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158 is killed; that one man in about 12 is injured. Taking these facts and weighing and considering them as you should from a railroad standpoint, you can appreciate the manhood and the courage of the men who enter such service. can appreciate the necessity of treating them with every consideration due a man who is as brave and courageous as that class of men must necessarily be. The railway service is very much like the army. Men simply must obey the order of a superior, and each man obeys somebody else. Everybody must act in unison and in harmony. But as to that class of employees, I say if you treat them fairly and not impose upon them, they respond to it. So that it is an asset from a financial point to an extent you cannot appreciate. If I were the manager of a railroad I would rather have the good-will, friendship and loyalty of my men than any other asset I could possess.'

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Roads Which Pay Pensions.

It is said that the New York Central lines will at an early date be included among the systems having pension departments. The list of those having these and the year in which they became effective are as follows:

Baltimore & Ohio, in 1884; Pennsylvania Railroad, in 1900; Chicago & Northwestern and Illinois Central, in 1901;

Southern Pacific lines, Union Pacific, Oregon Railroad & Navigation, Oregon Short Line, Philadelphia & Reading, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, and Canadian Pacific, in 1903; Atlantic Coast Line, in 1904; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Jan. 1, 1907.-Railway World.

Ignoring the Age Limit.

According to the Railway Carmen's Journal the demand for capable railway men is such that many railroads are ignoring the rules once adopted not to employ new men who are over the age of 35 years. The Journal says that the Boston & Maine, the Alton, the St. Paul

and the Burlington are virtually ignoring the age limit regulation, and, guided by common sense, are hiring men more with a view to their qualifications than to the exact number of years which they may have lived.

Experience and capability are the real tests of a man's fitness for any position, and if a railway official makes the mistake of hiring an incompetent man, there is no law compelling the company tɔ continue to employ him. Years in themselves are no criterion. Some men are old at 40. Others are young at 60. In any event, it is safe to assume that a lack of the suppleness of youth is often more than made up for by the wider experience of added years.-Railway World.

To Prevent Head-On Collisions.

Otto Kloeeze, a locomotive engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, has invented a device which it is claimed is a positive preventive of head-on collisions. William Borders, another engineer, is associated with him. The rails must be charged with electricity. Connection is made with the front trucks of the engines, and when an approaching train is within 3,000 feet the air is automatically applied, which stops the train almost instantly. Ather feature is that if a train is not entirely within a switch the approaching train is stopped.-Railway World.

When Grant Traveled.

Maine Central car No. 980, formerly No. 17, the palace car on board of which President Ulysses S. Grant traveled through Maine in 1870, has been dismantled in the yards of the Maine Central in Waterville, Maine, and will be used as a hanty for railroad employees.

No. 17 was once the pride of the Maine Central Railroad. At the time when President Grant and his party made the trip through Maine to be present at the opening of the North American and European Railway from Bangor to Vanceboro it was freely decorated with

gold leaf and had a large observation window at one end.

Accompanying General Grant on his trip was ex-Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin, of Bangor. Beyond Bangor the country was sparsely settled, and in some places mile after mile was passed without the party seeing anything but rocks and wilderness. Turning to Grant, Mr. Hamlin remarked: "Mr. President, this is the first time in my life that I have been out of sight of land."-Boston Herald.

Why Wabash Cars Were Red.

It is related of A. A. Tallmage, at one time general manager of the Wabash Railroad, that he desired the equipment painted a standard color. Summoning his superintendent of equipment he consulted him as to the color in this wise: "I want every head of a department on the Wabash to exercise his own judgment as to the work he does; that is what my policy is. Now you can paint those cars any color you want, so long as you paint them red."-Railway World.

The Courts vs. Railroads.

Judge Holt, in the United States Circuit Court, New York, October 19, 1906, imposed a fine of $108,000 on the New York Centra Railroad Company for granting rebates to Lowell M. Palmer, who has charge of transportation for the American Sugar Refining Company. There were six counts, and a fine of $18,000 was imposed in each.

