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tions throughout are plain and satisfactory, and the merest tyro can understand them. The chapter on the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Nervous System occupies 100 pages, and both the text and illustrations are remarkably fine. We are also specially interested in the chapter on diseases of the kidneys and the one on diseases of the stomach, intestines and peritoneum, but the whole volume is a mine of valuable information.

DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. A Text-book for Students and Practitioners of Medicine. By H. Oppenheim, M.D., Professor at the University of Berlin, Germany. Translated (with permission of the author) and edited by Edward E. Mayer, M.D., Pittsburg, Pa. Authorized Edition from the Second Revised German Edition. With 294 Illustrations. Abiut 600 pages. Octavo Cloth, $5.00; sheep, $6.00.

This is the text-book in use in almost all of the schools in Germany, and is widely and favorably known to specialists in all of the continental countries. We are glad that it has been translated into our own language in order that the English-speaking world may have the benefit of an opportunity to consult its pages.

The work is in two parts. The first, or general, part includes the methods of examination and the general symptomatology. The second, or special, part is divided into six sections, which embrace the following: First section, Diseases of the Spinal Cord; second section, Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves; third section, Diseases of the Brain; fourth section, The Neuroses; fifth section, Diseases of the Sympathetic and the Anginoneuroses and Trophoneuroses; sixth section, Toxic Conditions with Predominant Nervous Symptoms.

The chapter on epilepsy is particularly original and valuable.

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sity of Liepsig, Authorized Translation from the German. Edited by H. Holbrook Curtis, M.D., Consulting Surgeon to the New York Nose and Throat Hospital and to the Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Hospitals. Philadelphia and London. W. B. Saunders & Company. 1900.

It is rare that a reviewer has had a more pleasant task than to criticize this book, for it is a work which will be of value alike to the general practitioner and to the specialist. Too often the specialist has been only a specialist and not had the advantage of practical experience in general medicine, and such a one will find in this book a most valuable help; and on the other hand the general practitioner too frequently regards all symptoms connected with the eyes or ears as too far beyond them, and therefore they are neglectful of their proper signiflcance. Hence this book is of special worth in acquainting the general practitioner with the rapid advances in these specialties. There has been an immense amount of detail in connection with nervous diseases that has been gathered by the author in this work.

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The work is divided into twelve sections: Diseases of the Respiratory Organs; Diseases of the Circulatory System; Diseases of the Digestive System; Diseases of the Blood; Chronic Constitutional Diseases; Acute Infectious Diseases; Chronic Infectious Diseases; Diseases of the Kidney; Diseases of the Skin and of the Sexual Organs; Diseases of the Eye; Intoxications; Nervous Diseases.

It is no place for us to give a review seriatim of these chapters, but we will only pick out some of the things which are of more interest to the general practitioner.

Probably the chapter on Exanthemata will appeal most strongly to the ordinary physician, and among these diseases diphtheria will range among the first, while all are amply discussed

in this book. The specific lesions of syphilis hold a very important position in a work of this kind, and as it is in the pharynx where the tertiary forms of this disease are more marked, so it follows that a most valuable treatise could be written on this alone. The symptoms complained of, such as headache, lassitude, loss of appetite, are general, but if a post-rhinoscopic examination be made the characteristic luetic ulcers may render the diagnosis certain. The interdependence of diseases of the eye and nose, and the eye and ear, will be of especial interest to the specialist as general practitioners, unless living in the country, will hardly dare to treat such maladies, but an endeavor to make a diagnosis should be best, if possible, by physicians everywhere.

It would take a very wide reading and careful culling from many books to obtain a chapter so full of information as the one upon intoxicants. Few people are aware, for instance, that the use of iodide of potassium, even in medicinal doses, may be followed by such alarming symptoms that tracheotomy may be necessary, yet there are two such instances on page 244 of this work.

Not many anesthetists are aware of the fact that deafness may follow chloroform narcosis, a deafness which may persist for days, but instances of this are reported on page 249.

As to intimate knowledge and richness of detail in a variety of symptoms in difference of pathology there is no part of this work which can compare with the exceedingly interesting de partment entitled Nervous Diseases. The discussion of the question of paralysis of the recurrent nerves on pages 252-258 would interest a neurologist, but would be of more value to the laryngologist, as only one skilled in the use of the laryngoscope could verify the conclusions there drawn.

There is a valuable appendix upon reflex nasal neurosis, the vaso motor coryza, nasal cough. There is even the point suggested, page 311, that pertussis is a symptom of reflex neurosis and is certain that the attacks of this disease can be considerably mitigated by cocainizing the nose. It is well known that eneurisis nocturna, chorea and epilepsy may be some of the ultimate effects of nasal stenosis, and the removal of these lesions has been followed in individual cases by


The neurologists will read with interest the remarks upon the significance of the cranial nerves in Rhinology and Otology. The general practitioner is well aware of the fact that many diseases may produce earache when that organ itself is not diseased. Such common ones as ulcerations, acute inflammation, tonsillar abscess and swelling of the base of the tongue and epiglottis. So true is this that otalgia has long been known as a charthe acteristic sign of carcinoma of larynx.

