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preest of good name and off vertuous disposi'cion to syng his masse duely whan he ys disposed to pray sp'ially for my Soule my wiffs soules and for all x'pen Soules in the said P'yshe Church of Aldermanbury by the space of x yeres next after my decesse And I will that the saide Preest be attendaunt and helping at all Divine S'uice to be done in the same Churche And that the same Preest haue yerely for his Salary during the same x yeres x m'rcs. It'm I bequeth xli to be distributed and disposed of assone as it may be goodely after my decesse amongst poore people beyng_housholders most nedy in eu'y Warde of this Citie aftir the discre'cion of myn' Executors. It. I bequeth to the Mariage of xl poore maydens of good name and honest fame and conu'sac'on xx m'rcs that is to sey to eu'y of theym vjs viijd. It. I bequethe to the poore prisoners of Newgate in London v m'rcs And to the poore prysoners in Ludgate other v m'rcs. It. to the prisoners in the Marchalsey xls And to the prisoners in the Kyngsbenche other xls to be distributed and disposed aftir the discretion of myn' Executours. It. I bequeth to eu'y of the v lazerhouses next vnto the Citie off London vjs viijd. It. I bequeth to Thomas Hynde Citizen and M'cer of London and to my doughter his wif x. It. I bequeth to Antony Browne my son cccli. It. I bequeth to Leonard Browne my son other cccl to be deliu'ed vnto theym whan they come to their lawful age or be maried And I will that yf it happen either of the said Antony and Leonard do decesse before he come to lawfull age or mariage then I will that his part so decessyng shal holly remayn vnto the other surviving. It. I bequeth to my cosyn Mr George Weiks Clark to pray for my Soule xls. It. I bequeth to eu'ry of my houshold Ser❜nts as well men Ser'nts as women Ser❜nts beyng in Ser'ce wt me the day of my decesse to pray for my Soule x3. It. I bequeth to Thomas Torell my child v m'rcs. It. I bequeth to my cosyn William Browne Alderman Sonne of Sr John Browne Knyght to thentent that it may please hym to be one of th'executors of this my p'sent testament & last will vi It. I bequeth to St Robert Rede Knyght Chief Justice of the Com'on Place to th'entent that it may please hym to be Ou'sear of this my testament & last Will v m'rcs. It. I bequeth to Elizabeth my wif the oon halfe and halvendele of all my moveable goods catalls and detts whatsoeu' they be aftir my detts which I owe paied and my fun'all expencs done And that other half and residue of all my goods catalls and detts whatsoeu' they be after my said detts paied my fun'all expencs fully done my legacies conteyned in this my p'sent testament and last Will and all other things touchyng the same fully p'formed executed and done I will and bequeth to be devided by myn Executors into twoo eq'all parts or porcions of the which I geve and bequeth one eg'all parte unto my vj children (that is to say) William Antony Leonard Kath'ne Margaret and Anne evenly to be devided amongst theym And that other eg'all part therof I res'ue towards myself to be disposed and distributed for me by myne Executors in geving Exhibicions vnto poore and wele disposed Scolers in releving of poore people in amendyng of highe and noyows weyes and marying of poore and wele disposed maydens and in other deeds of charitie such as my said Executors shall thinke best to please Almighty God and moost profite vnto my Soule.

Vlti'a volu'tas eiusdem Willi'.

It'm I the saide William Browne thelder declare by this my p'sent writyng myn' entent and last Will of the disposicion of all my mesuags lands and ten'ts wt their appurtenn'cs win the P'yshe of Stebonhith in the Countie of Midd. wthin the Citie of London and in the Towne of Calais First I will that all my mesuags lands and ten'ts wt all theire appurten'ncs in the said P'yshe of Stebonhith as well freholde as copyhold and also all my lands and ten'ts in the Towne of Calais wt their app'ten'ncs should holly remayn immediately after my decesse vnto William Browne the yonger my son To haue and to holde vnto the same William my Son and to his heyres and assignes for eu'more. It. I will that all my mesuags lands and ten'ts wt all their app'ten'nes in the p'yshe of Seynt Lawrence Pounteney of London shall holly remayn immediately after my deth to Antony Browne yf it hapen the same Antony to decesse before he come to his laufull age of xxj yeres than I will that all my same

