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Do Telegraphers

and Business Men Cenerally

write vertically, or do they have an individual slant? Teachers, why not go to them and find out? They are your neighbors,

and your friends, and their experience is worthy of consideration. Read the following: OFFICE OF WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, EMPORIA, KANSAS, December 17, 1896.


Dear Sir:-I am not in favor of vertical writing for the reason that it is impossible to make speed.
The pose is awkward, and the act of writing becomes laborious and tiresome. I deny that telegraphers
as a class use the vertical system.
Very respectfully,
C. W. CLEAVER, Telegrapher.

[Slant 24 degrees to right]

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Department Bookkeeping and Penmanship, State Normal School.

Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 16th inst. in regard to vertical writing, I will endeavor to answer your questions as best I know how. 1 Plain and even, devoid of much shading and flourishing, such as the Spencerian. 2. My writing slants. 3 I place the paper at right angles to the forearm. 4. Forearm action. 5. Do not consider vertical writing suited to the demands of business, especially for telegraph operators, with whom speed and legibility are most essential. I consider vertical writing too slow for the telegraph business and never saw an operator use it. Yours truly,

[Slant 28 degrees to right.]

PROF. W. C. STEVENSON, Kansas State Normal School.

H. C. ROEHRIG, Telegraph Operator.

EMPORIA, KANSAS, December 17, 1896.

Dear Sir:-In reply to your letter of the 16th inst. will say that I consider the essentials of a good style of handwriting to be legibility, speed, ease of execution and compactness. In writing I always place the paper at right angles to the forearm, and use the forearm movement assisted by a slight action of the fingers. I do not consider the so-called "vertical" system suitable for a business hand as it seems to me to be unnatural, and presents a scrawling, boy-like appearance and is not to be compared to the easy, flowing, and yet compact, words as they appear when written by your system. [Slant 37 degrees to right.] Yours respectfully, H. W. FISHER, Teller, Citizens Bank. Why not post up on the subject of writing? The American people are the best writers in the world, yet you may be at the rear of the procession. For a good paper devoted to modern writing, write to Western Penman, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; or Penman's Art Journal, New York City. For information relative to scientific movement writing and individual and natural slant, address, W. C. STEVENSON, Department of Bookkeeping and Penmanship, State Normal School, EMPORIA, KANSAS.

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The regular price of CURRENT LITERATURE alone for one year is $3

35 cents a copy. To any one mentioning this advertisement a sample copy will be mailed free.

FIELD FLOWERS is the most beautiful book of the century. This wonderful work comprises seventeen of the best known, more beautiful and pathetic poems of the "Poet Laureate of Childhood"-Eugene Field. As a souvenir of respect entertained toward Mr. Field by the highest art talent of the land, it has been exquisitely illustrated-a noble contribution from thirty-six worl famous artists. FIELD FLOWERS is published under the auspices of Mrs. Eugene Field and with the approval of the Monument Committee for the purpose of creating a fund to be divided equally between the family of the late Eugene Field and the fund for the building of a monument to the beloved poet of childhood.

But for the gratuitous assistance in getting it out FIELD FLOWERS would cost easily $7.00.

We are glad to have made arrangements to assist the good work by giving One Copy of Field Flowers and a Year's Subscription to Current Literature for $3.00. $1.00 of every subscription will go directly to the fund. The Current Literature Publishing Company,

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Of ALL KINDS......



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Fine Pocket Cutlery,

Razors, Shears, Etc

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JOHN G. NORTHINGTON, Dentist, West Sixth Avenue, Ground Floor.

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E. HOLLAND STEWART, M. D. Ryder & Protheroe, S. H. WAITE,

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The finest Photos for the Spring
Season at the Lowest Prices.

West Sixth Avenue.


Oculist & Aurist.

Practice limited to diseases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat.

GLASSES FITTED. Office, 511 Commercial Street.

Dr.A.G.GRAY, Dentist.

Graduate of Chicago College
of Dental Surgery
OFFICE: Corner Commercial
and Sixth, Emporia, Kansas.
All work done by the most
modern and improved methods.
Nitrous Oxide Gas and Vital-
ized Air for painless extract-
ing. The preservation of the
teeth a specialty.

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