Frederick L. Pomeroy, assistant traffic manager of the New York Central, was fined $1,000 on each count, a total of $6,000.

"Such a violation of law," said Judge Holt in passing sentence, "is much more heinous than the ordinary common vulgar crimes usually brought before the criminal courts. These are crimes of sudden passion and temptation. These crimes we are dealing with were committed by men of education, business experience and standing in the community, and as such they should be expected to set an example of obedience to the law,

on the maintenance of which the security of their property depends.

"This corporation received large and valuable public privileges. It was under the highest obligations to treat all citizens alike. Under these circumstances and for an offense so clearly flagrant it is the duty of the court to impose a penalty commensurate with the gravity of the offense."-Ex.

Jury Holds Employees.

On January 9 the coroner's jury which held the inquest over the Terra Cotta wreck of Sunday night, December 30, tonight held for the action of the grand jury Harry H. Hildebrand, engineer of the "dead" train, 2120; Frank F. Hoffmier, conductor of that train; P. F. Dent, night train dispatcher at Baltimore; William E. McCauley, division operator of the Baltimore & Ohio Railway; B. L. Vermillion, engineer of local train 66, into which 2120 crashed; George W. Nagle, conductor of train 66; J. W. Kelly, Jr., trainmaster of the Baltimore & Ohio, and William M. Dutrow, the telegraph operator at Silver Spring.Philadelphia Inquirer.

The State and the Railroad.

A system like the Great Northern is so great, it has so many interests which transcend the dimensions of any single State, its power for good or evil is so extensive with transcontinental boundaries that it ought not to be bound down to the dictates of a single State commission in so important a matter as the raising of new capital for extension. This is a matter for the nation to pass upon. It may be that the Minnesota Railway Commission will deal with this subject in a broad way, but if it deals with it simply from the standpoint of the prejudices of a rural community which might imagine that because the Great Northern was going to raise millions of new capital this would necessarily involve the charging of increased rate of freight to pay the interest upon this capital, the whole country would suffer a curtailment of its growth.-Wall Street Journal.

Cost of Railroads in Great Britain.

In Great Britain you find both the cheapest and most expensive miles of railway ever constructed. The eight-mile line known as the Wotton tramway, and which was built to the order of the late duke of Buckingham and Chandos, cost only £1,400 a mile. It is standard gauge and is now used as a light railway.

The most costly piece of railway line in the world is that between the Mansion House and Aldgate, on the Underground, London. It cost nearly £2,000,000. Between Trinity Square and King William statue the record rose to no less than 1,000 guineas a yard, about £30 an inch.-London Answers.

Railway Mileage in China.

China now has a railway mileage of about 9,000 miles. Of this 1,330 miles are in operation and the rest under construction, except 930 miles "in abeyance." Last year the Chinese Imperial Railways, 526 miles, paid 20 per cent on the capital outlay.-Railway Age.

Railroad Young Men's Christian Associations.

The Secretary of the railroad department of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations, Mr. E. N. Willis, has sent out the annual pamphlet, "Progress and Outlook," relating to the affairs of the railroad department. It contains illustrations of the railroad Young Men's Christian Association's new buildings built during the past year, including one at 59th street, Chicago, costing $35,000; one at Boone, Ia., on the Chicago & Northwestern, costing $17,500; one at Concord, N. H., on the Boston & Maine, costing $30,000; one at East Las Vegas, N. M., on the Santa Fe, costing $25,000; one at Bradford, O., on the Pennsylvania lines, costing $30,000, besides a number of other good sized buildings in other towns. The summary of the year's growth shows that the number of associations had increased in 1906 from 207 to 230 and the member.

ship from 74,324 to 84,610, a gain of 10,286. The number of buildings has increased from 130 to 162 and the valuation from $2,250,000 to $3,000,000.-Railway Age.


"SUPERINTENDENT C. L. EWING, of the St. Louis division of the Illinois Central, has been made general superintendent of the lines north of the Ohio River, with headquarters in Chicago. He has supervision of 3,000 miles of road. He is succeeded as superintendent of the St. Louis division by Superintendent A. E. Clift, of the Freeport division, who will have headquarters in Carbondale."