Taking it all in all, we find in this book of Friedrich's concise information, judicious selection, interesting and almost fascinating data collated in such away as to be one of the most valuable of works, since it connects the mother science of medicine with its young and up-to-date daughters.

By Gorham BaA MANUAL OF OTOLOGY. Professor of Otology in con, A.B., M.D., New Cornell University Medical College, York; Aural Surgeon, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. With an introductory chapter by Clarence John Blake, M.D., Professor Second of Otology in Harvard University. With 114 Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Lea Brothers & Illustrations and 3 plates. Company, New York and Philadelphia. 1900. The value of this work is that it puts in a small and concise form the anatomy, physiology, pathology and treatment of the ear. It goes without saying that in the first pages there will be no chance for disagreement,

although Plate 2, opposite page 142, the reviewer would criticise on account of the too highly colored illustrations, as nowhere in his experience has he ever seen their like—that is, in a patient. It is necessary that there be difference of opinion as to what should be done, but we believe that in a manual of this kind the writer should be very careful to recommend only that which the broadest experience has justified. For instance, in the treatment of adenoid growths, bottom of page 176, chromic acid is allowed in some cases, the author forgetting that violent poisoning may sometimes follow the use of but a few centigrams. The author advises the use of an anesthetic, preferring ether and chloroform even in children. He makes, however, no mention of a far more suitable drug, at least suitable for this operation-the bromid of ethyl. On pages 201-5 he describes the Asch operation. He here advises general anesthesia correctly, but also fails to mention that this is an operation where the bromid of ethyl is especially indicated.

We entirely agree with the author that the eustachean catheter is much more efficacious and safe method of inflation to the middle ear than is Pulitzeration. We also think that he is correct in stating that paracentesis should be replaced by free incision, the line of incision extending from just behind the stapes to the lower part of the drum head and close to the opening of the auditory canal, and this should be done as soon as bulging of the drum head is apparent, and even if a small spontaneous rupture has taken place, the aperture should be made larger by free cutting.

I suppose it is impossible, almost, to write a book without some disagreeSuch a one able typographical errors. occurs on page 287, where potash iodide instead of potassium iodide is recommended in facial paralysis.

The acme of all otological surgery is the opening of the mastoid cells, and hence rightly a great deal of time and space in this work is devoted to the disease and the treatment of the disThe ineases of the mastoid process. tercranial complications are spoken of at lengua, but they are of more interest to the general surgeons and neurologists.

Taking it all in all, we find this work especially adapted to the senior student and the post-graduate work where the physician wishes to obtain in a very acceptable form the practical points relating to this special branch of surgery. Hence this is a book for the advanced student and the general practitioner rather than for the specialist.

DISEASES OF THE EYE. For Students and General Practitioners. With 243 Original Illustrations, including 12 colored figures. By Charles H. May, M.D., Chief of Clinic and Instructor in Ophthalmology, Eye Department, College of Physicians, Medical Department, Columbia University, New York. New York. William Wood & Co. 1900.

The old Biblical insinuation that of the printing of many books there is no end seems to be exemplified in this day to a very alarming extent.

The reviewer has before him a. couple of excellent books, well written, well illustrated, and books which without doubt will meet with a certain demand, but books which in reality there has been no occasion for being written from the standpoint of the medical student or practitioner. In other words, just as good books, revised and up to date, on the samesubjects are and have been in existence for some time.

The small manual on diseases of the eye, by Doctor May, contains nothing that is superfluous, and any student who is able to get into his brain all that the work contains will have no difficulty in passing the ophthalmic examination in any medical college in America. It is a small work and may

be easily carried in the student's pocket.

The other work is the joint production of Dr. Whippern and Dr. Gallaudet, and treats of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat.

The reviewer can say scarcely more in its favor than that it contains the diseases of these different organs in a condensed form and in one volume, of a size that may be easily handled, and differs not materially from other abridged works on the same subjects.

EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. A Manual for Students and Practitioners. By William Lincoln Ballenger, M.D., Assistant Professor of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology in the College of Medicine of the University of Illiniois (College of Physicians and surgeons); Professor of Otology, Rhinology and Larynology in the Chicago Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat (post graduate) College; Member of the International Congress of Otologists (London); Member of the Amererican Otological and Laryngological Association; Fellow of the Chicago Academy of Medicine;

Attending Otologist, Rhinologist and Laryngologist at the West Side Free Dispensary, etc, and A. G. Whippern, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology, Chicago Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat College. Series edited by Bern B. Gallaudet, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy and Instructor in Surgery, College of Physicians, Columbia University New York; Visiting Surgeon, Bellevue Hospital, New York. Illustrated with 150 engravings and six colored plates. Lea Bros. & Company, Philadelphia and New York.

As the author says in his introduction that the volume has been prepared for the perusal of the general practitioner and medical student rather than for the specialist in ophthalmology, the reviewer is disarmed from any serious criticism.

