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1. SING to the Lord a new-made song,
Who wondrous things has done;
With his right hand, and holy arm,
The conquest he has won.

2. The Lord has through th' astonished world
Displayed his saving might;

And made his righteous acts appear
In all the heathen's sight.

3. Of Israel's house his love and truth
Have ever mindful been;

And earth's remotest tribes the power
Of Israel's God have seen.

4. Let all the people of the earth
Their cheerful voices raise;
Let all, with universal joy,
Resound their Maker's praise.


C. M.

Tate and Brady.

Prayer for the Success of Missions.

1. LORD, send thy word, and let it fly,
Armed with thy Spirit's power;
Ten thousand shall confess its sway,
And bless the saving hour.

2. Beneath the influence of thy grace
The barren wastes shall rise,

With sudden greens and fruits arrayed-
A blooming Paradise.

3. True holiness shall strike its root
In each regenerate heart;
Shall in a growth divine arise,

And heavenly fruits impart.

4. Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch
Her wings from shore to shore;

No trump shall rouse the rage of war,
Nor murderous cannon roar.

5. Lord, for those days we wait those days
Are in thy word foretold;

Fly swifter, sun and stars, and bring
This promised age of gold.


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S. M.

Heavenly Joy on Earth.

1. COME, we that love the Lord,
And let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.

2. Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God;
But children of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad.
3. The hill of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets,

Before we reach the heavenly fields,

Or walk the golden streets.

4. Then let our songs abound,

And every tear be dry;

We're marching through Immanuel's ground,

To fairer worlds on high.



S. M.

Salvation by Grace, from the first to the last.
1. GRACE! 'tis a charming sound;
Harmonious to the ear!

Heaven with the echo shall resound
And all the earth shall hear.

2. Grace first contrived the way
To save rebellious man;
And all the steps that grace display,
Which drew the wondrous plan.

3. Grace led my roving feet

To tread the heavenly road;
And new supplies each hour I meet,
While pressing on to God.

4. Grace all the work shall crown,
Through everlasting days;

It lays in heaven the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.



S. M.

Source and Office of Faith.

1. FAITH! 'tis a precious grace,
Where'er it is bestowed;

It boasts a high, celestial birth,
And is the gift of God.

2. Jesus it owns as King,
And all-atoning Priest;
It claims no merit of its own,
But looks for all in Christ.

3. To him it leads the soul,

When filled with deep distress;
Flies to the fountain of his blood,
And trusts his righteousness.

4. Since 'tis thy work alone,
And that divinely free;

Lord, send the Spirit of thy Son,
To work this faith in me.


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