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If I knew you and you knew me,
'Tis seldom we would disagree;
But, never having yet clasped hands,
Both often fail to understand
That each intends to do what's right,
And treat each other "honor bright."
How little to complain there'd be,
If I knew you and you knew me.

Whene'er we ship you by mistake,
Or in your bill some error make,
From irritation you'd be free,

If I knew you and you knew me.

Or when the checks don't come on time,
We'd wait without a-n-x-i-e-t-y,

If I knew you and you knew me.

Or when some goods you "fire us back,"
Or "make a kick" on this or that,
We'd take it in good part, you see,

If I knew you and you knew me.
With customers ten thousand strong,
Things are at times bound to go wrong,
Sometimes our fault, sometimes theirs-
Forbearance would decrease all cares;
Kind friend, how pleasant things would be,
If I knew you and you knew me.



(From the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture.)

WASHINGTON, May -: President Wilson's appeal to the Boy Scouts of America to help win the war by locating supplies of black walnut trees has been followed by arrangements under which the War Department, the Forest Service and the Boy Scout organization have joined efforts to find the needed timber.

As President Wilson pointed out, the War Department program makes the securing of black walnut lumber for use in manufacturing airplane propellers and gunstocks of the utmost importance. War Department and Forest Service officials are combing the country for black walnut timber, which can no longer be found in abundance anywhere, but has to be culled, often as single trees, from mixed forest growths. Much of the black walnut that is left is in farmers' wood lots, and it is primarily to locate this that the Boy Scouts have been called into service. In the aggregate, there are said to be large supplies.

Many thousands of blanks and letters of instructions are being printed by the Government for distribution to scouts and scout masters throughout the region in which black walnut occurs in commercial quantities. Individual trees may be found as far east as Connecticut, northward in New York to and beyond the Canadian line, southward almost to the Gulf of Mexico, and westward far into the prairie States, but the Ohio and Mississippi Valley States, the Middle Atlantic States and the Southern Appalachian region are expected to furnish most of the supply. As reports are turned in by the scout masters, they will be tabulated by the Forest Service and reported to the War Department.



A Georgia darkey was brought to court on an assault charge. The State produced the weapons-a huge pole, a dagger, a pair of shears, a saw and a gun. The premier counsel presented in rebuttal evidence an axe, a shovel, a scythe, a hoe and a pair of tongs. The jury was out but a few minutes, returning with the verdict, "Resolved, that we, the jury, would have given five dollars to see the fight."-The C. & O. Employees' Magazine.

THE WILL AND THE DEED "My husband," said the matron, "was a confirmed smoker when I married him a year ago, but to-day he never touches tobacco. He used to smoke forty cigarettes a day, but if you offered him one now he'd run a mile rather than smoke it."

"That's fine!" approved one of the group. "You must be proud of your husband. To break off the habit of a lifetime in one year requires a strong will, indeed."

"Well," remarked the wife, meditatively, "that's just the kind of will I've got."-London Answers.

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