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Abdomen, gunshot wounds of, Neff, 51. Abdomen, penetrating wounds of, Pascual, 88.

Abdomen, stab wounds, Bissell, 394. Adominal section, hemorrhage following, Grandin, 322.

Aberration, mental, sudden and temporary, Ayres, 140.

Abortion, criminal, Stuver, 102.
Abscess, brain, otitic, Lewis, 230.
Abscess, peritonsillar, Barstow, 335.
Acetone, fallacious test for in urine,
Crowley, 375.

Acromegaly, Kuh, 136.
Acroparesthesia, Collins, 430.

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Alcoholism, apomorphin hydrochlorate | Appendicitis, fate of unoperated cases,

in, Coleman, 213.

Amaurosis, alcoholic, Van Fleet, 63.
Anethesia, Haymore, 50.
Anesthesia, bile burns in, Griffith, 340.
Anesthesia, chloroform, causation of
death, Embley, 412.

Anesthetizers, suggestions to, Simpson, 197.

Aneurysm, arteriovenous of the sub-
clarian vessels, Osler, 448.
Aneurysm, fluroscope in diagnosis of,
Osler, 449.

Aneurysm, thoracic, humming top murmur in, Osler, 449.

Pearse, 181.

Appendicitis, gangrenous, Evans, 279. Appendicitis, leucocytosis as point of prognosis, Joy and Wright, 302. Appendicitis, merits of various incisions for, Wyeth, 431. Appendicitis, what can we diagnosticate in acute, Elsberg, 330. Appendix vermiformus, Holmes, 178. Arteries, closure of carotid, Crile, 270. Arteriosclerosis and the nervous system, Allen, 267.

Arteriosclerosis, remarks on, Adler, 358. As others see us, 189.

Aneurysm, value of careful inspection Ascites, due to cirrhosis, surgical treat

in, Osler, 449.

Angina pectoris, Nuckols, 46.

Antitoxin, diphtheria, duration of immunity, Jump, 83.

Antitoxin, diphtheria, eruptions, Stanley, 229.

Antrum, maxillary, chronic suppura-
tions of, Tilley, 389.
Antrum, purulent conditions treated
through natural openings, Pierce.

Apoplexy, cerebral, Fisher, 233.
Appendicitis, Deaver, 34.
Appendicitis, Stimson, 249.
Appendicitis, disadvantage
packing in, Morris, 250.

of gauze

gical treatment, Brewer, 158. Ascites, due to cirrhosis, surgical treatment, Harris, 378.

Assistant, surgical, Brickner, 459. Atrophy, infantile, treatment, Zahorsky, 110..

Auditory canal, congenital absence of,
Ross, 91..

Auricle, congenital absence, Ross, 91.
Autointoxication, Robinson, 156.

Bacillus, coli communis, Lartigau, 322.
Bacteria, luminous, Barnard, 392.
Bad habits, Mark Twain, 60.
Banquet to Dr. Gregory, 133.
Beta-eucain acetate, Cohn, 44.
Binocular vision, test for equilibrity

of eye muscles in, Riley, 247.

Blastomycosis, cutaneous, Montgomery, Cholelithiasis, pathology and etiology, Diphtheria, post-scarlatinal, Williams, 428.

Blood, human,

Maschke, 88.

surgical eosinophile count in Cholelithiasis,

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Doctor Jekyl, or Mr. Hyde, 259.
Drug habituation, Searles, 263.
Dysentery acute, etiology of
United States, 204.

in the

Dysentery, treatment by rectal injections, Lillie, 194.

Berg, 340; Lilienthal, 458.
Cholera in the Philippines, 455.
surgical interfer-
Cirrhosis, hepatic,
ence, Witherspoon, 19, 27.
Cirrhosis, surgical treatment of ascites

due to, Harris, 378.

City Hospital, annual report of, Nie-
tert, 1.
Claudication, intermittent, due to ob-
literating arteries, Dana, 176.
Cocain, antidote for morphin poison-
ing, Barnes, 33.

Bright's disease, cure of by operation, Colon, anomalous position, Grant, 324.

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Broad ligament, hemostasis of, Newman, 448.

Bureau for the recommendation of physicians to the public, 204.

