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Abbott, Lyman, 282, 316.
Abraham, popular short story
of, 154.

America, national church of,
ix; spirit of, 351.
Anger, a means of self-defense,


Aristotle, Politics, 330; what
would amaze him most in
life of to-day, 347.
Aurelius, Marcus, quoted, 10.

Bagehot, Walter, 250.

Baker, Ray Stannard, 92, 282.
Benson, Arthur C., quoted,

Bible, the, has no title, 51; an
undiscovered book, 52-58;
injury it suffers from secta-
rianism, 141, 284; Huxley
on the study of, 283.
Bradford, Amory H., 68.
Bright, John, contrasted with
Newman, 325; a typical
democrat, 326.
Browning, Robert, 181, 262.
Bryce, James, xi, 196, 197.
Burroughs, John, 170.

Carlyle, Thomas, 213.
Christian religion, ignorance
of, 71.
Christianity, the capture of,

Church, the awakening of,
xiv; failure of, revealed by
war, xvi; disturbing ques-
tions about, xxvii; a puz-
zling problem, 5; root cause
of its trouble, 17, 38; its ir-
reconcilable conflict, 21; its

lack of intellectual freedom,
49; its lack of conviction,
74; a working platform, 80;
its lack of financial freedom,
93, 204; reason for its yearly
deficits, 99; refuses to do
pioneer social work, 129;
still in the woods, 171; a fol-
lower of public opinion, 181;
does not know its goal, 183;
three stages in its evolution,
191, 208; why it cannot re-
form itself, 204; three types
of, 227; do we need any at
all, 291; once a community
center, 293; how to elevate
its moral standard, 300.
Churchill, Winston, his book,

The Inside of the Cup, xxiv.
Classes, danger of, 238.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 2,
191, 235.

Community, the, search after
a hub for its activities, 143.
Community center, a, 235;
characteristics of, 261; is it
a real church, 273; do we
need any other type of
church, 280; the relation of
a community church to,
287; how injured by sects,
Community church, a, 157; a
necessity, 165; what it is,
175; limits gifts for its sup-
port, 177; pays taxes, 177;
exhibits unity and liberty,
191; an American product,
200; not a federation of
sects, 202; how to start one,
212; needs new type of

architecture, 216; its policy | Fulton, Robert, steamboat,

a prevention rather than a
cure, 223; brief description
of, 228; seven cardinal vir-
tues of, 355; how to pro-
mote, 362; suggested certif-
icate of incorporation for,
370; suggested constitution
for, 372.
Community secretary, the, a
new profession, 305.
Compromise, danger of, 218.
Confucius, xii.
Copenhagen, its liberty mon-

ument, 335.

Creeds, morally wrong, 73.
Cromwell, Oliver, 332.

Death, a help to progress, 241.
Democracy, religion of, 317;
challenge of, 325; Whit-
man's definition of, 334; the
three elements of, 335; dis-
covery of, 336; more than a
religion, 341; two essential
needs of, 343; a layman's
religion, 346; missionaries
of, 347; dangerous to advo-
cate, 348; representatives
of, 358.

Denmark, Folk High School,
xii, 277.
Dewey, John, 310.

Economics, and politics, 332.
Education, new conception of,
243; what it is, 342.
Ellis, Havelock, 341.
Epictetus, 215.

Ferguson, Charles, 158, 235,
268, 348.
Four Gospels, the, discovery
of, 69.
Freedom, goal of history, 50;
use of, 180; abuse of, 189;
an achievement, not a
dower, 327.


Gareth, xxxiii.
George, Henry, 340.
Gladstone, W. E., 349.
Goethe, xxviii.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 134.
Government, five historic
forms of, 343:
Grayson, David, 310.

Holmes, John Haynes, 209.
Humor, American, distinctive
quality of, 236.

Huxley, Thomas, on the use
of the Bible, 283.

Independence, Declaration of,
329, 336, 344.

Jefferson, Thomas, 252, 333.
Jeroboam, why it is safe to
talk about him, 98.
Jesus, why he could not reform

the church of his day, 208;
would he get a call from
a church to-day, 186; his
inaugural address, 253; his
attitude to children, 273;
founded no church, 275; the
songs of his childhood, 336.

Lamb, Charles, 229, 254.
Lincoln, Abraham, quoted, 3;

why he did not join the
church, 127; what educa-
tional experts would have
made of him, 247; on public
opinion, 261; opposed by
ministers, 299.
Livingstone, David, 136.
Lowell, James Russell, 342,
350, 352.
Luther, Martin, a panic-strick-
en progressive, 188; his ser-
vice to education, 296.

Macaulay, Lord, 249.
Madison, James, 249.
Markham, Edwin, 10.
Mark Twain, 298; his Con-
necticut Yankee in King
Arthur's Court, 317.
Matheson, George, 276, 296.
Maurice, F. D., 190.
McAfee, Joseph Ernest, letter
of, quoted, 271.
"Mental hospitality," 85, 241;
church's lack of, 306; the
school's lack of, 307.
Mill, John Stuart, 48.
Ministers, can they be honest,

3; their way of escape, 302.
Money, why Jesus talked
about it so much, 93; why
no constructive poem has
been written on, 123.
Morse's electric telegraph, 237.
Moses, why he took forty
years to go a three weeks'
journey, 230.

National church, does Amer-

ica have a, 269.
Nazareth, open forum held in,


New Chivalry Movement, the,

Oberlin, John Frederic, 23.
Old-age, disease of, xxxii.
Open-mindedness, xii, 221.
Opposition, a test of merit, 46.

Palmer, George Herbert, on

teaching morals, 279.
Pericles, 331.

Pharisees, what they are, 18,


Phillips, Wendell, 49.
Plato, 62.

Poets, have more freedom than
ministers, 60.
Politics, and religion, 326;
why the term has been cor-

rupted, 329; how to redeem
it, 331.

Poor, the, advantages of, 215.
Public school, discovery of,

239, 241; its golden age
lies ahead, 240; its use as
a polling-place, [244; as a
Forum, 248; as a neighbor-
hood club, 254; three illus-
trations of its use, 257; an
instrument of democracy,

Quick, Herbert, his book, The
Broken Lance, xxv; The
Brown Mouse, 258.

Rauschenbusch, Walter, 239,
294, 298, 333.
Religion, a universal neces-
sity, 277; Chinese word for,
Robinson Crusoe, why not bet-
ter known, 242.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 333.
Royce, Josiah, 46, 345.
Ruskin, John, 263, 277.
Russell, Bertrand, 74.

"Sacred" and "secular," false
distinction between, 138;
has no existence, 318; ac-
counts for superstition, 322;
stimulates cowardice, 323.
Schoolhouse, the, this the age
of, 264.

Sects, the, abolition of, 147;
harmful influence of, 148;
trifling names, 149; reason
for, 155; can any be recom-
mended, 161; a waste of,

"Secular" and "sacred," false

distinction between, 138.
Seminaries, theological, 303.
Shepherd Psalm, the, secret
of its popularity, 82.
Sill, Edward Rowland, 46.

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