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Possesses all the Benefits

and none of the Disadvantges of the "Syrup."

Put up in 8 oz. Bottle only-the size

convenient for prescriptions

The Price 50c.




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GLUTEN OUR Di Criss-cross Gluten Grits AND


Perfect Breakfast and Desert Health Cereals. PANSY FLOUR for cult Cake and Pastry. Unlike all other goods. Ask Grocers.

Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Constipation

A Diet of SPECIAL DIABETIC FOOD should show a decrease of sugar after two weeks' use, increased strengin, relief from thirst, and much better rest at night.

"All these preparations are the best at skill, exerience and capital can make, and a very careful examination, both scientific and practical, has shown that every claim made by the manu facturers has been fully confirmed as true."-AMERICAN ANALYST, NEW YORK.

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Prepared only for the Medical Profession.

Indications: Gout and all of those diseases arising from a gouty condition of the system, rheumatism and all of those diseases arising from a general rheumatic condition, chronic constipation, hepatic torpor and obesity. In all cases where there is a pronounced leaning to corpulency, it reduces to a minimum the always present tendency to apoplexy. In malaria because of its wonderful action on the liver, increasing twofold the power of quinine.

Packages containing four ounces (sufficient for three week's treatment) $1.00, obtainable from your druggist, or direct from this office, carriage prepaid, on receipt of price.

[blocks in formation]

Gouty Bronchitis.--The dry, chronic bronchitis of Laennec, writes Anders (Philadelphia Medical Journal) is recognized by most writers as a distinct variety due to the gouty state. It is characterized further by a highly acid urine, deficient in quantity, pale stools, large coated tongue and hepatic enlargement, and is often associated with gouty affections of the larynx and pharynx. It is to be regarded as part of a general fibroid process in some cases.

For Ascites. The following combination is recommended for any form of ascites, by A. H. Bigg in the Medical Record: Elaterin, gr. 1-15; strychnine sulphate, gr. 1-40; spirit of glonoin, gr. 1-200; extract of digitalis, gr. 4; caffeine and powdered cloves, each 1 grain. One such capsule every three to six hours. If nausea occurs, % grain cocaine may be added or be substituted for the digitalis. The treatment should be carried on so as to secure four to six copious evacuations until relief is obtained.

Digestive Power of the Juices of the Small Intestines.-From the study of the intestinal fluid escaping through a fistula, resulting from a jejunostomy, Simon and Zerner, of Karlsbad (St. Louis Medical Review) found that proteids are digested in the upper more alkaline part of the intestine, and starches in the lower less alkaline portion. A decrease of alkalinity, as in carcinoma, diabetes or gastrectasis, leads to defective digestion of proteids. A hyperalkaline secretion, on the other hand, is unfavorable to the proper digestion of starches.

Heroin as a Cough Medicine.—In his series of papers in the Medical Fortnightly, on diseases of the lungs and pleura, Abrams states that to relieve the distressing cough in diseases of the respiratory organs, heroin will be found as useful as opium and its alkaloids, without the inconvenient effects of the latter. It is likewise an antidyspneic, reducing the number of respirations, while augmenting the volume of inspired air and increasing the force of expiration. On account of its solubility, the hydrochloride is commonly employed, in doses of 1-25 grain, gradually increased to 1-12 grain, several times a day.

Early Diagnosis of Cancer of the Stomach.-Hemmeter, in the Lancet, lays stress upon the importance of microscopically examining any tissue particles in the stomach contents. He claims that carcinoma may be diagnosed by the following characteristics: Elongated and dilated peptic glands, the cells frequently detached from the periphery of the gland, lying loose in the lumen and presenting numerous karyokinetic figures, which are especially suggestive of carcinoma when they present asymmetric or hypochromatic and hyperchromatic forms.

Poisoning from Nutmegs.-Dr. F. D. Merritt, of Lame Deer, Mont., reports in American Medicine a case of acute poisoning caused by taking two grated nutmegs as a home remedy for menorrhagia. The toxic symptoms included deep stupor, slight delirium, rapid, shallow breathing, a weak irregular pulse of over 140, and cold and cyanosed extremities. The patient recovered under the use of strychnine, and the menorrhagia ceased at the same time.

