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LETTERS OF "AMICUS."-Written by a "Hayville" agent. Replete with good advice to agents, philosophical, critical or imaginative, but always witty and pleasing. Price, $1.00.

LIFE AGENTS' APPLICATION AND POLICY REGISTER, THE.-A newly devised blank book prepared for the purpose of keeping a compact and complete record of the course of each application, and of the history of each policy issued thereon for twenty years. Handsomely bound in black cloth, with red leather back and corners. Price, $7.50. (See also Vest Pocket Agents' Application and Policy Register.)

LIFE AGENTS' PRIMER.-By William Alexander. A simple explanation of the general truths, fundamental principles and the practices of life insurance companies. Price, bound in cloth, $1.00. LIFE ASSURANCE PRIMER.-By Henry Moir. Third edition. A work of reference on the theory and practice of life insurance, useful to companies and agents. A text-book dealing with the practice and mathematics of life insurance, for use in advanced schools, colleges and universities. Price, $2.00. LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS' VISITS.-A publication prepared with a view to enabling solicitors to keep a daily record of visits to prospective applicants. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 12 copies, $1.00; 25 copies, $1.50; 100 copies, $4.00. LIFE INSURANCE AND GENERAL PRACTICE.-By E. M. Brockbank. Dealing with the details of medical examinations for life insurance in the first twelve chapters, the remaining twenty-four chapters treating of impaired lives. Price, $2.50. LIFE INSURANCE EXAMINATIONS.-By Brandreth Symonds, A.M., M.D. A recent medical work. Price, $1.00.

LIFE INSURANCE EXAMINER, THE.-By the late Charles F. Stillman, M.D. Price, $3.00. LIFE INSURANCE HISTORY, 1843-1910.-Presenting the essential details of the annual statements of all existing life insurance companies from date of organization to December 31, 1910. A work of necessity in the office of every life insurance company and general agent, completing the historical record of companies in The Insurance Year Book. Price, $5.00.

LIFE INSURANCE LAW CHART.-Contains in tabular form a summary of State laws regarding statutory requirements of life insurance companies for permission to do business in each State. Issued annually. Price, $3.00.

LIFE INSURANCE POLICYHOLDERS' POCKET INDEX.-Showing the statistics of the level premium companies. Prices, manila, 25 cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents.

LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM, THE.-A pamphlet showing the uses made of money paid by a policy-
holder. Prices, per copy, 25 cents; 12 copies, $2.00; 50 copies, $6.00; 100 copies, $12.00; 500
copies, $45.00.
LIFE INSURANCE SALESMANSHIP.-By Thomas J. Henderson. A work of great value, instructive
in the art of selling life insurance. Price, bound in cloth, $1.00.

LIFE INSURANCE SAYINGS.-By the late James T. Phelps. Price, 75 cents.
LIFE POLICY REGISTER AND PREMIUM RECORD.-Prices, $5.00, $8.00 and $15.00.
ciety of America and Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors.
Price, $2.50

Volume I gives statistics of height and weight of insurance persons.

Volume II shows influence of build on mortality among men and women, causes of death among men and women. Price, $10.00.

Volume III shows the mortality experience of forty-three companies in ninety-seven occupations, with the principal causes of death. Price, $10.00.

Volume IV contains statistics on the influence on mortality on defects in physical condition, in personal history and in family history. Results are given for 130 classes and groups. Price, $10.00 MONTHLY INCOME POLICY, THE.-By W. T. Nash. Gives instructions and hints to agents and aphorisms relating to this valuable form of insurance. Prices, per copy, heavy paper binding, 30 cents; cloth binding, 50 cents.

Price, heavy paper binding, 75 cents; cloth

MULTIPLYING YOUR INCOME, OR HOW TO SELL new work giving hints on life insurance salesmanship. binding, $1.00; flexible leather binding, $1.25. NOTES ON LIFE INSURANCE.-By Edward B. Fackler. A modern work presenting the general principles underlying life insurance, and thus indicating to some extent their practical application in the business. An up-to-date work fully applicable to the much-changed insurance conditions of the present day. Price, $3.00.

OBJECTIONS AND ANSWERS.-A publication designed to aid life agents in the prosecution of their work. Price, 60 cents.

OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE INVES. tigation (1905-6).-Published by the Official State Printer. (Write for prices.)

OLD AGE DEPENDENCY IN THE UNITED STATES.-By Lee W. Squier. An exhaustive work dealing with Dependent Superannuation. Causes of Old Age Dependency, Efforts for Relief and Plans for Prevention. Price, $1.60.

