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prises the disease from the "Rectum and Anus Diseases of, to Zinc," and also a general index, thus practically ending a work of six volumes which covers all the general diseases described in text-book and besides this all the progressive features that the past decade has furnished. The literature of the past few years is quite extensively quoted and credit always given for the quotations. As regards therapeutics the remedies that are in use are represented, together with what is new, while the obsolete ones are omitted. The sixth volume contains a large number of valuable articles, most notable of which are "Rheumatism," by Dr. Levison of Copenhagen; "Diseases of the Stomach," by Prof. D. D. Stewart of Philadelphia; "Surgery of the Stomach and Intestines," by Prof. W. W. Keen and Dr. M. B. Tinker of Philadelphia; "Surgery of the Spine," by Prof. R. H. Sayre of New York; "Syphilis," by Prof. G. F. Lydston of Chicago; "Surgery of the Urinary System," by Prof. J. W. White and Dr. A. C. Wood of Philadelphia; "Diseases of the Uterus," by Prof. H. T. Byford of Chicago, and "Diseases of the Uterine Adnexa," by Prof. E. E. Montgomery of Philadelphia; "Wounds and Injuries of the Chest," by Prof. L. A. Stimson and Dr. E. L. Keyes, Jr., of New York: and "Yellow Fever," by Surgeon-General Wyman of Washington. The general index is intended to be a help and doubtless will prove such, although it would seem that had the number of the page been given rather than the headings of articles considered it might have saved much time in reference work. Taken as a complete work the six volumes comprise an amount of literature that is easily accessible, which doubtless can be found in no other similar work. Too much cannot be said in its favor.

INTERNATIONAL CLINICS, A Quarterly of clinical lectures and especially prepared articles on Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, Therapeutics, Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Pathology, Dermatology, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and other topics of interest to students and practitioners, by leading members of the medical profession throughout the world. Edited by Henry W. Cattell, A. M., M. D., Philadelphia, U. S. A.. with the collaboration of John B. Murphy, M. D. of Chicago; Alexander D. Blackader, Philadelphia; T. M. Rotch, M. D., of Boston; E. Landolt, M. D., of Paris; Thomas G. Morton, M. D., and Charles H. Reed, M. D., of Philadelphia; J. W. Ballantyne, M. D., of Edinburgh, and John Harold, M. D., of London. With regular correspondents in Montreal, London, Paris, Leipsic, and Vienna. Volume II. Eleventh Series, 1901. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company. 1901. While the International Clinics are always most welcome, the present volume seems to be of much more than usual interest. Tuffier has an article on "Cocaine Injections into the Spinal Column," in which from his experience in 252 cases, he comes to the conclusion that "it causes no risk either immediately or remote to the nervous system." He says, however, that "men bear this method of analgesis much better than women." Four of his patients had taken chloroform on former occasions and said that the new method was much less disagreeable. He furthermore says: "I still think this method is not applicable to children or to hysterical patients." A. Doléris, M.D., Accoucheur to the Paris hospitals, has also made some observations with the use of lumbar injections of cocaine on pregnant women. He finds that it makes increased uterine tension with longer and nearer contractions, and sums up his conclusions as follows


"(1.) The lumbar injection of cocaine is counter-indicated with pregnant women; if the method were used for the execution of any operation during pregnancy, miscarriage might ensue. (2.) A new method of bringing on labor has been found in the use of these injections, which have a certain etfect on the uterine motor nerves. (3.) This process may render great service in case of uterine inertia during labor. particularly with a moderately contracted pelvis, as I have found in two

instances. (4.) In eclampsia, where rapid evacuation of the uterus is indicated, the lumbar injection ought to be efficacious, and may have a happy effect on the nervous reflex symptoms."


Prof. James Tyson, on the subject of croupous pneumonia, in conclusion, speaks of the use of anti-toxine. He says: "Thus far I have used it in ten consecutive cases without a death. I have not, however, depended on it alone, but have used such other treatment as seemed indicated. In one of these, a desperate case, I used blood-letting, hypodermoclysis and oxygen.' He speaks of the necessity of using the anti-toxine from two to six times a day. At the end of this volume is a list of some of the newer medical words with their pronunication and definition. The following is a good example of some of the shorter words: 'Ureteropyelonephritis (u-re-ter-o-py-el-o-ne-phritis.) Inflammation of a ureter and of the renal pelvis.'"'


It is interesting to note that the great surgeon, Broca of Paris, in a clinical lecture at the Trousseau Hospital, takes the opportunity of saying that his last few years' experience in operations for appendicitis has led him to become much more conservative in his operations during acute attacks of appendicitis. He concludes that there are certain cases which should not be operated upon during acute attacks, and quotes a number of cases which have influenced him in believing that we should be more inclined to operate after attacks than during the acuteness of the disease. It is a lecture that shows the honesty of the man in being willing to retract in what he had formerly thought to be wise surgical procedure. He concludes by saying:

"I have no great hopes of making many proselytes at a time when a certain amount of discredit is connected with the slightest appearance of surgical timidity; I shall be content with having corrected an error and have shown to those who are of my way of thinking some figures that appear to me conclusive."

