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Cable, to Hawaii, Philippines,
and Asia, necessity for, 319,
360-362; connection with
China, 361
California, importance to, of ir-
rigation, 196
California Club, 195
California, University of, speech
at, May 14, 1903, 199
Canton, Ohio, speech at banquet
in honor of birthday of Wil-
liam McKinley, January 27,
1903, 100

Capital and labor, employer and
employe should show regard
for rights of each other and of
the public, 84, 166; combina-
tions of, necessary, 150, 355;
better understanding should
be secured between employer
and employee, 151; arbitration
between, 152; problems of,
165, 355-357; interests of,
should be harmonized with
those of general public, 356;
should avoid hostility and
distrust toward each other,
356; fair treatment for, to be
secured by Department of
Commerce and Labor, 383;
importance of combinations,
383; policy of National Gov-
ernment regarding combina-
tions, 384. See Combinations
of labor and capital.
Capitalist, and wage worker

should look at differences
from each other's standpoint,
166; should welcome every
effort to secure fair dealing by
capital toward others, 239
Capron, Capt. Allyn, 59
Captains of industry a necessary
factor in our civilization, 15, 63
Car couplings, laws in reference
to, 153

Carson City, Nev., speech at,

May 19, 1903, 206
Cartwright, Peter, III
Cass, Lewis, 415, 428
Cattle diseases in Philippines,

Census Office should be made
permanent, 340

Chamber of Commerce of State
of New York, speech at ban-
quet of, November 11, 1902,

Chambliss, Alexander, 52
Character, development more by
practice than by precept, 90;
of individual, chief factor in
winning success, 164
Charity, Biblical meaning of,

Charleston, S. C., speech at Ex-
position, April 9, 1902, 3; a
historic city, 3; encourage-
ment of exposition recom-
mended, 338

Chattanooga, Tenn., speech to
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen, September 8, 1902,
52; lessons taught by battle-
fields, 58, 59

Chicago, Ill., speech at, April 2,
1903, 115

Chickamauga battle-field, 59-60
China, interest of the United

States in, 342; has accepted
terms of settlement with in-
jured powers, 342; treaties of
commerce and navigation
with, 343; United States advo-
cates open door," 344; cable
connection with, 361; new
commercial treaty with, 399:
ports opened in Manchuria,
400; recognition of Republic
of Panama, 460

Chinese Exclusion Act should be
re-enacted, 299

Christianity should be moving
spirit of strong men as well as
weak, 229

Churches should be helpful to
immigrants, 226

Cincinnati, Ohio, speech at,
September 20, 1902, 61; quo-
tation from speech at, 130
Cities should not be built up at
expense of country districts,

Citizens, qualities needed in, 12;
must devote much thought
and time to affairs of the State,
20; all must be subject to the
law, 64; American, each should
be able and willing to do his
share in the work of his gen-

Citizens, Continued

eration, 85; American, quali-
ties of, 93; quality of, more
important than the law, 164;
qualities necessary to national
greatness, 182, 243; good,
must be good men, 228; must
be clean of mouth, 228; aver-
age citizen is a
sane and
healthy man, 237; good, de-
finition of, 238
Citizenship, good, requisites of,

20, 34; line of cleavage be-
tween good and bad, 36, 37,
212, 215, 234, 237; high aver-
age of, is prime factor in se-
curing prosperity, 75; Amer-
ican, high average of, 142;
most important production of
any institution of learning,
189; intelligent and honest,
first need of any nation, 197
Civil service, merit system is de-
mocratic and American, 334;
merit system of immense ad-
vantage to Government, 334;
temporary employment of
clerks should be under civil
service law, 335; merit system
should be applied rigidly in
insular positions, 335; merit
system a method of procuring
honest and efficient adminis-
tration, 335; merit system
should be extended to Dis-
trict of Columbia Govern-
ment, 335, 375; improvement
recommended in consular ser-
vice, 375; appointments in
1903, 409; extension of rules,
409; executive orders con-
cerning appointments of la-
borers, 409

Civil Service Commission, deci-

sion of, in case of William A.
Miller, 273

Civil War, 28, 163; wounds left
by, have healed, 4; memories
of, 4; qualities which decided
its result, 42; Chickamauga
battle-field, 59, 60; share of
Northwest in, 154; burden
borne by soldiers of, 242;
battle of Antietam, 245-246;
commendation of veterans of,

Clarke, George Rogers, 173

abrogation of, 320
Cleveland, Grover, 29


Coal, removal of duty on, 141;
strike in anthracite region,
152. See Anthracite Coal
Strike Commission.
Collins, P. A., 19
Colombia, canal treaty negotia-
tions with, 117, 359, 413, 417.
See Isthmian Canal.
Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.,