mesuags lands and ten'ts in the said P'yshe of Seynt Laurence Pountney shall remayn to the said Leonard my Son To haue and to hold to the same Leonard and to his heirs and assignes for eu'more. It. I will that all my messuage wt the gardyn adioynyng lands and ten'ts in the P'yshe of or Lady in Aldermanbury of London in a lane called Loue lane shall holly remayn after my decesse vnto the said Leonard my Son To haue and to holde to the same Leonard my son to decesse bifor he come to his laufull age of xxj yeres Than I will that all my said messuage called the Belle and also all my mesuage wt the gardyn adioynyng lands and ten'ts wt their app'ten'ncs in Loue lane shall remayn to the said Anthony my Son To haue and to holde to the same Antony and to his heyres and assignes for eu' Of the chief lords of the fee of the same by the Seu'ce therof due and accustomed. And of this my p'sent testame't and last Will I make and ordeyne myne Executors the said Elizabeth my wif my cosyn William Browne Alderman sonne of St John Browne and the said Thomas Hynde Citizen and M'cer of London and their Ou'sear of the same I make and ordeyne the said Sr Robert Rede Knyght. In wittnes wherof to this my p'sent testament and last Will I haue sett my Seale youen the day and yere aboue rehersed.

Probatum fuit suprascriptu' test'm coram d'no apud Lamehith vna cum vltia volunte eiusdem sexto die mensis Junij Anno D'ni Mill'imo quin'getesimo octauo Ju Thoe Hynde Exec' in h'moi testo no'iat ac approb'at et justt' et comissa fuit adm'istratio omn' bon'or' et debit dicti defuncti prefato Exec'utor' de bene et fider adminis'trand ac de pleno et fideli jume'tario c'it fui S'ci Thome M'ris p'x futur exhibend necno de plano &c. vero com'pto redd'end ad S'ca Dei Eu'ng in debita jur's forma iurat Elizabeth Relicta et Will'mo Browne Exeo etiam in h'moi testo no'iat omn'us Exec'utors euisdem in se assu'mere expresse refutantib'z.

Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 6 June 1508. (1 Bennett.)

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SIR WILLIAM BROWNE was Sheriff of London 1504; Lord Mayor 1513; son of Sir John Brown, Lord Mayor 1480, mercer. Married first Katherine Shaa, secondly Alice Kebyll. In 'Henry Machyn's Diary,' 1550 to 1563, issued by the Camden Society, 1848, it is stated that Sir William's son John was, on Aug. 18, 1552, fined for Sheriff.* Dr. R. R. Sharp in his Calendar of Wills in the Court of Hustings (London, 1890), states that Sir William died June 3, 1514, and that there was a will of his in the City Archives as well as at Somerset House. Sir William bore the same arms as his father Sir John, with the exception of the bordure being engrailed "gules" instead of "or." He is often confused with his namesake and cousin, Lord Mayor 1507. Even in a privately printed List of Eminent Members of the Mercers' Company,' printed by the Company in 1872, they are bracketed together as being identical.


Extracted from the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate. In the Name of God Amen The xxixth day of the moneth of May the yere of our Lord MV and xiiij And the vjth yere of the Reigne of King Henry the viijth I William Browne Citizen & Alderman of the Citie of London and nowe Maier of the same Citie beinge hole of mynde and in good memory laude and praisinge be vnto Almighty God make and ordeyn this my present Testament in maner and fourme folowinge that is to wit First I bequeth and recomende my Soule vnto Almighty God to his moder or Lady Saint Mary and to all the holy Company of Saints in Hevyn And my body to be buried w'in the body of the Churche of Saint Thomas the Martir called Acon of London at the piler there where loive Evensonge

*The compiler of the Index makes an error in stating him to be son of William Brown, Lord Mayor 1508, evidently confusing the two Williams.