Calculus, impacted in female uretha,

Ameiss, 326.

Calculus, impacted urethral, Triplett. 325.

Coma, diabetic, Mayer, 212.
Commencement, college, 329, 351.
Conjunctivitiis, corneal complications
in, Shumway, 355.
Contagion, one way to fight it, Chapin,

in Colorado,

Consulting physician's fee, 135.
Consumption contracted
Bonney, 393.
Cranberries, 404.

Crystals resembling bacilli, Cobb, 60.
Cutaneous diseases, therapeutics, Car-
rier, 354.

Cancer of sigmoid flexure, Dalton, 143.
Cancer parasite, 349.
Cancer, surgical treatment of, Abbe, Cystocele, plastic use of
Brettauer, 64.


uterus in,

Carbolic acid, reaction of, Mansean, 40. Cystotomy, Lilienthal, 63.
Czolgosz, port-mortem examination of
Spitska, 49.

Carcinoma of stomach,

from roun 1

Dementia preceding and following in-
ebriety, Crothers, 140
Dengue, Graham. 137.

ulcer, Futterer, 214.
Cardiac lesions of negro, Jones, 17.
Carotid arteries, closure, Crile, 270.
Cecum, anomalous position, Grant, 324.
Cecum, transposition, Kieffer, 29.
Cerumen as cause of cough, Breitung. Dermatomycoses, in relation to Allen's

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Cesarian section in placenta previa, Diabetes mellitus, Nammack, 156.
Ehrenfest, 65.
Cesarian section followed by hysterec-
tomy for impacted fibroids, Brothers,

Chancre, the unrecognized, 191.


Character, effect of diet on, 12.
Characters, non-heredity of acquired,
Irwell, 37.

Chlorosis, its relation to the eye, Suker.
377, 448.

Cholecystitis, surgery of, 331.

Diabetic coma, Mayer, 212.
Diaphragm, hanging pelvis for opera-
tions about, Kelling, 35.
Diarrheas, renal complications in in-
fancy, Morse, 428.

Digital examination by vagina in labor,
Briggs, 122.

Digitalis, prolonged medication, Jacobi,

Digitalis, right and wrong use, Porter,

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Gall bladder, Empyema, Hotchkiss. Gregory, testimonial banquet, 246.


Gall bladder, traumatic rupture of,
Willard 216.

Gallstones, diagnosis of, Stockton, 35.
Gangrene, moist, Lofton, 304.

Gastric functions, influence of drugs
on, Reed, 47.

Gastritis, chronic non-alcoholic, Lockwood, 429.

Guest, our, Gregory, 271.

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Schwab, 343.

Gunshot wounds of abdomen, Neff, 51. Hysteria, therapeutic value of work in,

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Gastroenterostomy, with elastic liga- Heart, surgery of, 149, 447.

ture, Meyer, 90.

Gastroptosis and gastric motor insuf-
ficiency, Steele, 105.

Gelatin, effect of digestion on its styp-
tic properties, Wood, 404.
Genu varum and genu valgum, oste-
otomies for, Gibney, 16.
Gestation, ectopic, Browd, 101.
Glaucoma, Bull, 84.

Glaucoma, resection

of cervical sympathetic ganglia in, Marple, 355. Glioma, subcortical, removed, Stewart, 141.

Heart, surgery of, Nietert, 359.
Heart, suture of stab wounds, Vaughn,


Heart, transported, Bevill, 190.
Heart wounds, suture of, Sherman,
Heat centre, ponto-bulbar, Reichert.

Hemiatrophy, facial, Frank, 49.
Hemorrhage, cerebal, management of.

Browning, 177.

Hemorrhage following curettage and
abdominal section, Grandin, 322.

Glutol, in preventing pitting of small- Hemorrhoids, internal, Bullard, 304.
pox, Moir, 448.
of the broad ligament.
Newman, 448.
Heredity, 223.

Glycosuria, following injections of ad-
renalin, Herter, 125.
Glycosuria, ocular affections associated
with, Pyle, 335.