'LAIN REASONS WHY ONE SHOULD ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF LIFE UNDERWRITing. By Charles Warren Pickell. A new and useful book to awaken interest in life insurance soliciting among new agents and those considering taking up the business. Prices, per copy, cardboard, 75 cents; flexible leather, $1.00.

'LAIN HINTS TO LIFE INSURANCE SOLICITORS.-The life insurance solicitor, whether young in the business or old in service, will profit by these fifty-two hints. Price, 25 cents. 'OCKET REGISTER of Life Associations; Statistics of Stipulated Premium, Assessment and Fraternal Life Insurance.-Prices, manila, 25 cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents.

OLICY CLAUSES, CONDITIONS AND STATE LAWS of American and Canadian Life Insurance Companies; showing Preliminary Term, Disability and Dividend Clauses, Policy Conditions Analyzed, Anti-Discrimination or Anti-Rebate Laws, Non-Forfeiture Laws. Price, flexible leather cover, with flaps, $1.00.

RACTICAL ADVICE ABOUT ASSURANCE.-By William Schooling. A work of advice regarding life insurance, which makes an appeal to the general public. Price, $1.25. RACTICAL HINTS TO LIFE AGENTS.-Price, 25 cents.

RACTICAL LESSONS IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE.-A treatise showing the methods of ascertaining rates, values, etc., for life insurance policies, embracing several hundred pages of Mortality Tables and other statistical data not obtainable in any other publication. Revised edition in two volumes. Vol. I., 350 pages of text, and Vol. II., 310 pages of tables. Per volume, $4.00; two volumes ordered together, $7.00.

RACTICAL LIFE INSURANCE EXAMINATIONS.-By Murray Elliott Ramsay, M.D. A work to medical examiners of insurance companies and doctors taking up this branch of work. Price, bound in cloth, $1.60. RINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LIFE INSURANCE.-A Scientific Treatise on Life Insurance, with valuable tables for reference. A complete arithmetical explanation of the computations involved in the science of life contingencies, contains 42, 4, 3% and 3 per cent American and Combined Experience Mortality Tables. Eighth edition, 1912, revised, enlarged and improved; containing valuable new tables. Price, $10.00.

PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE.-By W. F. Gephart. An instructive work dealing primarily with insurance, but also contains chapters on accident, health and liability insurance. Price, deliver $1.75. PROMINENT PATRONS OF LIFE INSURANCE (1914 Edition in Press).-Prices, per copy, d $1.00; leather, $1.25.

RECORD OF LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES.-A handy memorandum book of 32 pages and o designed to enable insured persons to record and show the annual cost of the policies they can Prices, per copy, 25 cents, 100 copies, $12.00.

ROMANCE OF LIFE INSURANCE, THE.-By W. J. Graham, F.A.S. A history of modern life: surance, giving hints concerning the advantages and benefits of life insurance to the general pu also instructions to agents. Price, $1.50.

SELECTIONS OF RISKS BY THE LIFE SOLICITOR.-By C. H. Harbaugh, M.D. Giving imper: instructions to agents for the proper selection of insurable risks. Price, 25 cents. SPECTATOR, THE-An American Review of Insurance; Published Weekly. Price, $4.00 per ann SPECTATOR'S SUMMARY OF THE TESTIMONY GIVEN BEFORE THE NEW YORK LES lative Life Insurance Investigating Committee (1905-6), The.-Price, $1.00. SUCCESSFUL AGENT, THE; Practical Hints for the Seller of Life Insurance.-By William Alexange Secretary of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. The principles of insurance plained so simply that any layman can readily understand. Prices, cloth, $2.00; flexible leather, $ SYSTEM AND ACCOUNTING FOR A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, A.-By J. Charles Se A practical guide on bookkeeping and accounting, general, actuarial, agency, medical and po departments, offered for the assistance of Directors, Officers and Employees of Life Insurance C panies, State Insurance Officials, Public Accountants, Universities and Colleges. It gives a mo of details in concise form by means of ruled forms, descriptions and explanations, and is a con ing expert always at hand. Price, bound in three-quarter red morocco, $25.00.

SYSTEM AND TABLES OF LIFE INSURANCE.-A treatise developed from the experience and recr of thirty American life offices, under the direction of a committee of actuaries. By Levi W. Me actuary in charge. Revised edition, 1899. Price, $10.00. Mr. Meech is the author of a val series of calculation tables for multiplication and division. Price, $10.00.