Very wisely, operations on the external nose and maxilla have been excluded, as they are ordinarily performed by the general surgeon. Illustrations in the chapter on the upper ear passages are new, after nature, and extremely practical, giving the reader a much better knowledge than do schematical illustrations.

The author has described quite fully

the diseases of the accessory sinuses. Too frequently diseases of the frontal sinus are simply mentioned in books of this kind, and if one wishes to read up concerning them, must seek a work on ophthalmology, which is not as it should be.

Under the treatment of adenoids the author does not even mention the use of ethyl bromide as an anesthetic. The reviewer, with a large experience in this line, believes for the competent operator that the bromide of ethyl has no equal as an anesthetic, for immediately upon the cessation of the operation the patient is sufficiently awake to assist the operator in getting rid of the blood from the throat and nose.

Taking it all in all, we have in this work by Dr. Shurley a first-class work and one which can be recommended without exception to the general practitioner and to the specialist, although the author is himself modest in his claims.

THE AMERICAN ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL DICTIONARY-A new and complete Dictionary of the Terms used in Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, and kindred branches with their Pronunciation, Derivation, and Definition, including much Collateral Information of an Encyclopedic Character, with numerous Illustrations and twenty-four Colored Plates. By W. A. Newman Dorland, A.M., M.D., Assistant Obstetrician to the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders & Co., 1900.


This book, with its flexible leather covers and its very thin and excellent paper, is a commendable specimen of bookmaking art. Besides the ordinary dictionary matter, it contains new and elaborate tables of arteries, muscles, nerves, veins, bacilli, bacteria, diplococci, micrococci, streptococci, ptomains and leukomains, weights and measures; eponymic tables of diseases, operations, signs and symptoms, stains test and method of treatment. We notice some diseases that we fear do not receive from the profession sufficient attention, viz.: There is the

onychophagist, i. e., the one who habitually bites his finger nails; there is the rhypophobiast, the woman who has a morbid fear of dirt, and the subject of nyctophobia, a morbid fear of darkness. When known by these names all of the above diseases assume great importance. We commend to Benjamin Ide Wheeler, of Berkeley, miryachit, which is a jumping disease in went to Russia. President Wheeler Athens to witness the jumping of the Greeks, and now if he could see Russian case of miryachit his athletic heart would doubtless bè satisfied. Nyctophonia or loss of voice during the day would be more heartily approved in many people if it lasted Frost-bite, when we realize longer. that it should properly be called pagoplexia, reaches alarming importance.




Manual of Operative Surgery, by Lewis A. Stimson, B.A., M.D., Professor of Surgery New in Cornell University Medical College. In one (4th) and thoroughly revised edition. royal 12mo. volume of 581 pages with 293 illustrations. Just ready. Cloth, $3.00, net. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York.

This little work on surgery, while much too concise to be used as a text-book to the exclusion of others, abundant sugnevertheless contains gestions, with a number of fairly prepared cuts which add very much to its usefulness. That the profession has demanded a fourth edition speaks well for the manner in which it has been received.

"Medical Analects, Gross," published by the California Pharmacal Company, of San Francisco. "This vest pocket booklet embraces features which are of the greatest importance to the practical physician who is unable by stress of work to bear in mind the many facts essential in routine practice. It is a "vade mecum" which practically bears out its name, to be carried by

the physician to aid him in matters arising in emergency practice."

The International Journal of Surgery Co. have the following new books on press:

THE TREATMENT OF FRACTURES-By W. L. Estes, A.M., M.D. Director and Physician, and Surgeon-in-Chief, St. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlehem, Penn. Price, $2.00.

THE TECHNIQUE OF SURGICAL GYNECOLOGY-By Augustin H. Goelet, M.D. Professor of Gynecology in New York School of Clinical Medicine; Consulting Professor of Gynecological Electro-Therapeutics, International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa., etc. Price, $2.00.


Hobart Amory Hare, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College or Philadelphia; Physician to the Jefferson Medical College Hospital: Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medical Society of London; Corresponding Fellow of the Sociedad Espanola de Higiene of Madrid; Member of the Association of American Physicians, etc. Assisted by Charles Adams Holder, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College. Volume III. September, 1900. Diseases of the Thorax and its Viscera, including the Heart, Lungs, and Blood Vessels-Diseases of the Skin-Diseases of the Nervous SystemObstetrics. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1900.

The reviewer, in perusing this volume of Progressive Medicine, volume III of the present year, is impressed with the fact that it is the most interesting and instructive volume thus far issued.

The first section, on "Diseases of the thorax and its viscera, including the heart, lungs, and blood vessels," by William Ewart, M. D., F. R. C. P., abounds in timely reading. The conclusions on the use of the anti-pneumococcus serum in pneumonia are interesting, as is also the general review of the modern treatment of pneumonia.

In the "Treatment of Whooping Cough," the statement is made that "Bromoform has not fulfilled the prom

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