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beyond all comprehension, and have seen her quieted by the Jimson weed.

It has a red thread of jealousy woven through its warp, the husband being the special object of its hatred and abuse. Its fury is cyclonic, its outbursts volcanic.

Its delirium is worse in the night, and the subject of its tremens sees all kinds of frightful things. Sea serpents, monsters, wild beasts, vermin, creeping and crawling things drive the patient madder than before.-Fisher.

Aurum.-Aurum metallicum, with its suicidal depression, gets in the lying-in chamber occasionally, but not often, until Stramonium and Belladonna have quieted the subject from her initial fury. For the vicious attempts at suicide for which Stramonium and Hyoscyamus, as also Veratrum album, come into play, Aurum is not so well adapted. It is after this condition has passed, and the patient has become half well, that she feels the disgrace of her position, becomes morose and wishes to die.

Lycopodium also has this depression, and so has Nux.

But the Aurum subject is overwhelmed and thinks she has nothing for which to live.-Fisher.

Chamomilla.-In this child's friend we have an excellent remedy in a special type of cervical dystocia. Men and women are but grownup children, and Chamomilla's sphere is not measured by moons.

If the cervix is hot and unyielding, the patient wildly irritable and desperately sure she cannot bear another pain, if the os is hot, the genital canal exquisitively sensitive to the finger, if the woman is all strung up into a bundle of exaggerated sensibilities, Chamomilla is as much her friend as it is that of the crying, whining, has-to-be-carried and cajoled and petted teething infant.

It is the Chamomilla in the woman that calls for it in the potency.
And it calls for it high.

I believe it was the late Dr. Brown, of Binghamton, New York, who once said at the American Institute of Homeopathy that he has never replenished his Chamomilla, refilling that particular vial, for more than thirty years, with alcohol and pellets, until he no longer had the slightest idea of what potency it might contain, and that the further away it got from the original medicine the better its effect upon those for whom it was prescribed.

This is in the line of my experience, although I have hardly gone that far. No one who has prescribed the chamomile in tincture or low potency only knows aught of its power as a remedy for good in the sick. I always give it in potentized form, rarely below the two

hundredth, often higher, and with beautiful results in the nervous dystocias of the cervix and os.-Fisher.

Nitric Acid and Phosphorus.-Nitric acid and Phosphorus are two of the best remedies in the Materia Medica for hæmorrhage, yet medicines rarely thought of in obstetrics.

The type of the subject is the key to the prescription.

We all know the lean, lank, lethargic, sallow and stoop-shouldered, sandy-haired and freckled Phosphorus, but we forget the fiery, florid, fervent and furious Nitric acid. She has pimples, red blotches, purpuric spots. Temperamentally and physically she burns.

The Phosphorus patient is as relaxed as the Ipecac subject, but she is drier, her breathing is more catchy, she takes deep sighing breaths, and her anus relaxes.

The Nitric acid hæmorrhagic has been irritable through labor, her tissues did not relax readily, her face was almost as red as that of the Belladonna woman. Now she bleeds hot crimson blood, in spurts, will not do as bid, and chafes under efforts at her relief.

This drug has been given with benefit as an acidulated drink, and in the lower and higher potencies. I am getting further up the scale with it with benefit, but am not prepared to taboo the reasonable dose. -Medical Century.


It has been stated in various phrases of specious plausibility that modern pathology is destroying the very foundations of homeopathy. Modern pathology is not, however, a science; it is not classified knowledge, encyclopædic and final. It is a frantic attempt to find adequate cause for all departures from health. Yesterday it was cellular pathology, more remotely it was humoral pathology. To-day it is bacteriology or surgical pathology. If modern pathology were a perfect science to-day, homeopathy would still be impregnable, for it is founded upon a law of nature as unerring as the law of gravitation. Scarlet fever is generally supposed to be due to a specific germ. This has not affected the therapeutics of this disease, save that it has caused physicians to be more careful about drugging patients, and has emphasized the need of a supporting diet. The vigorous treatment of twenty years ago is now repudiated by physicians of to-day; the latter believing generally that drugs act perniciously. The homeopathic treatment of this disease has been unchanging. The belladonna which Loomis repudiated still cures. The same application of our remedies produce the same results that they did fifty years ago.

The treatment for typhoid fever in vogue twenty years ago is now generally considered to be injurious. To-day they believe that the less drugs are used the better the results. Eberth's discovery of the typhoid germ has brought no corresponding improvement in therapeutics, unless the above may be considered an improvement. Careful attention to diet and hydrotherapy have taken the place of drug intoxications. Modern pathology has seldom helped the old school to combat disease with drugs. It is astonishing and painful to contemplate that such a body of learned men should not have proved the verities of homeopathic therapeutics ere this. We are indebted to the old school for many things; for much that is useful and reliable in the practice of medicine. We are their debtors for many useful refinements in diagnosis. Their study of unchecked disease has been exhaustive and abundant. Every avenue of knowledge leading from the morgue and from the laboratory has been glutted with material. Out of this has grown, simply, therapeutic nihilism. Modern pathology has taught nothing concerning the uses of drugs. Modern pathology has given us glimpses of the mortal combat between vital forces and morbific agents, but allopathic medication fails to support the one or to destroy the other. Before this therapeutic gulf the old school stands dismayed. Homeopathy bridges this gulf and true medical science will pass on to greater triumphs.

