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" O, it is monstrous! monstrous! Methought, the billows spoke, and told me of it; The winds did sing it to me; and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper; it did bass my trespass. Therefore my son i" the ooze is bedded... "
The Works of Shakespeare: the Text Carefully Restored According to the First ... - Page 77
by William Shakespeare - 1851
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Tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 374 pages
...something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Aion. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! 380 Methought, the billows spoke, and told me of it ;...Prosper ; it did bass my trespass. Therefore my son i'the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded....
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 pages
...PROSPERO from abort. Cm. I' the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Alun. O, it is monstrous! monstrous! Methought, the billows...trespass. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded. [Exit. Seb. But one...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, with the corrections and illustr ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 384 pages
...[Eocit PRO. from above. Gon. I' the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Alon. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought,...organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper; it did bass my trespass.2 Good life, however, in Twelfth Night, seems to be used for innocent jollity, as we now say...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 384 pages
...[Exit PRO. from above. Gon. V the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare? Alon. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous! Methought, the...organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper; it did bass my trespass.1 Good life, however, in Twelfth Night, seems to be used for innocent jollity, as we now say...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 pages
...from above. Gon. T the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Alan. • O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought, the billows...organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper ; it did bass my trespass40. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded,...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volume 12

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 344 pages
...? Alon. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought, the billows spoke, and told me of it; The wings did sing it to me ; and the thunder, That deep and...trespass. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded. [Exit. Seb. But one...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1810 - 444 pages
...[Exit PRO. from above. Gon. P the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Alon. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought,...trespass. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded. [Exit. Scb. But one...
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The Ancient British Drama ...

Walter Scott - 1810 - 614 pages
...seems to have imitated this in The Tempest, A. 3. S. 3 : " O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Metbought, the billows spoke, and told me of it , The winds did...dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper." ACT V. t's lie approaching here in dusty pumps? tin. A footman, sir, to die great king ot'Ken SCENE...
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Historical and critical matter The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 510 pages
...PROSPERO from above. Gon. I' the name of something holy, sir, why stand you In this strange stare ? Alon. O, it is monstrous ! monstrous ! Methought,...organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Prosper ; it did bass my trespass.8 Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; and I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded,...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Sketch of the life of Shakspeare. Tempest ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 454 pages
...monstrous! Me- thought, the billows spoke, and told me ot it ; The winds did sing it to me; and the thundci, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd trespass. Therefore my son i' the ooze is bedded ; aud * Pure, blameless. I'll seek him deeper thaa e'er plummet sounded, And with him there lie mudded....
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