæmia. -Dr. Wayne Hallett, in Eye, Ear and Throat Journal.

PRACTICE similia.

"Another grave responsibility resting upon us, and one which is perhaps the most frequently neglected, is that, whatever one's private practice may be, once having accepted a position upon the staff of an avowedly homeopathic institution he is in honor bound to practice there according to Similia-or to make room for one who will. Not only are we under this obligation to the patients and students who come or are sent upon the understanding that it is a homeopathic institution, but also to the people who gave their time, money and labor to found and maintain it upon that understanding, as well as to our school at large, whose growth and influence are enhanced by the number and success of its institutions. Empirics and allopaths should not be representatives of Homeopathy."-From Address of Dr. John L. Moffat before N. Y. State Society.


This is the season in which to remember the virtues of Calendula cerate in healing chapped, or roughened, hands. It is best to wash the hands thoroughly with warm water and soap just before going to bed and then rub in the cerate on affected parts.

Hamamelis suppositories, for

For bleeding hæmorrhoids use Hamamelis

very painful hæmorrhoids use Aesculus suppositories. Quick relief follows. Also, at the same time, take those remedies in 3d or 30th potency internally.

Abrotanum is said to give relief to the pains, itching, etc., from frost bites.

Solidago virga-aurea has cured many men who were compelled to use catheters to pass water. Gallavardin recommends it in five drop doses daily, of the mother tincture.

When there is lumbago or rheumatism where the pain is unintermitting Cannabis Indica may cure.

When every cold causes rheumatic pains in the joints try Calcarea phos.-Envoy.


Solomon Solis-Cohen, in the Journal of the American Medical Association for December 12, states that there is a time in the very beginning of sthenic pneumonia when aconite will do more good than anything else in the pharmacopeia, but we do not often secure cases at that time. He has used it as a routine in the treatment of many cases of mitral stenosis in which the heart is pumping tumultuously, trying its best to push the blood through a narrow opening. effort is ineffectual, the pulse being thin and weak. With an overacting heart, and a weak and thready pulse, aconite given in very small and successively diminishing doses, continued for a long period of time, has, in his observation, done much good.

Among the Journals.



Some people never dream of praising anything or anybody.. They take everything as a matter of course, and imagine that they show their superiority by so doing. They little dream that they never get the best service owing to their niggardliness in showing their appreciation. It is surprising how a little word of praise stimulates tonew effort, and puts life and interest into the work of those about us. A woman writing on this very topic said she was convinced that the absence of praise keeps people from blossoming out as the flowers do in a warm climate. At any rate it would be a good plan to try it for a few weeks-to praise those of one's family and note the result. It is the lack of notice that is taken of the house-mother's efforts for the good of the family that makes her old and sad before her time.

She loses heart, she feels as if she is not appreciated, and all because no one notes her work with words of cheering encouragement. She sinks into a domestic drudge, and yet she may be appreciated all the time. The cruelty consists in not letting her know how much her efforts are valued. The writer knows of a family where no word of praise is ever spoken, for fear of making the children vain, and no one could possibly describe the atmosphere of that home as a cheery or happy one.-Health.


Geo. Woolsey (Am. Jour. Med. Sciences), after an exhaustive article, has a hopeful outlook for this operation. His conclusions follow:

1. The sphere of operation for cerebral tumors may be and has been extended to those parts of the cortex where tumors are accessible and localizable-i. e., to the prefrontal, parietal, and occipital regions, in addition to the motor area.

2. The prognosis, both immediate and remote, is as good as or even better than in operations for malignant growths in some other locations.

3. This prognosis has improved with the improvements in localization and operative technique, and with the limitation of the radical operation to cases accurately localized.

4. The palliative operation is strongly indicated to relieve symptoms where localization cannot be accurately made or the tumor cannot be removed. The exploratory operation is contra-indicated.

5. Practically all circumscribed growths of moderate size are suitable for operation.

6. The osteoplastic method should be employed and the most rapid and perfect technique adopted which the circumstances allow.


John McCrae (Am. Medicine) gives an analysis of 717 cases of typhoid fever in the Montreal General Hospital between Jan. 1, 1897, and Dec. 31, 1902. The mortality was 9.2 per cent. The average duration of the febrile period in 640 cases was 27.2 days and the average length of illness 52.2 days. The temperature was high (over 104° F.) for more than foru days in 26 per cent of the cases; as a rule the fatal cases showed high temperature. The Widal reaction was positive in 82.77 per cent of the cases tried; the Ehrlich reaction was present in 67.2 per cent. Of the symptoms of onset headache was the most commonly noted, being present in 66.4 per cent of the cases; next

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was "weakness," found in 55 per cent; epistaxis was reported in only 18 per cent. As regards symptoms, constipation was present in 48 per cent and diarrhoea in 16.5 per cent. The most frequent complication was bronchitis. Relapses occurred in 8.9 per cent. There were 72 cases of hermorrhage (10 per cent) and 43 of perforation; of the former 26 proved fatal and of the latter 23 were operated upon and 6 of these recovered. As regards treatment, 439 received cold baths; 148 antipyretics (phenacetin alternating with salol) and 94 sponging. Forty-eight of those treated by baths died; 14 of those receiving antipyretic treatment and 4 of those having spongings (these were milder cases). A relatively high number of cases in those treated by the first method suffered from hemorrhages, perforation and delirium. The diet was generally liquid.



Get into gear! Banish worry. Rise above it. Conquer the disStruggle against it until you win. Be not disheartened at repeated failures. Defeat but adds to your strength, if you keep up the fight. The glories of the victory amply repay years of effort. "I never knew what happiness or success really were, until I got rid of worry," says a friend.

No matter what may be the cause of your worriment, to worry over it will do more harm than good. "Then shall we 'let things slide,' and not try to improve conditions?" By no means. But instead of weakly worrying about them, tackle them in earnest. Do a good day's work at it, whatever your duty or problem may be; eat well, live simply, do as you would be done by, keep your head level, use your best judgment, drink in the inspiration of nature, seek the co-operation of the spirit, acquire reposeful poise-resourceful strength will come, you will sleep like a babe, worry will disappear, each day you will awake in a new world and to a more glorious existence.

"A thousand unseen hands

Reach down to help you to their peace-crowned heights,

And all the forces of the firmament

Shall fortify your strength."

-Herbert Myrick, in Good Housekeeping.

The former generations of physicians have been busy wrestling with the problem of "curing the sick." The coming medical man will probably bend his endeavors toward preventing disease. His chief reliance will undoubtedly be nutrition.

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