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Green and Blue Urine.-Weber (quoted in Philadelphia Medical Journal) states that all cases of green or blue urine, when not due to indigo from indican fermentation in the body, to biliverdin, carbolic acid or some poisonous plants, are due to the ingestion of methylene blue taken medicinally or as a dye in candy, particularly the purple-colored candies. Eosin is also employed as a substitute for cochineal in coloring candies, and may give to the urine the characteristic appearance of a weak solution of the stain, resembling blood.

The Choice of a Cardiac Tonic.-Jacobi says: "Muscle, serous membrane, vagus and sympathetic may be affected at the same time, or some of them at the same time. Rely on digitalis alone? Yes, if you be sure you want nothing but the stimulation of the pneumogastric. On strychnine alone? Very well if you want a vaso-motor stimulus. Alcohol? If you want to dilate blood-vessels, in conditions of spastic anemia, occasioned by fright, chill or sepsis. Atropine? If you have to combat the lowered number of cardiac contractions."

Oleic Acid for Hepatic Colic.-According to S. DeVevet (Merck's Archives), it is highly probable that the remedial effect of olive oil in biliary colic is due to the contained oleic acid, and from six years' observations he concludes that the latter compound is a specific remedy for cholelithiasis, being preventive as well as curative. The single dose is 8 to 16 minims in capsules, one in the morning for ten days of the month, if the attacks recur monthly, or for fifteen days preceding the expected paroxysm. After continuing this treatment for some time, it may be stopped.

Jenner's Blood Stain. This requires no preliminary fixation of the films, and is prepared, according to T. N. Kelynack (International Medical Annual), in the following manner: Two well stoppered bottles of 100 c. c. capacity each are thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with distilled water and dried in an oven. Into one bottle put .5 gram of Grubler's medicinal methylene blue, and to this is added 100 c.c. of Merck's absolute methylic alcohol, the stopper of the bottle being immediately replaced. Into the other bottle is placed .5 gram of Grubler's water-soluble eosin (yellow shade), and on it is poured 100 c.c. of the absolute methylic alcohol, and the stopper at once replaced. These two bottles may then be kept as stock solutions. In mixing take a perfectly clean and absolutely dry stoppered dropping bottle, and add 10 c. c. of the methylene blue solution and 12.5 c.c. of the eosin solution. To prevent concentration and precipitation by evaporation, all bottles should be kept well-stoppered. The stain is allowed to act 11⁄2 minutes. The best mounting agent is Merck's dammar lac in xylol.

How the Hair Turns White:-Metchnikoff's observation (New York Medical Journal) appear to show that the atrophic process, whereby canities ensues, is due to the intervention of uninuclear phagocytes. These cells are situated primarily in the medullary portion of the hair shaft, but make their way onward to the cortical layer, where they absorb the pigment granules and remove them from the hair. A great number of these phagocytes may be found in the roots of hair which haa only partly turned white. The occasional phenomenon of the hair turning gray in a single night is to be explained by the phagocytes being endowed with greatly heightened activity.

Tinnitus Aurium.-The origin of this annoying symptom, says Thomas J. Harris in the March Laryngoscope, in not thoroughly understood, but in many cases it is due to interference of sound waves. Much can be done for it if the exact cause can be discovered. Drugs are very disappointing in its treatment. Strychnine (1-60 grains before meals) seems to give best results where local treatment has failed. In associated involvement of the alimentary canal, salines or saline mineral waters are prescribed with good results. Some cases of tinnitus are due to middle ear disease. Nitroglycerin has been given with moderate success in several cases with high tension of arterioles.

Biliary Colic.-Keay affirms that when biliary colic is due to the passage of gall-stones, the pain begins in the back (a breaking pain of short duration, between the eighth and eleventh dorsal vertebrae), and not, as in other affections of the bladder and ducts, in the right hypochondrum. When the pain is due to a stone entering or traversing narrow ducts, it begins suddenly and commonly at night. This nocturnal prevalence of attacks is due, according to Keay, to the fact that the gall-bladder becomes distended with bile when there is a long interval between meals. The attacks generally last from four to twelve hours. The pain caused by the entrance and passage of a stone through the ducts is limited to a definite period of time, with sudden beginning and ending, whereas the pain in inflammation is continuous. Mayo Robson has called attention to a pain in the left hypochondrium, below the cartilage of the eighth, ninth and tenth ribs, which is doubtless due to adhesions in the neighborhood of the gall-bladder. If the adhesions be comparatively recent, pressure over the left hypochondrium will elicit pain in the region of the gall-bladder. The associated presence of localized tenderness a little below and within the ninth costal cartilage is of signal aid in the diagnosis of gall-bladder trouble.



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