be custumably saide And after my body so buried then I wille that all suche detts as I owe vnto any p'sone or p'sones of right or of conscience be mete and truly contented and paide And where I haue remaynyng in my handes of the residue of the goods of Sir John Browne Knyght and of Dame Anne late his wife my fader and moder the some of vcxxvjli xiijs iiijd yet vnbestowed I wolle and charge myn Executours herevnder named that the same sume of ve xxvjli xiijs iiijd be disposed and distributed by my same Executours in maner and forme folowinge that is to wit xyl therof to the Parisshe Church of Saint Mary Magdaleyn in Milkstrete of London towards the Rap'acions of the same Church accordinge to the Testament and last Wille of my saide fader. Item cll therof to the Chamberleyn of the said Citie of London for the tyme beinge to be deliuered and paid vnto him by my said Executo's win thre yeres next after my decesse that is to sey xxxiijli vjs viija or in shorter tyme yf conveynently it may be brought to passe to be applied and disposed by the said Chamberleyn for and towards the Com'on meate of the same Citie. Item xx11 to be deliuered and paid by my said Executours to the same Chamberleyn wtin a yere next after my decesse to be applyed for thadvoidinge of corrupt and noyous eyers w'in the Prison of Newgate of London as shalbe thought most Convenyent by the Maire and Aldermen of the same Citie for the tyme beynge. Item xxiiijli therof to be deliuered by myn Executours that is to wit To euery Alderman of the Citie of London xxs to be bestowed to every suche Alderman amonge the pou' housholders inhabitants w'in his Warde to pray for my Soule and the Soules of my said fader and moder their childern benefactours and good frends. Item li to be aplied by myn Executours by th'aduise of Maister Doctour Shorton and of Maister Doctor Belloud Priour the Freres Augustynes in London or in defaute of theym by thaduise of two suche other Doctours and famous men such as myn Executours shall think convenyent in gevinge Exhibicion vnto well dispoased scolars being Preests and Studiaunts in Arte or in Diuinitie atte Vniuersities of Oxenford and Cambrige And I will that the same Scolars be in nombre v p'sones vnpromoted vnto any Benefice and euery of them haue yerely duringe the space of v yeres Soo alweys that yf any of them win the same terme of v yeres happen to decesse or to be promoted to any Benefice than I will that suche an other be elected and named in the rome and stede of him or them so decessinge or promoted and haue the same Exhibicion in fourme abouesaid. Item I will that xxl of the said sume of vcxxvjli xiiis iijd be dispoased by myn Executours w'in thre yeres next after my decesse in Shirks Smokks and Shets to be made of Normandy Canvas and to be distributed amonge the pou' prisoners pou' housholders and other pou' and nedy people w'in the Citie of London. Item other xx therof to be bestowed in garments to be made of Fryse and Cotton wollen cloth to be gevyn and distributed by my said Executours in fourme abouesaid amonge the pou' and nedy people. Item other xxli thereof to be dispoased and distributed by my said Executours win thre yeres next after my decesse in redemyng pou' prisoners out of prison And I will that xx m'rcs of the forsaid some be bestowed by my said Executours in awter clothes vestments and Aulbes to serue in the said Parisshe Church of Saint Mary Magdaleyn for the awter there where my said fader's preest doth synge and hereafter shall singe And the residue of the said some of vcxxvjli xiijs iiijd I will it be aplied and dispoased in purchasinge of landes and tenements and rents w'in the Citie of London to be amortized vnto the Wardeyns and Comonaltie of the Crasse or a Sistere of Merceis in London for the fyndinge of a Preest and kepinge of an Obite for my Soule the Soule of Kateryn late my wife my fader mother and benefactours Soules and all x'pen Soules in the said Church of Saint Thomas the Martir called Ac'on of London in maner and fourme as I haue appoynted or shall appoynt by my Testament and last Will made or hereafter to be made of my landes and tenements. And after the said some of vcxxvjli xiijs iiija be fully disposed deducted and distributed in fourme aboue reherced my detts which I owe paide and my funerall expenses fully perfourmed and doon I will that all my moveable goods catalls dettes wares m'chandizes and stuffe whatsoeuer they be and wheresoeuer they may be founde be truely and egally deuided into thre egall parts or porcions by myn

