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young people will be very observing. A nice clean man makes a nice clean impression.

Procedure for Wedding Anniversaries

Wedding occasions are those of gladness and one should begin by saying how pleasant the occasion is to all.

Give a short reminiscence of your relationship to the family.

State your optimism concerning the future.

Add your blessing from any of the following phrases from Shakespeare.


Prosperous life, long and ever happy."

Many years of sunshine days."

"Take from my mouth the wish of happy years."

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If you know beforehand that you are to speak look up, in this book, a sentiment among the Quotations, and speak upon it.

To illustrate, note how suggestive, as the basis of a speech, is the following Quotation, taken from the "Material for Use" section.

Society is a place in which we interchange life,—at least it ought to be; a place where I give you my thoughts, and you give me your thoughts; I give you my experience, you give me your experience; I give you something of my life, you give me something of your life.-Lyman Abbott.


Suggestions for Training the Memory

1. Associate that which you wish to remember with something that you always easily remember. 2. Make your associations in likenesses or unlikenesses.

3. You must give attention.

4. Seize the moment when you are extremely interested in a topic to remember something on that topic.

5. Review, then rest by doing something else and then review again.

6. At night review your actions of the day.

7. Do not remember silently. Tell it out. Speak it to someone. If no one is present imagine someone present and say it.

8. At the very moment you have heard or read it say it out.

9. If you are extremely tired do not try to remember. It is for this reason you should be in good trim when speaking publicly.

10. Get into sympathy with the occasion by talking with someone who is to be present.

11. Eat very little, if anything, before you speak in public.

12. Drink a good cup of tea or coffee a short while before you speak in public.

13. Trust to your memory as much as possible.

How to Remember Your Speech

1. Arrange your Outline so that one point suggests the next.

2. Review your main points several times. Then review them with the subdivisions added.

3. In your Public Speaking you are not to remember the words which you have said or thought upon the subject before you go to the platform. You are to remember the Outline of your speech. It is to run like water through your memory. Do not try to remember words when you stand up to speak, but let them come as they will out of your subconscious self.

4. Try out your Quotations and Anecdotes separately. Keep at them until you can say them perfectly.

5. When you commit a Quotation and wish to remember the author's name, associate his name with that of an author whose name you always remember.


The Voice


One must speak slowly and distinctly-not loudly-if he wishes to be heard.

Make an extra effort to pronounce final conson


There is nothing better, as an aid to the cultivation of distinct articulation, than the practicing of "tongue twisters." Try the following list:

A growing gleam glowing green.

The bleak breeze blighted the bright broom blossoms. Swan swam over the sea; swim, swan, swim; swan swam back again; well swam swan.

A haddock, a haddock, a black spotted haddock, a black spot on the black back of the black haddock.

Susan shineth shoes and socks, socks and shoes shineth Susan. She ceaseth shining shoes and socks, for socks and shoes shock Susan.

Six little thistle sticks.

Flesh of freshly-fried fish.

Two toads, totally tired, tried to trot to Tedbury.
Give Grimes Jim's great gilt gig whip.

Strict, strong Stephen Stringer snared slickly six sickly silky snakes.

She stood at the door of Mrs. Smith's fish-sauce shop welcoming him in.

Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round; a round roll Robert Rowley rolled round; where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round.

Oliver Oglethorp ogled an owl and oyster. Did Oliver Oglethorp ogle an owl and oyster? If Oliver Oglethorp ogled an owl and oyster, where are the owl and oyster Oliver Oglethorp ogled?

Sammy Shoesmith saw a shrieking songster. Did Sammy Shoesmith see a shrieking songster? If Sammy Shoesmith saw a shrieking songster where's the shrieking songster Sammy Shoesmith saw?

Hobbs meets Snobs and Nobbs; Hobbs bobs to Snobbs and Nobbs; Hobbs nobs with Snobbs and robs Nobbs' fob. "That is," says Nobbs, "the worse for Hobbs' jobs," and Snobbs sobs.-Selected.

The Use of the Voice

A beautiful voice is to be coveted.

Some persons will gladly listen to you, even though you have little to say, provided your voice is charming.

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