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"A Great Net of Mercy Drawn Through

an Ocean of Unspeakable Pain"

What Your Red Cross Dollars Do

An Accounting of Expenditures of the First Red Cross War Fund

Every one of the twenty million and more Red Cross members is entitled to this Statement. Your local Red Cross Chapter can give you further details.

First War Fund Appropriations up to March 1, 1918

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At the close of the first year of the War the Red Cross goes to the public for the raising of the Second War Fund with a record of appropriations which warrants continued contributions to this great relief work. As an influential citizen of your community, join with your local Red Cross Chapter to make this campaign successful. Your Red Cross is the Army behind the Army. Give till your heart says stop.

Second Red Cross War Fund Week, May 20-27

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At Fort Sheridan they have a number of prisoners who were rested for trying to escape the draft. Among the prisoners was a darky. After serving about five days he went to the officer in charge and said: "Boss, before dis yere war started I sho was a peaceful nigger, and dey done brung me here-'cause I didn't want to fight dem Germans. But aftah workin' on dis here garbage wagon fo' five days, I's ready to fight any man any place." -The Salt Seller.


Yes, sir, I got my start in life by clerking in a small grocery store at a salary of $1.00 a week, and I managed to save money at that. "But," said the listener, more observing than tactful, "of course that was before cash registers had been invented."-Hardware World.


Sister Sadie's now a bell-hop,
In a swell hotel,
Cousin Lucy drives a taxi,
So does Annabel.

Mother runs an elevator,
Aunt Jane carries mail,
Grandma's busy guarding aliens,
At the county jail.

When the cruel war is ended,
And the boys come back,

Wonder who will rock the cradle-
Jill or Jack?


You are early of late. You used to be behind before. But now your are first at last.-Exchange.


Slim Pickens has accepted a position with the saw mill on Gander creek. While learning the business he will act as foreman.

-Philadelphia North American.

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