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BAGDAD RAILWAY, THE PROJECTED. -The Sultan of Turkey recently issued an Irade, approving the plan for the construction of a railway between Konieh and the Persian Gulf. When completed, this line will connect the Bosporus and the Indian Ocean thus opening a great highway of travel and traffic between Europe and Asia. It must be looked upon as a long step forward in the modernizing of the Orient. Western ideas follow Western capital, and a foothold is gained that must be regarded as an advance to civilization. This enterprise, which is largely in German hands, is another example of European expansion in Asia, and it means that a mighty influence, political and commercial, will be brought to bear on the dominions of Islam. The power of European nations is steadily increasing in the East, making for the development and progress of regions that have hitherto been in many places halfdesert.

So far there have been only a few short railroads in Asiatic Turkey. In 1872 the Turkish government saw the advantage of

consolidating the provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia by means of railroads, and a beginning was made. Lines were built connecting Constantinople with Angora, and from Smyrna to a number of points. Several ancient cities not far from the coast-Jerusalem, Damascus, and Adana-now have railway communication to prominent seaports such as Jaffa and Beyrout. Here the iron horse has succeeded the camel, although caravans still traverse their accustomed routes in the interior as of old. In 1899 there were all told 1,713 miles of railway in Asiatic Turkey. The three principal lines were the Anatolian (634 miles), the Aidin (320 miles), and the Smyrna-Cassaba (321


The concession for the Bagdad line has been granted to the Anatolian Railway Company. The term of the concession is 99 years. Work has already been begun on the first section of the route, and it is expected that the whole line will be ready for traffic within eight years. The concessionaires undertake to strengthen the line.

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connecting Constantinople and Konieh, so that it may bear the strain of rapid trains. It will bring into closer touch the cities that are the centers of commercial importance in the interior of Asia Minor-Adana (having about 45,000 inhabitants), Mosul (61,000), Bagdad (about 150,000), also Orfa and Diarbekir, having from 30,000 to 40,


terminus of the Anatolian Railway, traverse the elevated tablelands of Caramania, and through the Taurus Range will descend into the fertile plains of Southern Cilicia and reach Adana, which is already connected by rail with Mersina. Technical works of exceptional difficulty will have to be carried out, especially in the chain of the Taurus. From Adana, the line turns to the northeast, ascends the Djihan Valley, and through the mountainous region of the Ghiaour Dajh, which it crosses by the Baghtché Gorge, proceeds across a very difficult country south-southeast, passing by Kazanali, Kilis, and Tell Habesch. A branch, 60 kilometers in length, will connect the last-mentioned place with Aleppo.

According to the conditions of the concession granted to the Anatolian Company, it is authorized to establish tile and brickkilns along the line and it may work any mines on either side of the railway within twenty kilometers (about 121⁄2 miles). The concessionaires are exempt from taxes and from customs and stamp duties. They are to pay an annual subsidy of 600 Turkish pounds (nearly $2,700) to the Shishli Poorhouse. The government guarantees 12,000 francs of net receipts per kilometer and per annum, plus 4,500 francs per kilometer for working expenses. In case the kilometric receipts exceed 4,500 francs, but not 10,000 francs, the surplus over 4,500 francs will belong to the State; any surplus over 10,000 francs will be distributed between the government and the concessionaires in, the proportion of 60 and 40 per cent."

The Bagdad Railway, including branches, has a length of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,560 miles). The new line will connect with the existing railway system of Asia Minor and will pass through the most distant provinces of Turkey in Asia. "It will start from Konieh, the southern

"The main line runs east from Tell Habesch, crosses the Euphrates at a point 20 kilometers to the south of Biredjik, passing by the interesting ruins of the ancient town of Europus, by Harran, Ras el Ain, and Nissibin, and, turning to the southeast, arrives at Mosul, thus bringing ancient Nineveh within easy reach of the capital. The ancient Edessa (the present Orfa) will be connected by a branch of about 30 kilometers with some point to

be determined hereafter.

"On leaving Mosul, the railway proceeds due south along the right bank of the Tigris, through Tekrit and Gadije-whence a branch runs to Hannekin, on the TurkoPersian frontier-and reaches Bagdad. Here it crosses the Tigris and by Kerbella, Nedjef (Meshed Ali)-the holy cities of

the Shiite Mohammedans, which are annually visited by an immense number of Persian pilgrims-and Zubeir, arrives at its terminus, Basra, the great emporium on the Shat el Arab, while a branch from Zubeir will be run to some point on the Persian Gulf which has not yet been determined."

This railway will transform the face of the East, and the old lands that have remained practically the same for centuries will awake to new life and be subject to strange impulses. How far it will prove to be a factor in political affairs, remains to be seen. German investors have a controlling interest in the Anatolian Company, and it is confidently believed that Germany will profit most by the enterprise. However, it is said that 40 per cent of the investors are Russian, and Russia will undoubtedly bend every effort to shape its policy to her own advantage.

BARROWS, JOHN HENRY, the president of Oberlin College, died June 3, 1902, after nine days' illness, with pleuro-pneumonia. Dr. Barrows, the well known educator, was born in Medina, Michigan, July 11, 1847. He was the son of John M. and Catherine Barrows, received his early education in the public schools, and was graduated at Olivet College in his native state at the age of twenty. He studied theology first at Yale, then at Union and afterwards at Göttingen, Germany, finishing his seminary course in this department at Andover, in 1874-75. He was ordained a Congregational minister April 29, 1875, and at once entered upon his first pastorate at Lawrence, Mass., where he worked faithfully for five years. He then occupied a pulpit at East Boston for a year before coming to the First Presbyterian Church in Chicago, where he ably filled the position of pastor for fourteen years.

