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OLD-TIME SAW GRINDING MACHINE In line with the Old Time Mills illustrated in previous numbers of this Magazine, the drawing above shows the beginning of power grinding as first used by Henry Disston, some time after 1840. This also was a great advance, at the time, in the method of grinding circular saws.


A tremendously large Rock in the vicinity of the Hewitt Lumber Co. Mill, at Wolf Creek over the W, Va. and Kentucky line.

Photographed by Mr. Mitt Smith, filer of the Mill.




No. 10



The Call

E have answered, and it is still imperative that every manufacturer turn all resources at his command toward production of supplies for the Government, whether they be the articles regularly made or others of special nature essential for war work. To this end we have, at the suggestion of the Government, eliminated for the present many items of our lines, retaining only the most staple and of these the sizes are limited.

By this conservation there is released a quantity of high grade. steel as well as skilled labor for the increased production of absolutely essential articles.

"Win the War" is our slogan, and we are devoting in full measure the resources of our steel works and factory that so far as we can help there may be no shortage of articles in our line for military or civil use.

Great are the demands upon the manufacturers for Government necessities and on this account, while we cannot freely supply the trade, we shall spare no effort toward obtaining greatest production, and, furthermore, there never shall be the slightest sacrifice of that high quality of material and workmanship which for so long a time has characterized and won distinction for all saws, tools and files bearing the brand DISSTON.

And when this war is won by America and its Allies the superior facilities of these immense works, in greater measure than ever before, will assist in the upbuilding of these great United States and its fellow countries.

Yours for complete victory,



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