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in these cases. It has served me very well in a number of cases, one in particular, where the liver was nodular and where the patient had taken a good many of our remedies. I finally gave Cholesterin 3x, and that man is alive to-day, and this happened six or eight years ago.

The Bureau of Pediatrics, Z. W. Shepherd, M. D., Chairman, reported two papers, one on "Difficult Dentition," by A. W. Shaffer, M. D., of Tedrow, the other on "Infant Mortality-Causes and Prevention," by Z. W. Shepherd, M. D., Toledo. Both of these papers will be found in this number of the REPORTER.

The Bureau of Materia Medica, A. C. Roll, M. D., Chairman, reported two papers, the first, "Materia Medica Notes," by C. Zbinden, M. D., Toledo; the second by A. C. Roll, M. D., Toledo, on "Psycho-Therapy." Both of these papers will be found in this number of the REPORTER.

At the conclusion of the presentation of the report of the Bureau of Materia Medica, a clinic was held at the Toledo Hospital, whose superintendent, Miss Mabel Kent, placed at the disposal of the operators and their guests all the very excellent facilities with which her institution is provided. We made a very careful inspection of the entire building and found it to be one of which the city should be proud. The wards were exceptionally well cared for, everything was in perfect order, and the entire equipment gave the impression of careful supervision and painstaking care on the part of the superintendent and her staff of nurses and assistants.

There were three operators-Dr. Maxwell, Dr. Parmelee and Dr. MeVay. Dr. Maxwell occupied the operating room on the first floor, being assisted by Dr. Sara Davies. His first operation was a simple salpingo-oophoretomy, the second a double operation of the same kind, and the third a nephrectomy for sarcoma of the right kidney. The entire time consumed in doing all three operations, including changing of the patients, was just ten minutes over two hours. There was not a hitch in the work, Dr. Maxwell carrying all operations to a very successful completion. The patient upon whom he operated for nephrectomy was sixty years old and had a very serious heart lesion, with an intermittent pulse. At the date of this writing we are informed that all patients have recovered and have gone to their homes. Dr. Maxwell had several other cases which, had time permitted, he would have used, one being a very interesting case of club-foot. upon which he operated next morning.

Dr. McVay did a vaginal hysterectomy for prolapsus and subinvolution. He used the angiotribe instead of ligatures, demonstrating in the entire work which he did very masterful technique.

Dr. Parmelee took the place of Dr. A. T. Barnum, who was detained. He operated upon the gall-bladder, using the Bevan incision with the tip of the tenth rib as a guide. While not finding any stones in the bladder, he did find that the right kidney was more than normally movable and could push down to the pelvic level. Dr. McVay closed the abdominal wound with silk-worm sutures. The patient was then hastily prepared for a kidney fixation operation. This Dr. Barnum made, using the straight, short incision along the inner border of the latissimus dorsi and the outer edge of the quadratus lumborum. The kidney was anchored firmly to the outer edge of the incision by decapsulating a couple of inches of the outer and posterior surface of the kidney, transfixing by two strong silk-worm ligatures and drawing them snugly through the entire tissue. Three weeks later she is reported as doing very well, with the kidney firmly attached.

Taken altogether, the clinic was highly successful and proves the possibilities which may be attained by men who are thoroughly in earnest, enthusiastic and who do not spare themselves or their time. After the clinic was closed the ladies of the hospital gave a very delightful buffet luncheon, which was appreciated by all present.

2.30 P. M. Afternoon Session.

President's Address.-I have two things in my mind that I want to say to this Society, and I want to say them with all the force of which I am capable. One of them is this: You all know of the great effort which the allopathic societies are making in reorganizing themselves and endeavoring to get us into their fold. They have succeeded partially, but not to any great extent. Here and there they have taken away one of the lambs that ought to be within our fold. This is our fault. People say, "The doctors are all alike. There is not any difference in doctors." The time is coming when we in northwestern Ohio, southern Michigan, and contiguous territory have to meet that concerted attack. How are we going to do it? First of all, we must assure everybody that there is still a difference in the doctrine; that schools mean something to-day. How shall we do that? By first of all talking externally, internally and eternally, and every other way— HOMEOPATHY, and more than all this-every member of this Society ought to make the resolution to do it now, and place on the window of his office a sign which shall read in big letters HOMEOPATHIC. That would tell the world that homeopathic doctors are different from their allopathic brethren; that they still exist. The allopathic doctors in this city are stealing away our cases. They claim to know as much about homeopathic medicine as we. We must meet that attack and in

the window of my office this week will be placed a glass sign with the word "Homeopathic" underneath my name and office hours. I have lost patience with the namby-pamby idea that we must not put the word "Homeopathic" on our cards and must not call ourselves Homeopaths. We practice Homeopathy-some of us more than others, but if we only practice it 20 per cent., we ought to preserve the word “Homeopathic,” and if we practice it 80 per cent. we need that word all the more. First of all, that which we need to maintain our identity is the word "Homeopathic" in every possible manner.

The second idea which I wish to present to you is the necessity in northwestern Ohio, in every one of these counties, for having their own county society. We suggest such places as Sandusky, Tiffin, Fostoria, Findlay, Defiance, and Wauseon. Even if there are only five. or six homeopathic physicians in any one county, those five or six physicians ought to have their own county medical society, meet once or twice a year and preserve their own integrity and their own selfrespect. Therefore, the two things that are necessary to meet the attack upon our homeopathic societies and upon our homeopathic faith in northwestern Ohio to-day are that every county has its society. I see here representatives of different counties. Fulton County, and they ought to have a society. have a society. In Defiance there are eight or ten cians. They ought to meet at least twice a year.