Acid Intoxication of Diabetes.-In the October Journal of Experimental Medicine, C. A. Herter reviews twelve cases of diabetes examined as to the urine at different stages of the disease for organic acids estimated in terms of oxybutyric acid. He finds that the condition of diabetic coma is preceded for some days, weeks or months by a large excretion of these acids, the amount of which does not run parallel necessarily with the quantity of glucose, though the withdrawal of carbohydrate food generally leads to a marked reduction in the amount of the acids.

Pathology of Gastric Tetany.-Drs. W. B. Haliburton and John F. McKendrick (British Medical Journal.; Medical Record) report a case of tetany in a middle-aged man with gastrectasis depending on pyloric obstruction following ulcer. After a severe tetanoid seizure, examination of the gastric contents disclosed the presence of a toxic substance that, when injected into an animal, produced a marked fall of blood pressure and slowing of the heart beat. This substance was soluble in alcohol and in normal saline solution, but was destroyed by neutralization of the tetany fluid.

The Function of the Retinal Rods and Cones.-F. W. EldridgeGreen (quoted in American Medicine) believes that the rods and cones have quite different functions, namely, that light acting on the retina liberates the visual purple from the rods and a photograph is formed, the chemic impression of which is conveyed through the cones and optic nerve fibers to the brain. This view is supported by the facts that a bright light may fall on the fovea without giving rise to any sensation, and that a perceptible interval elapses before we are able to see with the fovea after opening the eyes.

Sermon on Christian Science.-Rev. C. A. Dixon (quoted in Pacific Medical Journal) says: "Mrs. Eddy herself has had three husbands and Calvin A. Frye, who owns until death, in his own right, conferred upon him by her, all her property in Concord, N. H., including her jewels, is not her husband. Two of the husbands. died, one was divorced. Now, if Christian Science has power to heal, it had no right to let these husbands die, unless such was its desire, but that does not argue for its loving character. If Christian Science fosters a spirit of love and harmony, there should have been no divorce."

Colorado Hotel and Hot Mineral Spring.

Hotel has 28 bedrooms for guests. Hot spring resembles Vichy (France) and Ems (Germany). One plunge bath, ten private bathrooms, one massage bathroom. Magnificent scenic surroundings. Exceptionally fine summer and winter climate. Altitude, 5,363 feet. On transcontinental railroad, 33 hours from Chicago and 57 hours from New York and Boston. Capable of considerable and profitable expansion, with capital, in the way of sanitarium, "all the year round" resort and enlarged hotel. Exceptional opportunity for right party or company. For particulars and price apply to


208 Boston Building,
Denver, Colo.



An antiseptic, antispasmodic and prophylactic, to
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It takes time to prove the value of a remedy; CRESOLENE has twenty-one years behind it and the assurance of a vigorous and growing demand, beside the personal acknowledgment of many physicians that it is the best remedy, particularly for


Whooping Cough and Croup ever introduced. The application of CRESOLENE is simplicity itself. The Vaporizer acts from five to six hours without attention. The patient simply breathes the medicated air of the The treatment being by inhalation does away with the necessity of waking the patient, which, in itself, is of sufficient importance to warrant giving it a trial. CRESOLENE may be used in connection with any other treatment, and is used with success in the treatment of Diphtheria. Scarlet Fever and Measles. CRESOLENE is a product of coal tar, of much greater antiseptic power than carbolic acid. Send for descriptive booklet, containing physicians' testimonials and price list. Notice. Phyllana wi'l be allowed a liberal discount, express paid

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Vapo-Cresolene Co., 180 Fulton St., New York. Feeeeeeeee€€€€€6F6€€€€€€€€€€€€

Mining in Colorado!

IF YOU want some information about or a prospectus of a mining company now being organized SEND YOUR NAME to the undersigned.

Here are some pointers: In the Clear Creek District, the oldest and one of the best in Colorado. Large acreage. Two groups of producing mines. Also groups of promising claims included, which have shipped almost from the grass roots. Worked by a tunnel. Great depth at little cost. Large undertaking, large amount of capital required. But there are large known ore bodies, and a large amount of treasury stock for development. One-half of the entire capital stock is treasury stock.

YOU GET OUR GROUND for your money. We furnish the ground, you furnish the money and share profits. Most liberal offer, as most mining companies put only one-fourth or one-fifth in treasury.

More doctors are interested in this than any other people. More doctors will be interested than in any other company.


234 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo.

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