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when Newport returned with seventy emigrants, two of whom were females. The men were not the description of persons required in a new country; and Smith entreated the company to send him rather, but thirty carpenters, husbandmen, gardeners, fishermen, blacksmiths, masons, and diggers up of trees' roots, than a thousand such as they had.'

After the departure of the ships, Smith exerted himself to bring the people into industrious habits; requiring them to work six hours in the day; but they were still so unskilful in agriculture, that the principal dependence of the colony for provisions was on the Indians. The number of deaths during the season was only seven, out of a population of two hundred.

The company in England, in order to increase their funds, their numbers, and their privileges, petitioned for a new charter, which was granted on the 23d of May, 1609. It was not more favourable to civil liberty than that which it superseded.

Lord Delaware was constituted governor and captaingeneral for life, with a retinue of officers and attendants, which would have been more suitable for a viceroy of Mexico, at a much later period of history.

Nine ships and five hundred emigrants were soon ready for departure; and the expedition was placed under the direction of Captain Newport, who, with Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers, was empowered to supersede the existing administration, and govern the colony till the arrival of Lord Delaware.

These three gentlemen embarked in the same vessel, which was parted from the rest of the fleet, and driven on Bermudas in a storm; having on board not only the appointed directors of the colony, but one hundred and fifty men, a great portion of the provisions, and the new commission and instructions of the council. The rest of the fleet arrived safely in Virginia.

The new emigrants were of so dissolute a character, that they soon introduced anarchy and distraction into the colony.

These disorders were speedily repressed by the energy

What kind of emigrants now arrived?-What is observed of their habits? What is said of the Virginia company in England?-When did they obtain a new charter ?-Who was governor?-Who were to govern in his absence ?-How many emigrants came over?-What befell the deputy governors?-Who arrived safely --What was the character of the new emigrants ?What was their behaviour?



and decision of Captain Smith. He declared very justly that his own authority could only terminate with the arrival of the new commission; and he therefore resolved to continue its exercise. He imprisoned the most active of the seditious leaders, and, to rid Jamestown of the turbulent rabble with which it was crowded, he detached one hundred men to the falls of James river, under the command of West, and as many more to Nansemond, under that of Martin. These settlers soon incurred the hostility of the Indians, and were obliged to apply to Smith for assistance. Of course it was promptly rendered. On his return from one of his visits to the settlement at the falls, he was so severely wounded by an explosion of gunpowder, as to render it necessary for him to proceed to England for surgical aid.

At his departure, the colony consisted of about five hundred people. They possessed three ships and seven boats, commodities suitable for the Indian trade, provisions for several weeks, an abundance of domestic animals, farming utensils, and fishing nets, one hundred disciplined soldiers, and twenty-four pieces of ordnance, with small arms and ammunition.

This provision was every way adequate for support and defence, had the prudent administration of Captain Smith continued; but with him departed the fair prospects of the colony. The licentious spirits, who had only been restrained by his energy, now rioted without controul. Captain Percy, who succeeded him, was by no means equal to the task of governing so turbulent a community; and anarchy soon prevailed.

The Indians, no longer restrained by the presence of Smith, became hostile. They attacked the settlements of West and Martin, and compelled them, after losing their boats and half their men, to take refuge in Jamestown. The provisions of the colony were exhausted; and famine ensued, with its attendant horrors and crimes. This was the most trying period in the history of the colony, and was for many years after distinguished by the name of The Starving Time.

In six months after the departure of Smith, the colony was reduced by various distresses to sixty persons, who would soon have perished but for the arrival of Sir

How did Captain Smith repress disorders?-What befell him?Whither did he retire ?-In what state did he leave the colony?-What ensued on Smits departure ?-What misfortunes were the consequence of this bad conduct?-To what number was the colony reduced?



Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, and Captain Newport, from Bermuda, (May 24, 1610.) All determined to abandon the country; and they accordingly embarked on board the vessels, and sailed for England. As they drew near the mouth of the river, they were met by the long-boat of Lord Delaware, who had arrived on the coast with a reinforcement of emigrants and abundant supplies of provisions. They immediately returned to Jamestown, and were prevailed on by Lord Delaware to remain.

This nobleman was well qualified for his station. His mildness, dignity, and diligent attention to business, soon restored order and inspired confidence. The colonists were regular and industrious; and the Indians were taught once more to respect the English character.