These excerpts are taken from an excellent paper, upon the relation of homeopathic therapeutics to modern pathology, by Dr. D. A. Foote. It was published in Medical Century for November.


Dr. Percy Wilde, in his presidential address at the British Homeopathic Congress in 1903, says:

"The word 'homeopathic' attached to a journal or a society represents not only the work of a particular department and the study of a natural law, the truth of which has long been proved physiologically, pathologically and clinically, but it also represents a platform where every therapeutic problem may be freely discussed; where those who differ from any particular view of Hahnemann or any of his followers can freely speak their opinions and give no offence.

"The name 'homeopathic' applied to a practitioner who believes in the law of similars and who uses it as far as its own limits and the limits of our knowledge permit does not mean that he rejects any other method of treatment, but that he has guiding principles which

govern his choice of any treatment or method. It implies that he is never deterred by any difference of opinion on scientific questions from giving any help he can to his fellow-practitioner; that he accepts the fundamental principles of science as a guide to reasoning and the instincts of a gentleman as a basis of ethics, and that he regards the effort to give expression to truth as the best means of securing the honor and dignity of his profession." Let us hang out our signs as homeopathic physicians!-Medical Century.

Among the Journals.


Typhoid germs will not live more than two days in sewage polluted water, nor more than ten days in pure water.

To pollute water with sewage is to aid in its purification from typhoid germs.

Typhoid germs cannot be carried for a long distance in running


These theories, which are contrary to the accepted belief regarding the longevity of germs, yesterday were advanced by Prof. Edwin O. Jordan, of the biological department of the University of Chicago, an expert witness in the interstate canal case before United States Commissioner Bright. It is believed they may win for Chicago the legal controversy over the drainage canal, involving the State of Illinois and the sanitary district, and that Missouri's application for an injunction restraining the emptying of water from the canal into the Missouri river will be denied.

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"The toxic solution thrown off by the saprophytic organisms is sufficient to kill all such parasitic organisms as typhoid fever germs,' declared Prof. Jordan. "In my experiments I examined 1,166 colonies of bacilli which appeared in the cultures and in only three cases did any typhoid germs develop after two days. Those three cases came after ten days, and are easily explained by the fact that the germs, on being poured out of the parchment sacks in which the infected water was held, dried on the sides of the neck, and later washed out when water was taken from them.

"In one case I examined water which I had polluted with typhoid germs to the extent of 857,000 to each cubic centimeter, and .after two days every one of these germs had disappeared.'

Prof. Jordan's views are indorsed by Dr. W. K. Jaques, formerly

city bacteriologist, and Drs. Adolph Gehrmann and W. A. Evans of the Columbus laboratories.

It has been held in the past that typhoid germs would live weeks and even months in water under such conditions as existed under the experiments made.-Daily Medical.


"The very cream" of anything is an expression signifying the best there is, yet few seem to appreciate the value of cream as an article of human diet, most people preferring to use milk fat in the form of butter. The good and properly made butter may fairly be conceded to be the best and most wholesome solid fat in use, it is quite inferior to cream in respect to both economy and wealth.

Many people who cannot take cod-liver oil can take good fresh cream, enjoy it, and thrive on it. In many run down and weak cases, where there is emaciation, cream is often very beneficial.

In an article on this topic the Household says: The superiority of cream over butter, or any other solid fat, consists, first, in its being not exactly in a liquid form, but in a condition allowing of great mobility between its particles, permitting the gastric juice to mix with it in the most perfect manner, and with whatever else the stomach contains, thereby facilitating digestion. Its behavior is quite different in this respect from that of butter and other pure fat. As soon as they become melted they grease over the other contents of the stomach, obstructing in a measure, the contact of gastric juice, and hindering, rather than hastening, the progress of their digestion.

Cream is also superior to butter and other fats from its being intimately incorporated with albuminous or flesh-forming matter in a condition favorable for easy and perfect digestion, so that while it serves the purpose of all unctuous matter in developing animal heat and force, it rebuilds tissue, a very important consideration in the case of invalids.

It is a fact in the function of the human stomach that neither fat alone nor albuminoids alone are digested by it as well as when the two are mingled together in certain proportions. It does not seem to cope with any kind of grease alone, and pure albuminoids it digests as well as that of animals in better condition, in whose muscles fat is mingled.

The palate instinctively recognizes the difference between fat and no fat in the flesh of animals when used for food, always preferring that marbled with fat. A more perfect combination of fat and flesh


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