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[blocks in formation]

area and population of prov-
inces, 87

common interests of U. S.
and, 87

crime and dependency, 101
deportations, 100

dominance of English-speak-
ing, 91

English speaking and other
immigrants, 88

exchange of settlers, 93
formation of Dominion, 85
Hindu a distinct problem, 105
illiteracy of immigrants, 102
immigrant settlements, 102
immigrants seek west, 99
immigration increasing, 106
immigration policy, 91
invites Doukhobors, 103
problems of the oriental, 104
provisions due to World War,


publicity methods and results,

racial element, older prov-
inces, 86
statistics, 89-91

[blocks in formation]

Canadianization, work in, 99

Certain aspects of immigration,
Citizenship, 381-386
by birth, 381

children born abroad, 381
of persons naturalized, 382
expatriation, 382

Porto Rican, 384

to certain Indians, 386
women, 382

Colored races first prohibited,


Contribution to American life, 58
Criticism, English Editor's, 122


Davis, Professor Jerome, 20, 50
Defining status of citizens of
U. S., 311

Definition of immigrant, 315
Deportation 328,

Development of the Bantus, 156
Discovery of diamonds in South
America, 154

Diversity of aims, 215

Divisions of Argentina, 196, 197
Doukhobors invited to Canada,

Durham, Lord, 108

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Laws, importation of laborers,


manifests) outward bound, 301
office of superintendent of im-
migration, 294

payment to informer, 293
repealing immigrant fund, 301
refund of head tax, 297
maintenance of Chinese, 306
status of U. S. Citizens in
foreign countries, 311
subscriptions for publications,

suspended immigration from
countries having conta-
gious diseases, 294
transportation companies to
post copies of immigra-
tion laws, 301

U. S. applicable to Philippine
Islands, 298

white-slave traffic, 302-306
Legislation, 60-81

Canadian, 108-120

Legislative ideals, trend of, 215
Liability of steamship com-
panies, 117-119

Literacy test held in abeyance,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

penal, 377
repealed, 380



validating certificate of, 377
official mail relating to, 376
petition for, 365

National Child Labor Commit-
tee, 48

New Immigrants, 34, 38, 41
New Zealand, 125

aliens, naturalization of, 133
registration of, 133
arrivals and departures, 128
assisted immigration, 129
chief cities and population of,
Chinese immigration, 130, 131
elasticity in administering
laws, 132
growth of, 126
immigration to and emigra-
tion from, 128
increase in population from
1861-1920, 127

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Old immigrants, 31, 34
Old World habits, New World
wages, 36

Oriental menace, 21

problem of the, 104
Orientals, Laws in regard to, 67


Padrone, the, 53

Park, Robert E., 57

Passage of Cable Act, 72
Penalty for illegal transporta-
tion, 329

Persons exempt from medical
examination, 145

Peru, immigration decree of, 205
Polish peasant, 20

Porto Rica citizenship, 374
Portuguese, official language in
S. A., 184

Powys, Llewellyn, 216, 217
Preparation of documents, 333
Problem of admitting Asiatics
recognized, 171

Prohibited classes, 143, 144, 167,

Prohibiting importation of
laborers, under contract,

Prospects for settlers (South
America), 182

Provision for medical examina-
tion, 168

in regard to Asiatics, South
Africa, 171

for treatment of alien seamen,

Publicity methods, 94, 140


Question of surplus population,

Questions to be studied, 20
Quota difficulties, 222

immigrants, 316

Quotas for 1921, 223

new, examples of, 225


Race variation, Professor Kel-
logg on, 212-214

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