His wise administration was of short continuance. Ill health compelled him to relinquish the government; and having resigned his authority to Mr. Percy, he sailed for the West Indies. Although he left the colony in a flourishing state, yet, on the 10th of May, 1611, when Sir Thomas Dale, the new governor, arrived with a fresh supply of men and provisions, he found it relapsing into its former state of idleness, disorder, and want. He was obliged to resort to the declaration of martial law, in order to save the settlement from utter anarchy and ruin.

In the month of August, 1611, Sir Thomas Gates, who had been appointed the successor of Sir Thomas Dale, arrrived with six ships, three hundred emigrants, and a plentiful supply of provisions. On receiving this reinforcement, which increased the numbers of the colony to seven hundred, detachments were again sent up the James river, and several new settlements were made.

A more important change took place in the new arrangements with respect to property. Hitherto the land had been possessed by all the colonists in common. Every man was required to work a certain number of hours in the day, and all shared equally the produce. Now a few acres of ground were assigned to each man, as his private property, to plant as an orchard or garden for his own use, though some labour was still devoted to fill the

What did they resolve to do?-How was this prevented?-What was Lord Delaware's character?-How did he govern?-Who succeeded him?-Who superseded Percy?-What obliged him to declare martial law? Who succeeded Dale?-When did Gates arrive?-What reinforcement did he bring ?-What new regulation of property was made? What was its effect?



public stores. This new regulation gave a powerful impulse to industry and enterprise; and the best effects were soon perceived to flow from assigning to each indı vidual the fruits of his own labour. Industry, impelled by the certainty of recompense, advanced with rapid strides; and the inhabitants were no longer in fear of wanting bread, either for themselves or for the emigrants from England.

About this time, (1614,) an event took place which has always been regarded with great interest by the Virginians. This was the marriage of Pocahontas. The circumstances which led to it were these:-A party from Jamestown, headed by Argall, went with two vessels round to the Potomac for a cargo of corn. While obtaining the cargo, Argall managed to decoy Pocahontas on board his vessel, where she was detained respectfully, and brought to Jamestown. By keeping possession of his favourite child as a hostage, the English hoped to dictate to Powhatan what terms of alliance or submission they pleased. In this they were disappointed. Powhatan,' says Marshall, offered corn and friendship, if they would restore his daughter; but with a loftiness of spirit which claims respect, rejected every proposition for conciliation which should not be preceded by that act of reparation.'

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While she was detained at Jamestown, Mr. John Rolfe, a young Englishman, gained the favour of the princess, and desired her in marriage. Powhatan consented; and with his daughter, the noble-spirited prince gave his heart. He was ever after the firm and sincere friend of the colony. The powerful tribe of the Chickahominies also sought the friendship of the English, and demanded to be called Englishmen.'

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Though the marriage of Pocahontas was hailed as an auspicious event at the time, and has always been celebrated in the annals of the colony, it never operated as an example. The English and Indians would not intermarry, and the races have always remained distinct.

In 1614, Sir Thomas Gates had been succeeded by Sir Thomas Dale, who sailed for England in 1616, and was succeeded by Mr. George Yeardley. His term of office lasted but one year, and he was then succeeded by

What event took place in 1614?-How did it happen?-Who was Pocahontas's husband?-Was Mr. Rolfe's example followed ?-Whe became governor in 1616 ?



Captain Argall, an able, but avaricious and tyrannical governor. He continued martial law in time of peace.

"The rigour of this administration necessarily exciting much discontent, the complaints of the Virginians at length made their way to the company. Lord Delaware being dead, Mr. Yeardley was appointed captain-general, with instructions to examine the wrongs of the colonists, and to redress them.'



THE new governor arrived in April, 1619; and began his administration by granting privileges of great importance to the colonists. He abolished the practice of labouring for the common stock of the colony,-a most inconvenient and onerous method of raising a revenue; he confirmed the early planters in the possession of their estates; he removed the burdens imposed by the tyrannical Argall; and he abolished martial law.

By order of the London company, the power of the governor was limited by a council, which acquired the right to redress any wrongs which he might commit, Last, and greatest of all, the people of the colony were admitted to a share in legislation by the institution of a


The first colonial assembly ever convened in America assembled at Jamestown on the 19th of June, 1619. This may, therefore, be considered the birth-day of civil freedom in our country.

The members were elected by the different boroughs; and the representative or popular branch of the legislature was, therefore, called the house of burgesses; a name which it retained so long as Virginia remained a colony of England.

The entire legislature or assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and the burgesses, met together

Who was his successor ?-How did he govern?-By whom was he superseded?-What new privileges did Yeardley grant? What was ordered by the London company?-What was the greatest of all?When did the first colonial assembly meet?-How were the members elected ?

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