"Mr. EUGENE DAILEY has been appointed superintendent Illinois Central lines with headquarters at Freeport, Ill.”

"MR. E. PHENNEGER has been appointed superintendent of the Richmond district of the Atlantic Coast Line, with office at Richmond, Va., vice Mr. E. R. Wootten, transferred to Second division. Other appointments are as follows: Mr. J. C. Murchison, superintendent, Wilmington district, office at Wilmington, N. C.; Mr. M. Riddle, general superintendent of the Third division, with headquarters at Jacksonville, Fla., vice Mr. H. A. Ford, assigned to other duties, and reporting to the general manager; Mr. J. N. Brand, general superintendent of the Second division, with headquarters at Savannah, Ga., vice Mr. Riddle, transferred."

"MR. ALFRED WALTER, president of the Seaboard Air Line, died Feb. 12 at his home in New York City. He had been ill with kidney troubles for some weeks, but was at his office until Jan. 29, when he suffered a collapse from which he did not recover."

"MR. W. A. WITT, heretofore trainmaster of the Seaboard Air Line at Richmond, Va., has been appointed superintendent of the Fourth division, with headquarters at Jacksonville, Fla., succeeding Mr. H. W. Stanley, promoted. Mr. J. W. Keyes has been appointed terminal trainmaster at Jacksonville, Fla."

"MR. HENRY M. WAITE, superintendent of the Chattanooga division of the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas. Pacific, has resigned to go with the Seaboard Air Line as superintendent of the Atlanta & Birmingham division. His successor has not yet been appointed."

"MR. B. M. MUSSER has been appointed general superintendent of the Loring & Western, with office at Loring, La., to succeed Mr. J. T. Burlingame, resigned."

"MR. J. H. SCOTT has been appointed superintendent and chief engineer of the Tremont & Gulf, with office at Tremont, La."

"MR. R. W. MILLER has been appointed superintendent of the Neame division of the Missouri & Louisiana, with headquarters at Neame, La."

MR. HOMER EADS, assistant general freight agent of the International & Great Northern, has been appointed division superintendent at San Antonio, Tex., to succeed Mr. Thomas Hume, assigned to other duties."

"MR. L. G. CURTIS, division engineer of maintenance of way of the Baltimore & Ohio at Chicago, has been appointed assistant superintendent of the Chicago division, with office at Chicago."

"MR. J. A. CHRISTIE, trainmaster of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Coast Lines at Barstow, Cal., has been appointed acting superintendent of the Valley division, with office at Fresno, Cal., succeeding Mr. J. W. Walker, granted leave of absence."

"MR. D. CROMBIE has been appointed master of transportation of the Grand Trunk at London, Ont."

"MR. H. M. FICKINGER has been appointed assistant general manager of the Cuba Eastern and allied railroads and assistant to the president of the Cuba Eastern, with headquarters at Guantanamo, Cuba."

"MR. T. J. TONGE has been appointed superintendent of motive power, rolling stock, bridges, buildings and water ser

vice of the Santa Fe Central, with office at Estancia, N. Mex."

“MR. J. J. CURTIS has been appointed master mechanic of the Chicago Union Transfer, with office at Clearing, Ill., succeeding Mr. D. Anderson, resigned." MR. P. C. MORALES has been appointed acting master mechanic of the Vera Cruz & Pacific, with office at Tierra Blanca, Mex."

"MR. R. H. RUTHERFORD, master mechanic of the Mexican Central at Torreon, Mex., has been appointed master mechanic of the Aguascalientes division, with headquarters at Aguascalientes, Mex."

“M. J. MCGRAW, master mechanic at St. Louis, Mo., has been appointed master mechanic of the Missouri Pacific at Sedalia, Mo., succeeding S. M. Dolan, resigned. T. F. Carbery succeeds Mr. McGraw. R. G. Long has been appointed master mechanic at Fort Scott, Kan., succeeding W. C. Walsh, resigned.”

