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tim. We say her, because we believe the male mosquito is a better-behaved insect than his spouse, and does not "present his little bill" at inconvenient times.

These few remarks are but prefatory to the announcement that the Palisade Mfg. Co. has prepared and is now mailing to physicians an illustrated folder, showing in sepia the distinctive differences between Culex (the nonmalarial) and Anopheles (the malarial) mosquito, with instructions as to how to detect the good insect from the bad. A copy will be mailed to any physician who has not as yet received


WORTHY AND SEASONABLE. When the temperature of the body is above normal, conditions are especially favorable for germ development. It is a matter of every-day observation that a simple laxative is often sufficient to relieve the most threatening situation and prevent the most serious complications. To reduce fever, quiet pain, and at the same time administer a gentle laxative and strong tonic is to accomplish a great deal with a single tablet. We refer to Laxative Antikamnia and Quinine Tablets (a tonic-laxative, analgesic and antipyretic) each tablet containing:

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E. N. Campbell, M. D., Good Hope. Ill., says: "I have used Aletris Cordial in threatened miscarriage and find it one of the finest and most efficient preparations that it has been my privilege to prescribe. Aletris Cordial should be used more than it is although it is largely prescribed, yet. like its twin sister Celerina, it is not prescribed often enough to prove its efficiency. Most all cases that these preparations are used in are of a chronic type, and those that require patience to relieve; hence, if these two remedies are taken regularly and persistently, according to the case, they will satisfy all concerned.

"AMERICAN NERVOUSNESS." That our modern civilization has developed a largely increased number of nervous affections will hardly be questioned by one who has given the subject a passing thought. A volume has been written upon "American Nervousness," and in an admirable and recent work on "Sexual Neurasthenia,” the author, after enumerating a few of the causes, as "evil habits, excesses. tobacco, alcohol, worry and special excitants, even climate itself," declares all these to be "secondary to the one great predisposing cause-civilization.” While modern civilization has increased the average longevity of the race, it is equally true that the various neuroses have been largely augmented. so that we find by reference to the census there is one insane person to every 297 of the population. It is a significant fact, also, that this proportion decreases largely with the newness of the States until some of the Territories show less than one insane person to each 3000 of the population. This disproportion is hardly the result of either imperfect diagnosis or of faulty statistics, but is rather attributable to differences in local restraints and customs as affecting individual habits. It is a well known fact that insanity rarely develops sud

denly, but is almost always the culmination of a long train of various nervous manifestations so well known to practitioners as to require no enu


Physicians frequently have patients "only a little nervous," which, if not treated promptly will most surely develop more seriously. Neurosine administered one dram every two or three hours is unexcelled. Contains no opium, morphia, chloral or other deleterious drugs.

ACNE DUE TO GENERAL WASTE. Mrs. B., a pale blonde of twenty-six, came to see me for a cachectic acne with which she had suffered for several years. Her nourishment appeared below par and she steadily and slowly decreased in weight, complaining of lassitude and a general feeling of being unable to get about as she should. She was given the regular treatment for acne which I am in the custom of using, but it did not seem to produce the desired effect. Deeming that an improvement in her nutrition and assimilation would exercise a beneficial effect upon her cutaneous trouble, I ordered the following: Cord. ol. morrhuae comp. (Hagee)oz. xvi.

Sig. Tablespoonful after each meal and at night.

In one week she reported a net gain of four pounds and the eruption was in better condition-so much so that the effect of the cordial was patent. From inquiry, I elicited the fact that the appetite had increased, assimilation was better and a general sense of comfort had replaced the bad feeling which had formerly prevailed. At the present date, three months after the inception of the treatment, my patient weighs twenty-six pounds more and is rid of her acne.

I have used Hagee's Cordial with uniform good results, and it is with

out doubt one of the best reconstructives now offered to the profession.A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil, A.M., M.D., St. Louis, Mo.


My son, aged 12, had been growing nervous over the shock of his brother's death, and seemed to derive no benefit from any remedies used in his case. Had him to seashore, change of surroundings and everything that could be done for his benefit, he still grew thinner and worse all the time. I put him on Celerina, and had marked benefit before the first bottle was used, and he has almost entirely gotten over it with the help of another bottle I got him. I consider it a very nice and efficient nervine, just the thing for the children and nervous and delicate persons, where there is great prostration. I shall use it freely.-N. P. Frassoni,

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From the standpoint of our present knowledge there is no contesting the fact that in all forms of anemia, iron alone, in combination with other recognized remedies, stands without a peer. The results accruing from its use, however, are in direct ratio to the assimilability of the preparation used.

The condition of the digestive organs during the administration of iron, and the consequent lack of power to utilize the remedy as ordinarily prepared, have presented a very discouraging prospect for the patient and disappointment to the physician, who finds that nearly all the chalybeate compounds can be tolerated but a short time-much shorter than is necessary for the accomplishment of the desired result, producing almost invariably

loss the of appetite, iritability of stomach, obstinate constipation, headache, etc.

With an experience of some time in hospital as well as private practice, during which I have been, fortunately or unfortunately, blessed with an unusual number of complicated and apparently uncomplicated cases of anemia, I have had the inclination and quite ample opportunity to test the various ferruginous simples and compounds as to their relative merits, and of all used preparations those of the solution of pepto-manganate of iron, for their acceptability, unirritating properties and relative efficacy, held deservedly undisputed sway and preference, until the preparation "Hemaboloids" was brought to my notice. Skeptical and slow to depart from well tried though not entirely satisfactory paths, I at last did experiment in a case that had resisted not only my efforts but those of a number of recognized therapeutists, and obtained unusually satisfactory results.

No irritation of the stomach, no anorexia, no constipation, no headache, but, on the contrary, increase of appetite, regularity of the bowels, increase in bodily weight and red blood count.

The following is a record of the most obstinate case treated, which may be regarded as a fair specimen result obtained in upwards of twentyfive cases.

This case was of particular interest since the patient presented an exceedingly unfavorable tubercular history, her mother being affected at the time and two sisters having died of the malady.

Various preparations have from time to time been lauded for their effect upon the blood and the blood-making organs, and many of the old tried and new remedies have virtues of varying degree, and I have had a reasonable measure of success with all of them,

but from the almost uniformly gratifying results from the use of the remedy just cited, it certainly has in my hands and from my experience been the remedy par excellence," and well worthy of a trial in all those obstinate forms of blood impoverishment which resist other recognized treatment.

In closing, let me further remark that in the treatment of these cases the necessity and benefit of carefully selected, concentrated diet, regularity of feeding, fresh air, salt baths and, last but not least, keeping the intestinal tract in an aseptic condition, must not be lost sight of.-The Medical Times.

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Recently a medical man told this tale at a professional banquet:

"Not long since," said the doctor, "a member of the medical profession died, and in due time approached the gates of the beautiful land. He was. of course, accosted by St. Peter. "What is your name?' asked the aged doorkeeper.

'Sam Jones,' was the reply. "What was your business while on earth?'

"I was a doctor.'
"A physician, eh?'
"Yes, sir.'

"Made out your own bills, I suppose?'


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'Yes, sir.'

'Collected 'em yourself?' "Why-why-yes,

sir,' stammered the wondering shade of the physician.

"And then St. Peter threw wide the portals and said: 'Go right in, my friend; if you've done that, you've had punishment enough.'"

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