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Here is one from Wauseon ought to homeopathic physi

Dr. Sawyer.-I move that the President's address be referred to

a special committee and some action taken along the line which the Doctor has suggested. Carried.

The Vice-President appointed a committee, of which Dr. Sawyer was chairman.

Report of Board of Censors.-Dr. Roll.-I have received four applications for membership: Drs. Clara Gillard, Port Clinton; H. W. Shaffer Tedrow, N. T. B. Nobles, Cleveland, and J. G. Schild, Toledo.

It was moved and seconded that the report of the Board of Censors be received and the Secretary cast the ballot for this lady and these gentlemen as members of this Society. Carried.

Bureau of Gynecology, Emma Butman, M. D., Chairman.

Dr. W. A. Humphrey read his paper on "Medical Therapeutics in Gynecology."

Dr. L. T. Gill.-This excellent paper just read is of especial interest to us. In the department of diseases of women we have learned that we can do wonders by the use of the proper remedy if we continue that remedy a reasonable time.

Arsenic is a remedy we are apt to forget.

I would like to briefly review a few remedies and cases where I have had strikingly gratifying results. Ipecac 3rd-menses profuse. Pulsatilla 3rd in simple amenorrhea, and in cases of non-appearance of menses in young girls, Kreosote 6x. Leucorrhea, Sepia 3rd, 12th or 30th. Bor. 2x., where we have thick, white leucorrhea. Lillium rarely fails me.

I would like also to say something about the tissue remedies. I am partially led to do so because I heard a member of this Society say that he had no experience with Ferrum Phos. I am going to give you some praise for Magnesia Phos. There are many cases where Magnesia Phos. will perform wonders, in that class of cases where the patient will be found bent double; where they receive some relief from hot applications. Not long ago I was called to a case. I reached the house and found her suffering greatly. I approached the woman. I only asked, "It is time for you to be unwell, is it not?" She said, “Yes." I gave her some Magnesia Phos. in hot water, which was repeated in less than five minutes. In a few minutes the pain ceased, and she said she was sleepy. The family had been up all night with her, and she had not slept at all. If Magnesia Phos. is the remedy you will get a quick response. I always give it alone and in hot water, as it certainly acts much more quickly. In a case of dysmenorrhea I got quick relief from Viburnum, but not so quickly as from Magnesia


Dr. Dewey.-I wish to offer a word of commendation on both papers. In the first one Dr. Humphrey touched upon the keynote of prescribing when he emphasized the constitutional symptoms of the remedy. He gave us the constitutional symptoms of Calc. carb., Pulsatilla and Arsenic, spending considerable time on the constitutional symptoms, and I think we all would do better work if we spent more time studying the constitutional symptoms.

There is one point of which I wish to speak. Some fifteen years ago I was joint editor of the book called "The Twelve Tissue Remedies.” In that book we included all that was known of the tissue remedies, and all that had been written up to that time -1888-as we found them. We put them in without verification, leaving them to be verified in the future. In those days of general practice I came to put certain stress upon certain of those remedies, and among them. was Magnesia Phos. in painful menstruation. This is a splendid remedy in painful menstruation, given in hot water, as the Doctor suggests. I might mention other tissue remedies. Kali Mur. in sore throat, Ferrum Phos. in certain forms of congestions, especially pneumonic congestions. Perhaps during the course of pneumonia there is

exacerbation, where a new point of the lung is involved. I might mention Natrum Phos. in acid gastric disturbances in cases where perhaps. Nux is not indicated by the constitutional symptoms. But this is wandering from the subject. I simply wish to emphasize Dr. Gill's use of Magnesia Phos.

Dr. Gill. I think that we all agree that these tissue remedies act more quickly if given in hot water.

Dr. Shepherd.-I want to say something with reference to Magnesia Phos. I have been one of its worshippers for many months. I was called to a case of acute dysmenorrhea in which it signally failed me, and in a patient wherein it had succeeded admirably before. I saw absolutely no reason for the failure, but the patient and the constitutional conditions led me to think that possibly another remedy would reach it better, so I gave her Pulsatilla 30x, following the Magnesia Phos., and about fifteen minutes after she said she was sleepy.

Dr. Humphrey.-There are two points which homeopathic physicians ought always to keep in mind-that they should elevate the standard of homeopathy. We must not forget that some cases will get well themselves whether we give any remedies or not. Another thing in my paper which I wish to emphasize is that a differential diagnosis makes differential prescribing. When you have prescribed for a case intelligently you feel that the case will get along all right. This necessitates the development on our part of careful diagnosis. When a man knows the correct indications for a remedy he ought to prescribe it.

Dr. Clara Gillard.-"Hygiene in Gynecology." This paper and discussion will be found in this number of the REPORTER.

Dr. Humphrey.-Here is a clinical case which follows the special line to which Dr. J. Richey Horner devotes his time. We will ask Dr. Horner to take charge of the case.

Dr. Horner. This young lady is thirteen years old, and up to the age of nine was quite well. She had about that time some trouble with locomotion; she staggered when she walked. She could walk in the dark as well as in day light. One night she went to bed in about this same condition, and in the morning she had no strength at all, could not stand on her feet, and that condition has continued to the present. time. The first two or three weeks she was unable to move her head, and was unable to lift her arms. That condition has gradually improved until she can move the body to the waist line. I find that as we move downward sensation becomes less and less distinct, the upper part of the body being practically normal. There is a lack of control of the sphincters. The reflexes are greatly exaggerated. A very slight

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