TALKS WITH LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS.-Prices, per copy, cloth, $1.50; leather, $2.00.
Four Per Cent. By F. A. Williams. Price, $7.50,

Mead's Adjusted American-Maccabees Experience Tables and 31⁄2 per cent interest. Entirely
and of immediate pertinent value to actuaries, managers and Insurance Department of
Price, $20.00.
UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE FIELD BOOK, THE.-For agents' use. Prices: No. 1, $15
No. 2, $10.00; No. 3, $3.00.

UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE FIELD CARD.-A useful card for canvassing (in connection the Field Book). Prices: 250 for 60 cents; 500 for $1.15; 1000 for $2.00.

VEST POCKET AGENTS' APPLICATION AND POLICY REGISTER.-A most convenient mean keeping always at hand a record of each application for life insurance received by a solicitor, toge with a summary of the outcome of each application and the main facts relating to each policy is Price, 75 cents. VEST POCKET LIFE AGENTS' BRIEF.-A synopsis of premium rates, policy provisions and net of insurance. Price, bound in flexible leather, $1.00.

UP-TO-DATE LIFE INSURANCE LEAFLETS. ADVICE OF GREAT VALUE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.-Portraits of President Wilson, ex-Presidents Cleveland, Roosevelt and Taft, with their sentiments endorsing life insurance. preciated by recipients. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 cz $20.00; 5000 copies, $80.00; 10,000 copies, $150.00.

ARE YOU A WOMAN? IF SO, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR MONEY?—A twelve-page! destined to show the advantages of life insurance as an investment. Prices, per copy, 19 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00.

BUSINESS WOMEN; HOW DO THEY INVEST THEIR SAVINGS?-An eight-page leaflet, ila ing that a life insurance policy is one of the best forms of investing money. Prices, per p cents; 50 copies, $1.50; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies, $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00. CAN PREMIUM RATES SAFELY BE REDUCED?-By a prominent company official. The deter tion is in the negative. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.0, 1 copies, $20.00.

CAUTION TO POLICYHOLDERS.-An attractive leaflet designed as a warning to policyhdes hold on to their insurance. The argument is strong and lucid as to the reasons for keeping in force, and will prove a valuable aid in holding business once written. Prices: Per cap cents; 100 copies, $3; 500 copies, $12; 1,000 copies, $20. CLEVELAND'S LAST MESSAGE: LIFE INSURANCE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO! People.-Written especially for THE SPECTATOR by the late Grover Cleveland, ex-President United States. Mr. Cleveland says that American life insurance "stands before the country. stronger position to-day than ever before," and that to avail of the protection of life insurance but to discharge a duty imperatively by intelligent foresight and wise precaution." Prices/ copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $4.00; 500 copies, $15.00; 1000 copies, $25.00. COMMON SENSE VIEW OF LIFE INSURANCE, A.-The writer discusses the merits of life ance for purposes of temporary and continuous protection, and also as an investment, illas his arguments by actual results achieved. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 CƏ $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00.

CRIME OF NOT INSURING, THE.-By the late Rev. T. De Witt Talmage. This is one of th and most convincing life insurance canvassing leaflets ever published. Prices, per copy, 10 cents, copies, $2.50; 1000 copies, $15.00.

FORCE OF A GOOD EXAMPLE, THE.-This leaflet is devoted to an analysis of the reases ↑ several thousand persons each carry life insurance for more than $50,000. Prices, per cept cents; 50 copies, $2.00; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00. FRATERNAL FREEZE-OUT GAME, THE-This leaflet forms a most convincing argument in fav regular life insurance, and shows the danger of trusting to the assessment plans of the fr organizations. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00: 1000 copies, $i GRANT, MCCLELLAN AND HANCOCK.-Striking examples of the necessity for life insurance tection. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.80; * copies, $80.00; 10,000 copies, $150.00.

HELLO, YOUNG MAN!-A leaflet especially addressed to young married men; very effective canvassing document. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 $10.00. INSURABLE INTEREST.-A pamphlet of much value to managers and agents of life insurance panies, by G. A. Deitch, attorney and counselor-at-law. Prices, per copy, 20 cents; 25 copies, f 50 copies, $6.00; 100 copies, $10.00; 500 copies, $40.00; 1000 copies, $65.00.