PRACTICAL FIRST PRINCIPLES.-Simplifying the study of normal and abnormal structure and function, and aiding diagnosis. Designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine. By A. H. P. Leuf, M.D., associate editor of The Medical Council. Philadelphia. Published by The Medical Council, Twelfth and Walnut Sts. $ vo., 105 pages, nearly 50 illustrations, almost all new and original. Price $1.00 net.

This work is original in conception, is true, and recognizes the detached mode of instruction now and always in vogue in the teaching of medicine, on which account it has been offered to the profession to make up this deficiency by supplying the connecting ilnks between the various departments.

ECZEMA: with an Analysis of Eight Thousand Cases of the Disease. By L. Duncan Bulkley, A. M. M.D. Third Edition of "Eczema and Its Management." Entirely rewritten. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. XII., 368 pp. 12mo. Price: Cloth, $1.25 net. (Student's Manual Series on Diseases of the Skin.)

This useful volume by Dr. Bulkley will carry hope and new ideas to many puzzled practitioners. The distinguished author lays especial stress on the constitutional treatment of eczema. The formulas for lotions, pastes and internal medication will be found very valuable to the general prationer.

HOW TO COOK FOR THE SICK AND CONVALESCENT. Arranged for the Physician, Trained Nurse, and Home Use. By Helena V. Sachse, (Graduate of the Philadelphia Cooking School.) Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott Company. 1901.

Here is a little work that should be placed in the hands of not only every nurse, but of every cook and housewife. At this time of the year

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This cup has been designed by W. J. Evans, New York City, to meet the demand for an instrument for washing out the nasal cavity, which could be used without fear of injury to the breathing passages, or forcing fluid into the Eustachian tubes. It admits of the natural method of cleansing the nose, or, as it has been termed "drinking through the nose." This method is at once easily taught and easily learned, and is efficient

without being harmful. The 'fluid is placed in the cup, the higher curve of the rim being adjusted beneath the nostrils. The cup is tilted until the liquid enters the nostrils, then, closing the mouth, a slight drawing in of the breath causes the solution to enter the nose and nasopharynx, thus bringing it in contact

with all parts of the nasal mucous membrane. The solution may be allowed to pass to the back of the throat, and be expelled through the mouth. If it is desired to douche one nostril at a time, this may be easily accomplished by alternately pressing the elevated rim of the cup against the wing of the nostril, thus completely closing it. The cup can obtained from M'KESSON & ROBBINS, NEW YORK.



Bismuth in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders has long held first rank on account of the soothing, sedative, astringent and antiseptic influence upon the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. One of the best forms of bismuth for therapeutic use is that contained in Worden's Lac Bismuthi cum Pepsino on account of the fineness of the division of the bismuth. This exceedingly minute division which, under the microscope shows the particles to be made smaller than the blood corpuscles, enormously increases the coating power of the bismuth and thus adds to its influence in allaying gastro-intestinal irritation and inflammation. The preparation also contains pepsin, hydrochloric and lactic acids which acts as valuable synergists in this connection.

See advertisement 2nd page of cover.

SUMMER MONTHS. DIOVIBURNIA is the remedy par-excellence in cholera morbus, dysentery and other bowel troubles prevalent during the summer months. Free from all narcotics or deleterious drugs. As an uterine tonic and antispasmodic, dioviburnia is unequaled. In the treatment of dysmenorrhea it is unexcelled. Dose: Dessert spoonful in hot water every two or three hours.

I used Sanmetto in a case of a young miss, thirteen years of age, who was becoming a regular "wet the bed." I had tried all the usual remedies, but failed to make a cure, so I tried Sanmetto and the result was a perfect cure, as she has not been troubled since the first treatment with Sanmetto, and I inquired today, and was informed that she had. attended school, traveled two hundred and fifty miles, losing two nights sleep, but not once has the trouble returned.

Wm. H. Anderson, M. D.
Soda Springs, Idaho.

Celerina restores the tired and jaded nervous system to its normal condition, and brings about a feeling of buoyancy that will be pleasing to both physician and patient. A fair trial will confirm the verdict of the medical profession all over the world as to the virtues of this preparation. It is put up in palatable form, and is always uniform in strength.

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15, 1901.



Sheets, pillow-slips, night-dresses, towels, etc., should be placed in a tub and over them poured a pint (onehalf a bottle) of Pratt's Chlorides and afterwards sufficient boiling water to completely cover the contents. The

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