Executours and Ouerseers herevnder named of the which iij equal parts I bequeth one egall parte to my most faithfull and welbiloued wife Dame Alice Browne to and for her owne propre vse and behofe Another parte therof I bequeth vnto my children William John Mathewe Anne and Elizabeth. And yf it happen my said wife to haue any other childe or childern by me in tyme to com' Than I wille that the same childe or childern betwene her and me of our two bodies hereafter to be gotten be p'tener or p'teners in the same porcion as well and as effectually as they were here reherced by name. And if it happen any of my said childern to decesse before he cometh to the age of xx yeres not maried nor professed Than I wille that his parte or their parts so decessing be dispoased and egally deuided amonge the other of theym survivinge. And the iijde egall parte or porcion of my said moveable goods cattalls detts wares m'chandizes and stuffe I reserve towards me self therewith to performe and fulfille my legacies and bequests and other charge herafter specified that is to wit I bequeth therof to the High Awl'er of the Parisshe Church of Saint Deonise in London where nowe I am an Pisshern' for my tithes and oblacions forgotten or witholden yf any such be in discharginge of my Soule and conscience x3. Item I bequeth to the Parisshe Church of Saint Petyr in Cornhil of London for like cause x. Item I bequeth to the werks of the body of the same Parisshe Churche of Saint Deonise c m'res And to the Werks of the body of the said Parisshe Churche of Saint Peters x. Item I bequeth to the Sustentation of the Brethered of Saint Petyr founded in the same Parisshe Church of Saint Petyr xx3. Item I bequeth to the Church of Saint Thomas aforsaid for my burying there to be had and to the entent that the same Maister and Brethern there pray specially for my soule and the Soules aboue reherced xli. Item I bequeth to euery of the foure Orders of Freres in London xxvjs viijd to the intent that they brynge my body to the buriall If I happen to decesse w'in the Citie of London And ouer that I will that euery of the said my Orders of Freres shall for the same kepe a solempne dirige and masse of Requiem for my Soule in euery of their Conuent Churches assone as it may conveniently be doon after my decesse prayinge specially for my Soule the Soule of the said Katheryn late my wife my fader and moder Soules and all x'pen Soules And that euery fader or Wardeyn of the said iiij place assigne one of their weldispoased Brethern assone as they may goodly after my decesse euery of them to sey in t'honour of the v woundes of our Lorde J'hu a masse accordinge to the same as it is ordeyned by the Church prayinge devoutly for the Soules aboue rehersed. Item I bequeth to the ij Charterhouses at London and at Chene xls to either of them xx desiring to haue a Trentall to be saide and doon in either of the same houses and to pray specially for my Soule the Soule of Kateryn late my wife the Soules of my fader and moder and of Sir Edmonde Shaa Dame Juliane his wife and for all other my benefactours soules in euery of the said Masses. Item I bequeth in euery of the Spitells called Elsinge Spitell Saint Mary Spitell and Saint Bartilmewe Spitell towards the refresshinge and repayringe of the beddinge and lodginge of the pou' people there in such stuffe as by myn Executours shall be thought most necessary xx. Item I bequeath to the iiij lazer houses next adioyninge to the Citie of London xxvjs viijd that is to wit to euery of the same houses vjs viijd. Item I bequeth to the com'on vse of the Felyship of Mercers of London a great goblett garnysshed of silver gilt of the value of xviiji. Item I bequeth to the Mariage of Ix wele dispoased Maidens xxl that is to sey To euery of them vjs viijd And I will it be not gevyn by favour to any maiden but only of Charitie where as most nede is. Item I bequeth to euery of the prison houses of Newgate Ludgate the Marchalsie and the Kyngs Benche xx to be bestowed for the pou' prisoners therein deteyned in ob' loves of brede as ferre forth as it well extende. Item I bequeath to my cosyn Kateryn Alee to pray for my soule xls. Item I bequeath to my cosyn John West Mercer a ring of golde of the value of xx3 and to my cosyn his wife an other golde ring of the value of xls. Item to my godson William West their sonne iiijli vjs viijd. Item to John West brother of the same William West xls. Item I bequeth of my cosyns Isibell Pyke William Browne the younger sonne of William Browne the elder late Alderman and Richard Fenner Grocer Margaret

