THE THEOLOGICAL WORKS OF ISAAC BARROW, D. D. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOLUME V. CONTAINING SERMONS ON THE CREED, EXPOSITIONS, &c. OXFORD, AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. MDCCCXVIII. Clar: Press. 1. a. 8. CONTENTS For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also re- To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, And he said unto them, Thus it is written; and thus it be- p. 64. Dead and Buried. SERMON XXVII. I COR. XV. 3. For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for our fins, according to the Scriptures. ST. Paul, meaning in this chapter to maintain a very fun- SERM. damental point of our religion (the refurrection of the XXVII. dead) against some infidels or heretics, who among the Corinthians, his scholars in the faith, did oppose it; doth, in order to the proof of his affertion, and refutation of that pernicious error, premise those doctrines, which he having received both from relation of the other Apostles, and by immediate revelation from God himself, had delivered unto them, ἐν πρώτοις, in the first place, or among the prime things; that is, as most eminent and important points of Christian doctrine; the truth whereof confequently (standing upon the fame foundations with Chriftianity itself, upon Divine revelation and apoftolical testimony) could nowise be disputed of, or doubted, by any good Christian. Of which doctrines (the collection of which he styleth the Gospel; that Gospel, by embracing and retaining which they were, he faith, to be saved) the first is that in our text, concerning the death of our Lord, undergone by him for our salvation: which point, as of all others in our religion it is of peculiar consequence, fo it much concerneth us both firmly to believe it and well |