Generation-work. Or A Brief and Seasonable Word: Offered to the View and Consideration of the Saints and People of God in this Generation, Relating to the Work of the Present Age, Or Generation Wee Live in ... The First Part

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M. Simmons, 1654 - 112 pages

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Page 245 - And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Page 56 - And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
Page 20 - Curfe ye Meroz, faid the angel of the Lord ; " curfe ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, becaufe they came " not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord
Page 12 - That it is a thing of very great concernment for a Saint to attend to, and be iiduB 3 ftrious A Word to tbfc Generttiot, ttrious in the worke of his generation.
Page 78 - ... thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof : and write it in their fight, that...
Page 265 - Father, and to be exalted as the great and only Potentate, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ) we have two things as principal 1.
Page 55 - All tby children (hall be taught of the Lord , and great (ball be the peace of...
Page 61 - I and a pure offering, for my Name {ball be great among the heathen, Jaitb theLordefHofts.

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