Combinations of labor and of

capital, 9; have worked for
good in many ways, 9; must
work under the law, 9; laws
concerning them must be just
and wise, 9; necessities in
urban life, 13, 150; much of
complaint against, is entirely
unwarranted, 14; beneficial
when used aright, 14, 64, 75;
publicity, 17; necessary under
present conditions, 355; im-
portance of, 383; policy of
National Government regard-
ing, 384. See Corporations,
Trusts, and Capital and labor.
Commerce, instruments of, when
this Government was founded,
23, 47, 62; revolution in
means of, in recent years, 48
Commerce and Labor, Depart-
ment of, 131, 380; Commis-
sioner of Corporations, powers
granted to, 131; preliminary
work of, with reference to cor-
porations, 132; act creating,
is in interest of propertied
classes as well as of people as
a whole, 240; creation of,
recommended, 298, 357; In-
terstate Commerce Commis-
sion, 380; Bureau of Corpora-
tions, 380; organization of,
381; scope of, 381; Bureau
of Corporations, preliminary
work of, 381; Bureau of Cor-
porations, purpose of, 381-
382; fair treatment for capital
and labor to be secured by,
Commercial Pacific Cable Com-
pany, 361

Confederate veterans, and sons

of, in Spanish War, 5, 59
Constitution, 15; amendment of,
may be necessary in dealing
with corporations, 16, 27, 41,
50, 72, 298, 351
Consular service, necessity for
reorganization, 335, 336;
improvement recommended,
375; reduction in cost of, 400
Corporations, 19, 39, 45, 61, 128,
292-298, 348-351, 380-384;
necessary in business world
under present conditions, 14,
58, 355; are creatures of the
State, 15; necessary degree of
control increased by develop-
ment of industrial conditions,
15; States have not exercised
sufficient control



Nation must assume power
of control of, 15, 16, 25, 43,
50, 70, 71, 98, 130, 131, 295,
297; amendment of Consti-
tution may be necessary in
dealing with, 16, 27, 41, 50,
72, 298, 351; should not be
dealt with in spirit of class
legislation, hatred, or ran-
cor 16, 64, 138; publicity, 17,
25, 51, 71, 130, 132, 296, 349,
381, 383; power of control
should be used with wisdom
and restraint, 17, 72; steps
necessary to gain control of,
23-25; cannot be satisfactorily
controlled by State action, 24-
25; suits against, by the Gov-
ernment, 26; doing well,
should be encouraged, 41;
the industrial tendency of the
age cannot be reversed, 46;
State laws regarding, 49;
properly handled, make for
general prosperity, 64; sav-
ings banks, a good illustra-
tion of beneficent work of, 65;
legislation enacted by Con-
gress, 131, 380; Commissioner
of, powers granted to, 131;
Industrial Commission,
port of, 132; preliminary work
of Department of Commerce
and Labor, relative to, 132;
investigation of methods of
railroads, 133; suits against


Northern Securities Company
and others, 135; proceedings
against Southern railroads in
interest of cotton shippers,
136; injunction against pack-
ing-house companies, 136; in-
junction against Federal Salt
Company, 137; should be
regulated, not destroyed, 138;
a very potent factor in inter-
national commercial competi-
tion, 293; honest, publicity
cannot harm, 349, 383; re-
view of legislation concerning,
380; legislation has been con-
servative, 382. See Combina-
tions and Trusts.
Corporations, Bureau of. See
Commerce and Labor, De-
partment of.

Cortelyou, George B., 274-275
Costa Rica, 425; recognition of
Republic of Panama, 460
Cotton shippers, proceedings
against Southern railroads in
interest of, 136
Cotton weevil, 407

Country, upbuilding of any
part of, is a benefit to the
whole, 6

[blocks in formation]

spirit found most surely in, 32
Courage and hardihood, indis-
pensable virtues, 179
Crane W. Murray, 19
Crawford, George, 272
Credit, necessary in


world, 76; confidence is essen-
tial to, 76

Cromwell, Oliver, 259
Crum, Dr. William D., letter re-
garding appointment of, 266
Cuba, 6, 104,
what United States has
done for, 6; turned over to
Cubans in better condition
than ever before, 7; commu-
nity of interests between, and
the United States, 7, 377; po-
litical relations with United
States should differ from
those with other powers, 7;
entitled to better economic
position here than United
States gives to other powers,
7; reciprocity with, 140, 315,