Glycosuria, suprarenal, Croftan, 138.
Goitre, exophthalmic, Wood, 48.
Gonorrheal rheumatism, Westervelt,

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Heredity, cause for insanity, McGugan,

Hernia, incision in laparotomy for pre

vention of post-operative, Buck, 197.
Hernia, indications for operation, Van
Swalenberg, 98.

Hernia of Meckel's diverticulum, Web-
ster, 348.

Hernia, service view of, Robinson, 303.
Hernia, umbilical, Carson, 163.
Hodgkin's disease, fever of, Musser,

Infantile atrophy, Zahorsky, 110. Influenza, aural complications, Smith, 83.

Influenza, ear complications and se

quelae, Goldstein, 199.

Inoperable tumors,

George, 71.

treatment of,

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Kidney affections, surgical experience
in diagnosis and therapy of, Kuem-
mell, 50.

Kidney cystic, bilateral, Osler, 338.
Kidney disease, points worth knowing.
Adams, 451,
Kidney methods of incising, searching,
and suturing, Kelly, 268.

Labor, abandonment of digital examination in, Briggs, 122.

Laws, governing practice of medicine in western and southwestern states, 240.

Hydrocephalus with post-mortem, Ras- Leprosy, in the United States, 224. sieur & Fisch, 145.

Library, medical, 403.

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Medical Society of the Missouri Valley, Nephropexy, a new principle in, Beck, 170.


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Mental aberration, Ayres, 140.
Mentholization before etherization,
Briggs, 341.

Milk of breast modified by maternal
diet and hygiene, Southworth, 321.
Milk, percentages in home modification,
Freeman, 376.

pregnancy. Milk, should it be boiled? Ransom,

Marasmus infantilis, Hughes, 254. Marriage, state supervision, Heath. 101.

Mastitis in typhoid fever, McCrae, 157. Mastoid operation, indications, Hammond, 355; Dean, 409.


Milk supply of Baltimore, examination.

Mason and Bassett, 456
Morphin, use and abuse after abdo-
minal section, Dunning, 339.
Mosquitoes, extermination, Weeks,

Mastoid operation, temperature after. Myocarditis, Musser, 87.
Harris, 456.

Myocarditis, chronic, Musser, 103.
Mastoid surgery, conservative element. Myomectomy upon pregnant
Pyle, 84.

Measles, complications and sequelae,
Rupp, 377.

Measles, eye complication, Wiesuer.

Measles, treatment, Fischer, 321. Meckel's diverticulum, hernia, Webster, 348.

Medical Association of Missouri 115, 314.

Medical Association of Missouri, new officers, 369.

Medical congress, international, 300. Medical director of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 40.

Medical library, 369, 403.

Medical press, Simmons, 279.

Medical profession of Missouri, Griffith, 283.

Medical profession, organization, 383

Fort, 44.


Notes and itmes, 11, 25, 41, 59, 78, 94,
115, 132, 148, 168, 187, 203, 221, 246,
258, 298, 314, 329, 351, 368.

Nausea and vomiting following ether
anesthesia, Hess, 177.

Neurasthenia, therapeutic value of
work in, Schwab, 343.
Neurasthenia treatment, Biller, 48.
Neurotic indications of pre-senility,
Limping, intermittent due to obliterat-
ing arteries, Dana, 176; Hamilton, 34.
Nicauragua vs. Panama, sanitary as-
pects of. Stubbert. 123.

Non-heredity of acquired characters,
Irwell, 37.

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Needle, removal from bladder, Young, Pancreatic disease, diagnosis, Thayer, 100.

Negro, cardiac lesions, Jones, 17.
Negro, future, 80.

Nephrectomy, Ladinski, 141.
Nephrectomy, indications, Wiener, 387.
Nephritis, acute, influenzal, Rachford,

Nephritis, interstitial, relation to heart,
Leavell, 32.
Nephritis, ophthalmoscopic
tion in, Wiener, 201.



Paresis, early diagnosis, Dercum, 411.
Paresis, etiology, Hurd, 394.

Paresis general, comparative frequen-
cy, Wagner, 394.

Paresis treatment, Cowles, 412.

Pasteur institute, anti-rabic vaccina

tion at, Ramband, 269.

Pathology, discoveries in, Jones, 196. Pediatrics, hypodermoclysis in, Hollopeter, 30,

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