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INSURANCE BUSINESS AS A PROFESSION.-This little brochure should he be enclosed in the envelopes of all letters addressed by agents to prospects. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 100 copies, $1.50; 1000 copies, $5.00. "IT HELPS YOU ALONG.”—-A stirring appeal to the uninsured and the underinsured, based on the experience of men, foremost in business life. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00. LIABILITY OF MEMBERS IN ASSESSMENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS.-A leaflet prepared from a legal standpoint explaining the law of liability of members of benefit or assessment insurance associations. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 50 copies, $2.00; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00. LIFE INSURANCE AND ITS BENEFITS.-Written especially for THE SPECTATOR by Hon. Wm. H. Taft, ex-president of the United States. A very convincing document. Prices: Per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $4.00; 500 copies, $15.00; 1000 copies, $25.00; 5000 copies, $100.00; 11,000 copies, $200.00. LIFE INSURANCE FOR MEN OF WEALTH.-Some reasons why they need life insurance more than the average man does-rich men liable to lose their fortunes and leave their families impoverished. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00. PRETTY GOOD PROPERTY TO OWN.-In this leaflet is shown that the value of life insurance policies does not deteriorate in years of financial depression, as do real estate, stocks, etc., and life insurance, with its loan features, is now recognized as the best investment for hard times. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 50 copies, $1.50; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies, $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00.

ONE FARMER'S EXPERIENCE WITH LIFE INSURANCE.-An admirable aid to agents working in the farming districts. It is practical, and dealing as it does with real happenings, makes a strong appeal to farmers and their families. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $8.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00; 5000 copies, $80.00; 10,000 copies, $150.00. ONE YOUNG MAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH LIFE INSURANCE. A leaflet admirably adapted to convincing young men of the desirability of life insurance as a safeguard which establishing their posi tion in life. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1,000 copies. $20.00. PETER'S WIFE.-A human interest story, describing the recovery of health by means of a life insurance policy. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1000 copies, $20.00; 5000 copies, $80.00; 10,000 copies, $150.00.

REBATING.-A new leaflet designed to show that rebating is poor policy, not only for the agent, but the insured. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 50 copies, $1.50; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies, $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00.

SAFEGUARDING THE HOME.-A new leaflet calculated to awaken the interest of prospects in the benefits of the monthly income form of insurance and forming a fitting introduction to the booklet "The Monthly Income Policy." Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 50 copies, $1.25; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00; 5000 copies, $45.00; 10,000 copies, $80.00.

SOME PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS.-An instructive leaflet. Consisting of a number of pithy paragraphs driving home the advantages of old-line life insurance, and combating the usual arguments submitted by the man who claims that he is not yet ready to take insurance. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 50 copies, $1.25; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00. SOUND LIFE INSURANCE AS PROPERTY.-It shows in comprehensive language the value of life insurance as protection, and also demonstrates that as an investment a policy is absolutely safe. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 50 copies, $1.50; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies, $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00. OO BUSY.-This leaflet is an answer to the excuse, so frequently put forward by business men; that they are "too busy" to consider the subject of life insurance. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 50 copies, $1.25; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1,000 copies, $10.00.

CRYING TIMES.-A four-page leaflet giving some practical suggestions for men who are wondering what's the matter with the fraternal assessment insurance. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 100 copies, $2.00: 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00.

WISTER, THE.-A leaflet against twisting life insurance policies. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00.

HE UNEXPECTED ALWAYS HAPPENS.-This leaflet points a moral as to the uncertainty of life, instancing many varieties of accident and sudden death. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $3.00; 500 copies, $12.00; 1,000 copies, $20.00.

'ALUE OF PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE DEMONSTRATED.-An effective canvassing leaflet. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 100 copies, $1.50; 500 copies, $3.50; 1000 copies, $5.00.

WHAT HOLDS YOU?"-Sets forth the claims of life insurance as a career for young men, and shows the advantages of agency work. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $2.50; 500 copies, $10.00; 1000 copies, $15.00.

WHAT IS THE BEST POLICY TO PURSUE?-By Chas. J. Burkart, Actuary. A brochure of thirtytwo pages. An educator intended to convince the reader of the necessity of purchasing life insurance. Prices, per copy, 25 cents; 100 copies, $2.00; 50 copies, $6.00; 100 copies, $10.00; 500 copies, $40.00; 1000 copies, $60.00.

WHAT OF THE FARMER AS A PROSPECT?-A leaflet showing to the life insurance agent the desirability of soliciting farmers for fire insurance, this class having largely increased their resources during recent years. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00. HY LIVES SHOULD BE INSURED.-By the late Horace Greeley. Prices, per copy, 10 cents; 100 copies, $1.50; 500 copies, $7.00; 1000 copies, $10.00.