Cuba, Continued

357, 377; naval stations of
United States in, 141, 377,
378; Platt amendment, 141;
special relation of, to our in-
ternational political system,
141; should have benefit of
our economic system, 141,
377; progress in, 315, 378;
our attitude a guaranty of our
good faith, 322; turning over
of government, 357; whatever
affects, for good or ill, affects
United States, 357; a part of
our international political sys-
tem, 358, 377; Message to
Congress concerning recipro-
city treaty, 377; recognition
of Republic of Panama, 460
Cure-alls should be distrusted, 17
Currency, honest, is strongest

symbol and expression of
honest business life, 76; sus-
picious tampering with, is
fatal to prosperity, 76; de-
based, is ruinous to commu-
nity, 76; sound system, is of
benefit to all, 240; should be
made responsive to demands
of commerce, 305; integrity
of, beyond question, 385. See

[blocks in formation]

Dodge, Gen. Grenville M., 250
Duke, Basil, 272
Duncan, James, 275
Durbin, Winfield T., 277


Economic policy should be sta-
ble, 12
Education, duties imposed by,
192, 200; in this country, is at
disposal of every individual,


Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 271
Ehrman, Felix, 418
Electricity and steam, results of
development of, 12

Electricity a means of improv-
ing conditions of farm life,

Emancipation proclamation, 245
Employer and employee, should
show regard for rights of each
other and of the public, 84;
better understanding be-

tween, should be secured, 151
Employers liability law, 153,


Envy, meanest form of admira-
tion, 201

Everett, Edward, 423

Evil, daylight a powerful dis-
courager of, 17
Expansion of nation, 168, 173;
results of, contrasted with
Rome and Greece, 174-176


Fargo, N. Dak., speech at, April
7, 1903, 154
Farmer, well-being of, and of
wage worker, is well-being of
State, 147, 232, 373; least af-
fected by industrial changes
of last half century, 147
work of Department of Agri-
culture in interest of, 147, 148,
149; legislation in interest of,
148; education of, 149; re-
tains to pre-eminent degree
distinctly American qualities,
150; problems affecting, 165;
prosperity of, interwoven with
that of business and profes-
sional men, 233

Farm life, value of, to youth, 32;
development of, 33; improved
conditions due to trolley lines,
telephone, and rural mail de-
livery, 170

Federal Salt Company, injunc-
tion against, 137
Filipinos, 155-157; government
of islands conducted purely
in interest of, 157
Finance, credit necessary in
business world, 76; confidence
essential to credit, 76; system
of assured honesty is first es-
sential to prosperity, 76; cir-
culation per capita larger
than ever before, 240; nation
is on a gold basis, 240; gold
standard, effect of Act of
March 14, 1900, 305; better
safeguards against panic
needed, 305; revenues should
approximate limit of our ac-
tual needs, 305; strict econ-
omy in expenditures needed,
306; need for elasticity in
monetary system, 354; banks
the natural servants of com-
merce, 354; additional legis-
lation desirable, 355; Govern-
ment receipts and expendi-
tures, 384; a large surplus un-
desirable, 385; integrity of
our currency beyond ques-
tion, 385; needs of financial
situation, 385; International
Monetary Exchange Commis-
sion, 385. See Currency.
Financial stability should be in-
sured by the Government, 76
First Regiment, United States
Volunteer Cavalry, 53, 59;
Southern members of, 5
Fish, Hamilton, 423
Fitchburg, Mass., speech at,
September 2, 1902, 38
Flag, the, 5, 6
Flanders, 236

Foreign policy, 126, 127
Forestry, work of Government
in interest of, 149; Bureau of,

Forests, should be preserved as
permanent sources of national
wealth, 193, 220, 221; preser-
vation of, 193-196, 307, 308,

369, 406; preservation of, in
California, 194; should be per-
petuated by use, 308; preser-
vation of, an imperative busi-
ness necessity, 308; sugges-
tions concerning care of, 308-
310; water supply depends on,
309; are natural reservoirs,
310; wild creatures should be
protected against slaughter,
369; reserves, demand for in
the West, 407; care of, should
be consolidated in Bureau of
Forestry, 407

Fortunes, private and corporate,
increase of, 12

France, 395, 396; pioneers of, in
America, 172; proposal to aid
French Panama Company,
428; recognition of Republic of
Panama, 460

Franchise Tax law of New York
State is in interest of proper-
tied classes as well as of people
as a whole, 240
Frankel, Lee K., 387
Frederick, Empress Dowager of
Germany, 345

Fredericksburg, battle of, 59
Free trade as

trusts, 67-70

a remedy for

French Panama Canal Company,
359, 428


Game, protection of, 369
Garfield, James A., assassina-
tion of, 285

General Land Office, receipts
for 1903, 404

General Staff, bill creating, 160;
of immense importance and
benefit to Army, 161
Germany, 395, 396; attitude of,
regarding acquisition of South
American territory, 119;
claims of, against Venezuela,
119; death of Empress Dow-
ager Frederick, 345; recog-
nition of Republic of Panama,

Gibbons, Cardinal, 171

Gold standard, effect of Act of
March 14, 1900, 305
Gompers, Samuel, 275

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