"T. RUNEY has been appointed mechanical superintendent of the Erie, to succeed George W. Wildin, E. A. Wescott as assistant mechanical superintendent in charge of the car department and William Schlafge as general master mechanic, all with headquarters at Meadville."

"R. G. LONG has been appointed master mechanic of the Missouri Pacific system at Fort Scott, Kan., in place of W. C. Walsh, resigned. He was on the Memphis division."

"R. M. GALBRAITH has been appointed superintendent machinery, Kansas City Southern with office at Pittsburg, Kan., succeeding F. Mertsheimer, resigned.

R. F. JAYNES, general shop foreman, has been appointed to the new office of master mechanic, Lehigh & Hudson River, with office at Warwick, N. Y.

While most of the State Legislatures are passing anti-pass legislation Oregon has passed a bill which makes free transportation compulsory for district officers and county judges, and puts it up to the governor for his signature, or if he is so disposed state his objection. The Hepburn bill doesn't seem to count in Oregon.-EDITOR.

The Humors of Railroading.

In a recent issue, the editor of the Scientific American in describing a ride on the locomotive of the Twentieth Century Limited, over the New York Central and Lake Shore roads, ventured, with many misgivings, to attempt the role of an impressionist. On casually reading over the cold-type result, it has occurred to him that the "impressions" are a little out of balance, inasmuch as he had failed to touch upon the lighter side of the very strenuous life on the footplate; for although the handling or a crack, modern express train on an American railroad is a task calling for the highest qualities of courage, judgment and eternal vigilance, and although in the background of changing sights, sounds and scenes to make up the engineer's life there is always visible the specter of sudden death or shocking injury, life on the road has still its lighter and humorous phases. One of the "sights" which the privileged guest in the locomotive cab of an express train will be told to watch for, is the taking of water from the trough tanks between the tracks. It is an interesting and even a spectacular sight, particularly if the scoop should be left down a little too long, and the tank should overflow. On the occasion of our ride, when we were making fast time over a stretch of the magnificently kept roadbed and track of the Lake Shore system, we took water at a trough while we were running at considerably above the regulation speed of 45 miles an hour, to which enginemen, as a rule, are expected to slow down. Now, when a forwardly-projecting scoop is pushed through standing water at a speed of 60 miles an hour, it can be understood that the inrush of water to the tank is in such a volume as to fill it up in an exceedingly short space of time, and hence it requires considerable judgment on the part of the fireman to raise the scoop at the "psychological moment" and avoid an overflow.

To provide against rupturing the tank there is a large square hole cut in the top of the tank at its rear, just op

posite the baggage car front platform; and in case of an overflow the water boils out through this opening in a perfect cataract.

When the Twentieth Century train was first run over the road, it happened the tank was overfilled and the water rushing out, fell against the front end of the baggage car, burst open the door, rushed through the baggage compartment, poured into the barber shop, and so scared the tonsorial artist that he fled headlong into the smoking compartment, with the foaming flood at his heels. Thereafter, to provide against another accident of the kind, the front door of the baggage car was battened; and the baggagemaster and the barber henceforth pursued their respective callings dry shod. The scoop is lifted from the tank by means of an air cylinder. On the occasion when we made the run, the "air failed to act" (at least so said the fireman), with the result that the water continued to rush into the tank long after it was filled, and the writer witnessed a display that was simply magnificent. Tons of water, as it boiled over, fell against the front end of the baggage car, and dividing, rolled off in a splendid cataract at each side of the track.

Now, subsequently, a certain tramp stole up on the front platform as the train was starting, and coiled up for the trip. There are two water troughs on this run, at each of which the scoop is used; and whether it was that the fireman actually caught sight of the "deadhead," history saith not; but it is a fact that by a curious coincidence, at each trough in succession there was an overflow of the most violent character. At the end of the run, when the engineer was looking over his engine, he was confronted by what he described as the most absolutely washed-out specimen of humanity that he had ever seen, who with the water still in the act of draining itself out of his hair and tattered clothing, placed his hand on the arm of the engineer, with the query: "Say, mister, what was the names of them two rivers we run through back there?"

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