Upon solicitation by Hon. C. C. Bonney, the president of all the Congresses at the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, Dr. Barrows organized, and became the chairman of the World's Parliament of Religions, as it was popularly called, though its official title was "Congress of Religion." The combined enthusiasm and judiciousness with which Dr. Barrows executed this difficult task caused his name to be honored wherever the Parliament of Religions made it known. It is to this famous Congress of Religion also that Dr. Barrows will owe

the permanent historic fame that will doubtless accrue to him.

Soon after this Dr. Barrows did further great service to the study of comparative religion by securing to the University of Chicago the gift of Mrs. Caroline Haskell, which built the noble Haskell Oriental Museum, and founded the biennial Barrows Lectureship for India, and the annual Haskell Lectureship for Chicago University. Dr. Barrows was the first incumbent of the Indian Lectureship, and the permanent one of the lectureship in the University.

He accordingly resigned his pastorate in 1895, and, leaving their children in the family of his brother in Rockford, he and

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on the Credibility of the Gospel Histories" (1891), "Henry Ward Beecher, the Shakespeare of the Pulpit" (1893), "I Believe in God, the Father Almighty" (1893), "The Parliament of Religions," 2 vols. (1894), "Christianity, the World Religion" (1898), "A World Pilgrimage" (1898), besides many valuable articles and papers. Dr. Barrows was a brilliant writer and speaker, an earnest and enthusiastic advocate of the doctrines set forth by the Light of the World. His was a beautiful spirit of love and charity, he was an enthusiastic missionary of the cross, and an inspiring leader of men.


formally recognized and actively assisted by the Government of the United States. The Auxiliary had twenty Departments and two hundred and twenty-four General Divisions, each of which was in charge of a Committee of Organization.

These Committees were appointed and their Chairman named by the President of the Auxiliary, thus securing unity and efficiency in the prosecution of the work. Each Committee received from the President of the Auxiliary an outline of the Congress committed to its charge and proceeded to conduct the necessary correspondence and arrange a programme for the Congress. The Committees of Organization



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to suggest the means of further progress; to bring all the departments of human progress into harmonious relations with each other in the Exposition of 1893, to crown the whole glorious work by the formation and adoption of better and more comprehensive plans than have hitherto been made; to promote the progress, prosperity, unity, peace, and happiness of the world, and to secure the effectual prosecution of such plans by the organization of a series of worldwide fraternities, through whose efforts and influence the moral and intellectual forces of mankind may be made dominant throughout the world."

The object of the Religious Congresses

was thus set forth:

"To unite all Religion against all irreligion; to make the Golden Rule the basis of this union; to present to the world in the Religious Congresses to be held in connection with the Columbian Exposition of 1893, the substantial unity of many religions in the good deeds of the Religious Life; to provide for a World's Parliament of Religions, in which their common aims and common grounds of union may be set forth, and the marvelous Religious Progress of the Nineteenth Century be reviewed; and to facilitate separate and independent Congresses of different Religious Denominations and Organizations, under their own officers, in which their business may be transacted, their achievements presented, and their work for the future considered." The Department of Religion was the culmination of the World's Congress scheme. The Committee of Organization comprised sixteen representatives of different religious bodies, including a Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Archbishop.

Dr. Barrows was made Chairman of this Committee. Appreciating very fully the magnitude and importance of the work proposed, he was reluctant to take the position, but finally did so, and entered upon its duties. The masterly ability with which he discharged them has made him known throughout the religious world and has given him a permanent place in the history of mankind.

What Dr. Barrows did was to take the plan of the Religious Congresses and prepare a circular letter explaining the plan and inviting the cooperation of religious leaders throughout the world. He obtained the hearty cooperation of all the members of his Committee, and thereby secured the success of the Religious Parliament.

The Departinent of Religion embraced forty-six General Divisions, of which the Religious Parliament was the chief and


Dr. Barrows conducted a very extensive correspondence with the religious leaders in all countries, cordially inviting their coöperation in the great undertaking. The responses were with few exceptions remarkably sympathetic and encouraging. The success of the Religious Parliament was soon assured.

The Advisory Council of this Congress. embraced nearly three thousand names of eminent religious leaders. It soon became evident that the embarrassment of this Congress would be, not a lack of material, but a superabundance. Several times the place and limits of the Parliament were changed to make room for the addresses offered, and finally it was arranged that the Parliament would open on September 11th and close September 27th, 1893. It did so open and close, and its marvelous story is told in the two-volume history of the great event prepared by Dr. Barrows; and in many minor historical works. The highest expectations of the success of the Parliament had been more than realized. As Chairman of the Committee of Organization of the Department of Religion, Dr. Barrows became exofficio Chairman of the Religious Parliament and had charge of its programme, and in conjunction with the General President of the Congresses conducted the proceedings.


The plan of a Union Congress of the World's Religions on the Basis of the Golden Rule had been formed and nounced. Dr. Barrows carried that plan into effect and made it a great success. The value of his services in so doing cannot well be overrated.

The marvelous success of the Religious Congresses has largely overshadowed many others of the series which were eminently successful and deserving of world-wide recognition.

It is enough for the present purpose to say that in the Religious Congresses of 1893 at Chicago, the Golden Rule won the greatest victory in its history; and that for his part in winning this victory Dr. Barrows has been awarded a high place among those by whose faithful labors the progress of mankind is wrought.

Gen'l Pres. of the World's Fair Congresses, 1893.

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