ORD TO "PROSPECTS," A.-A strong argument against putting off the insurance solicitor. Prices, per copy, 6 cents; 50 copies, $1.25; 100 copies, $1.50; 500 copies, $3.50; 1000 copies, $5.00. END FOR CIRCULAR REGARDING VALUABLE ANNUAL STATISTICAL LEAFLETS.-The Rate of Interest Earned; the Expense Rate; the Combined Death and Expense Rate; the Death Rate; Actual vs. Expected Mortality; Thirty Years of Life Insurance; Terminations by Surrender and Lapse; Lapses, Death Losses and Membership in Assessment Societies; Dilemma of Fraternal Orders; Ten Years' Growth and Waste; Gain and Loss Exhibit.

The complete Catalogue of The Spectator Company presents a full line of leaflets useful in soliciting fe Insurance. Sample copies of leaflets 10 cents each.

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ENEFITS UNDER ACCIDENT POLICIES.-Prices, manila, 25 cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents.

RADBURY'S WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AND STATE INSURANCE LAW.-By Harry B. Bradbury. An analysis and explanation of the statutes of all States which have passed compensation laws, with the texts of the various statutes; also the British Compensation Act, together with decisions in full on constitutional questions involved. In two volumes. Price, $13.00.

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and corrected to February 1, 1914. Price, bound in cloth, $1.00.
CLAIMS FIXING THEIR VALUES.-By Geo. F. Deiser and Frederick W. Johnson. A work com
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Disability Benefits in Health Insurance; and the pamphlet, The Formation of the Comm
Columns. By the late Lucius McAdam. Three actuarial pamphlets bound in cloth in one valm
Price, $5.00.
States. A complete, convenient and concise compendium of existing workmen's compensation
in the United States. Prices, paper, $1.00; flexible leather, $2.00.
Prices, manila, 25 cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents.

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Federal and State Courts directly affecting liability insurance. Price, $5.00.
LIABILITY INVESTIGATORS HAND-BOOK.-By H. W. Dilg. Á manual for investigators
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A valuable and instru work for liability, accident and health insurance adjusters and physicians in the investigatio suspicious claims. Price, delivered, $3.20. MANUAL OF FIDELITY INSURANCE AND CORPORATE SURETYSHIP.-By H. G. Pennis A new work descriptive of the practical uses to which Surety and Fidelity Bonds are applied v sample forms and applications, also Hints to Agents. Prices, per copy, cloth, $2.00; leather, ȘI MANUALS OF LIABILITY, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE THE SPECTATOR COMPANY is in a position to supply Companies and Agents with Manuals ering rates for Liability and Workmen's Compensation Insurance for various States.

Companies and Agents can also be supplied with the Manual dealing with Automobile Liability surance, in three parts, as follows:

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These Manuals are official and can be supplied in quantities to suit. Write for prices and f particulars.

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SURETY, PLATE GLASS AND MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE.-A manual containing / forms and explaining the purposes and practical methods pertaining to surety, fidelity, plate të burglary, credit, physicians', druggists', and dentists' liability, general water damage, damage, title guarantee, fly-wheel, strike insurance, etc. Prices, per copy, cloth, $1.00; fex leather, $1.50. "THIS MAY HAPPEN TO YOU."-A handsome little brochure of thirty-two pages, illustrati verse and by a series of specially drawn pictures a few of the many accidents that are happen to any person, especially to business men in the pursuit of their daily avocations. P

25 cents.

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These two leafles

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Sole Agents for all works handled by CHAS. & EDWIN LAYTON, of London.

A Catalogue of Insurance Publications, with descriptive circulars of the above works, will be forwar on receipt of 10 cents in stamps.






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Our Success Makes British America Your Success Easy


EFORE entering into a contract for your services you owe it to yourself to consider carefully all the facts regarding the Company. The number of years in businessthe progress made the policy provisions the price charged-the service and security offered the character of the management-the satisfaction of its policyholders and agents. These things mean much more to you than rate of commission schedules.

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Assurance Co.


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Life Insurance Salesmanship

By THOMAS J. HENDERSON The Life Insurance Agent who wishes to improve himself in the art of salesmanship should read this book carefully.

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The Company Manager who aims for perfection in his agency force will find this work a valuable adjunct. Price, bound in cloth, $1.00. Liberal discount on orders in quantities. Address all orders to THE SPECTATOR COMPANY Chicago Office: Insurance Exchange

135 William St.


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