Riche Widowe and to Erasmus Forde Mercer a ring of golde of the value of xx". Item I bequeth to xl pou' housholders dwellinge in the Parisshes of Saint Mary Magdaleyn in Milkstrete aforsaid Saint Peters in Cornhill and Saint Deonise where I nowe dwell after the discretion of myn Executours xls that is to wit to eu'ry housholder of them xijd. Item I bequeth to my cosyn Thomas Riche xx m'rcs and to his sister Kateryn other xx m'rcs Also I wille and charge my said Executours that they geve pay and deliuer of my goodes wekely from the day of my decesse duringe the terme of v yeres than next ensuing unto two coples of pou' housholders that is to sey ij men and their ij wives being of good conuersa'cion the one cople of them to be enhabited in the Parisshe of Saint Deonise and that other in the Parisshe of Saint Mary Magdaleyn to either cople of them vijd wekeley to pray for my soule and the soules aboue reherced. Item I wille that my Executours as soone as they may conveniently after my decesse doe ordeyn iiij Trentalls of Masses for my Soule the Soules of my fader and moder and of Katheryn late my wife and all other my goode frends soules this to be doon at the Crouched Freres win iij monethes next after my decesse. Item I bequeath to my cosyn Maister Frysell Priour of Rochester fyve m'rcs. Item I bequeth to Daue Thomas Lowrynge Monk of Saint Albons to pray for my Soule x3. Item I bequeth to the fader of G'yon to dispose at his pleasure for my soule xx. Item I bequeth to either of the two houses of Obseru'nts at Grenewich and at Caunterbury xls to be dispoased for them. in brede vitaill sewell or in any other thinge accordinge to their desire they to sey and syng a solempne dirige and masse of Requiem in either of their said houses and also a trentall of masses in either of their same houses and pray specially for the Soule and for the soules of all my goode frends abone specified. Item to John Thomas and Alice his wife to either of them a black gowne cloth suche as by myn Executours shalbe thought conuenyent. Item I bequeth to John Tilford sum tyme Porter atte Ledenhall to pray for my soule xiijs. Item I bequeath to John Roberts my Seruant x m'rcs and to euery other of my conuent Seru'nts as well men as women beinge in seruice with me the tyme of my decesse taking wage of me before the tyme of myn Office of Mairaltie of London asmuch money ouer and aboue his or her wage as the same wages amounteth vnto in one hole yere. Item I bequeth to Thomas Sutton myn Apprentice x and to Henry Paret myn Apprentice iiijli and to eu'ry other of my Seruants whiche were in my service before my said Office and yet contynue in the same takinge noo wage of me to pray for my Soule xx3. Item I bequeth to euery of the children of myn Uncle Thomas Belwode beinge an lyve the tyme of my decesse xls Also I will that myn Executours se vnto my Seruant John Garawey and geve him suche rewarde of my goods as he shall reasonably deserue in making of his accompt and ordring of my goods. Item I bequeth to be distributed amonge my pou' kinsfolks on my fader side in Northumberland by thaduise of Maister Doctor Shorton xl m'rcs. Item I give to the Exhibicion of my pou' kynnesmen yf there be any suche that will dispoase themself to be Clerks and to studye in Holy Diuinitie or entende the same studye whereby the faith of Cast may be encreased xl. Item I bequeath to Richard Baker late my Seruant xls and to Elizabeth Osborn xx3 And I forgeve to Thomasyn Parker all suche money as she oweth me And I bequeath vnto her xx3. Item I will that myn Executors bestowe for me in the amendynge of noyous high weyes nere the Citie of London or elles where there as it shalbe thought most nedefull by the discretion of my same Executours xl. Item I bequeth to the same Dame Alice my wife of my said porcion C and I will that the Alice my wife haue the custody and kepinge of my childern procured and gotten betwene her and me that is to wit of John Mathewe Anne and Elizabeth as longe as my same wife will geve them mete drink and their lernyng or fyndinge Scole they being w'in age and vnmarried And as to other costs as clothinge and other things necessarie and requisite I will myn Executours se them founde wt my goods and wt the reuenues of my land and tenements in the Countie of Essex vnto the tyme William Browne my sonne come to his lawfull age of xxj yeres And than and from thenceforth I wille my said children begotten betwene the said Dame Alice my wife and me haue their exhibicion of my goods

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