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sion is not one that can be carried on, at least in some of its branches, without the sound body. You have sound minds, and that is better than sound bodies, and finally, the fact that you are here, the fact that you have done what you have done, shows that you have that which counts for more than body, for more than mindcharacter.

I congratulate you upon what you are doing for yourselves, and I congratulate you even more upon what you are doing for all men who hope to see the day brought nearer when the people of all nations shall realize—not merely talk of, but realize-what the essence of brotherhood is. I congratulate you, as I say, not only because you are bettering yourselves, but because to you, for your good fortune, it is given to better others, to teach, in the way in which teaching is most effective, not merely by precept but by action. The railroad men of this country are a body entitled to the well-wishes of their fellow-men in any event, but peculiarly is this true of the railroad men of the country who join in such work as that of these Young Men's Christian Associations, because they are showing by their actions-and oh, how much louder actions speak than words!—that it is not only possible, but very, very possible and easy to combine the manliness which makes a man able to do his own share of the world's work, with that fine and lofty love of one's fellowmen, which makes you able to come together with your fellows and work hand in hand with them for the common good of mankind in general.



President Jordan, and you, my fellow-citizens, and especially you, my fellow college men and women :

I thank you for your greeting, and I know you will not grudge my saying, first of all, a special word of thanks to the men of the Grand Army. It is a fine thing to have before a body of students men who by their practice have rendered it unnecessary that they should preach; for what we have to teach by precept, you, the men of '61 to '65, have taught by deed, by action. I am proud as an American college man myself to have seen the tablet outside within the court which shows that this young university sent eighty-five of her sons to war when the country called for them. I come from a college which boasts as its proudest building that which stands to the memory of Harvard's sons who responded to the call of Lincoln when the hour of the nation's danger was at hand. It will be a bad day for this country and a worse day for all educative institutions in this country, if ever such a call is made and the men of college training do not feel it peculiarly incumbent upon them to respond.

President Jordan has been kind enough to allude to me as an old friend. Mr. Jordan is too modest to say that he has long been not only a friend, but a man to whom I have turned for advice and help before and since I became President. I am glad to have the chance of ac

knowledging my obligations to him, and I am also glad that when I ask you to strive toward productive scholarship, toward productive citizenship, I can use the President of the University as an example. Of course in any of our American institutions of learning, even more important than the production of scholarship is the production of citizenship. That is the most important thing that any institution of learning can produce. There are a great number of students who cannot and should not try, in after-life, to lead a career of scholarship, but no university can take high rank if it does not aim at the production of, and succeed in producing, a certain num. ber of deep and thorough scholars-not scholars whose scholarship is of the barren kind, but men of productive scholarship, men who do good work, I trust great work, in the fields of literature, of art, of science, in all their manifold activities. Here in California this nation, composite in its race stocks, speaking an old-world tongue, and with an inherited old-world culture, has acquired an absolutely new domain. I do not mean new only in the sense of additional territory like that already possessed, I mean new in the sense of new surroundings,-to use the scientific phrase, of a new environment. Being new, I think we have a right to look for a substantial achievement on the part of your people along new lines. I do not mean the self-conscious striving after newness, which is only too apt to breed eccentricity, but I mean that those among you whose bent is toward scholarship as a career should keep in mind the fact that such scholarship should be productive, and should therefore aim at giving to the world some addition to the world's stock of what is useful or beautiful; and if you work simply and naturally, taking advantage of your surroundings as you find them, then in my belief a new mark will be made in the history of intellectual achievement by our race. You of this institution are blessed in its extraordinary physical

beauty and appropriateness of architecture and surroundings, with a suggestion of what I might call Americanized Greek. Such is your institution, situated on the shores of this great ocean, built by a race which has come steadily westward, and which has come to where the Occident looks west to the Orient, a race whose members here, fresh, vigorous, have the boundless possibilities of the future brought to their very doors in a sense that cannot be possible for the members of the race situated farther east. Surely there will be some great outcome in the way not merely of physical but of moral and intellectual work worth doing. I do not want you to turn out prigs, I do not want you to turn out the self-conscious. I believe with all my heart in play. I want you to play hard without encroaching on your work. I do nevertheless think you ought to have at least the consciousness of the serious side of what all this means, and of the necessity of effort, thrust upon you, so that you may justify by your deeds in the future your training and the extraordinary advantages under which that training has been obtained.

America, the Republic of the United States, is, of course, in a peculiar sense typical of the present age. We represent the fullest development of the democratic spirit acting on the extraordinary and highly complex industrial growth of the last half century. It behooves us to justify by our acts the claims made for that political and economic progress. We will never justify the existence of the Republic by merely talking each Fourth of July about what the Republic has done. If our homage is lip loyalty merely, the great deeds of those who went before us, the great deeds of the times of Washington and of the times of Lincoln, the great deeds of the men who won the Revolution and founded the Nation, and the men who preserved it, who made it a Union and a free Republic, will simply arise to shame us. We can honor

our fathers and our fathers' fathers only by ourselves striving to rise level to their standard. There are plenty of tendencies for evil in what we see round about us. Thank Heaven, there are an even greater number of tendencies for good; and one of the things, Mr. Jordan, which it seems to me give this nation cause for hope is the national standard of ambition which makes it possible to recognize in admiration and regard such work as the founding of a university of this character. It speaks well for our nation that men and women should desire during their lives to devote the fortunes which they were able to gain or to inherit because of our system of government, because of our social system, to objects so entirely worthy and so entirely admirable as the foundation of a great seat of learning such as this. All that we outsiders can do is to pay our tribute of respect to the dead and to the living and at least to make it evident that we appreciate to the full what has been done.

I have spoken of scholarship; I want to go back to the question of citizenship, a question of not merely scholars among you, not merely those who are hereafter to lead lives devoted to science, to art, to productivity in literature. And when you come into science, art, and literature remember that one first-class bit of work is better than one thousand pretty good bits of work; that as the years roll on the man or the woman who has been able to make a masterpiece with the pen, the brush, the pencil, in any way, has rendered a service to the country such as not all his or her compeers who merely do fairly good second-rate work can ever accomplish. Only a limited number of us can ever become scholars or work successfully along the lines I have spoken of, but we can all be good citizens. We can all lead a life of action, a life of endeavor, a life that is to be judged primarily by the effort, somewhat by the result, along the lines of helping the growth of what is right and

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