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a sentiment that ought to be an inspiration to every American citizen? Henry Ward Beecher said on that occasion:

On this fateful day we again lift to the breeze our fathers' flag with the fervent prayer that God will crown it with honor, protect it from treason, and send it down to our children with all the blessings of liberty, education, and religion. Terrible in battle, may it be beneficent in peace. Happily, no bird or beast of prey is inscribed upon it. The stars which redeem the night from darkness, and the red beams of light which beautify the morning, are united in its folds. So long as the sun shall endure or the stars, may it con tinue to wave over a land neither enslaved or enslaving.


That comes from the great body of the American Legion; it comes from the heart of a comrade, a heart filled with love, devotion, and loyalty to my country. [Applause]

Commander in Chief HERRICK. I am sure it was well worth listening to. We are all glad to have Comrade Carlstrom as the representative of the American Legion and I shall take great pleasure in asking our representative to tell National Commander Drain how well we liked his selection.

The reading clerk has some announcements to make.

(Announcements were then made concerning meetings of various State units, etc.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Comrades, I want to make an announcement with reference to the subsequent sessions of this encampment. It is my desire and hope, if possible, to get through with one session a day. In order to do that we have to start promptly in the morning and possibly run a little later than we planned. This morning it was impossible for us to take control of the meeting until such time as the local arrangements were completed. Therefore, I had no control over the opening. To-morrow morning our opening session will commence promptly at 9.15 o'clock, and if there are enough people to commence with we will do so. In order to get through we have to do business and do it to advantage, and I trust my good comrade who wanted to take up things at the wrong time will understand that we have to take these things up in the proper manner. Unless there is something further to come before the encampment at this time, I will entertain a motion to adjourn. Comrade PAUL STOBBE, Department of New York. Has there been an appointment of a committee on appeals?

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Not yet, Comrade Stobbe. I believe the custom is not to appoint such a committee until something requiring its attention comes up. We can make the appointment at any time. We do not as a rule appoint such a committee until we see we are going to need it.

Has any comrade anything to bring before the appeals or grievance committee? If he has, he should submit it to me or to the adjutant general as soon as possible.

Comrade MITNICK, Department of Maryland. The committees that are appointed this morning, are they final?

Commander in Chief HERRICK. No; any department commander may submit names of comrades he wishes considered for committees. The reading clerk will read the names of the committee on resolutions and the committee on enactment. The greetings committee will be composed of all past commanders in chief, with Past Commander in Chief C. W. Newton as chairman.

The READING CLERK. The committee on resolutions is as follows: John Lewis Smith, District of Columbia, chairman; L. D. Mahone, Oregon; R. T. Richardson, Montana; Ralph Steckel, Georgia; William Scarlett, New Jersey; R. S. Cain, Pennsylvania; William J. Otjen, Oklahoma; Calvert J. Winter, Kansas; Theo. V. Martinez, Louisiana; W. A. Curtis, Minnesota; Otto Meier, Nebraska; C. R. Judd, California; H. Wieber, Washington and Alaska; C. R. Johns, Kentucky; Harvey Payne, Florida; and George P. Stovall, Arizona. The committee on enactments is as follows: E. J. Gihon, past commander in chief, chairman; Frank J. Walsh, Indiana; Lewis Jones, Potomac; W. L. Peters, Oklahoma; O. L. Chamberlin, Texas; J. W. Castanie, Missouri; John E. Moran, Montana; C. C. McKenna, Oregon; and O. P. Storm, Texas.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. It will be proper for any department commander or representative who is not here to submit the name of a comrade. We possibly can use them all.

I will now entertain a motion to adjourn.

Comrade W. J. S. DINEEN, Department of New York. I move that the encampment adjourn until to-morrow morning at 9.15 o'clock. Past Commander in Chief JOHN LEWIS SMITH (District of Columbia). I second the motion.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. You have heard the motion. Those in favor of its adoption will say "aye "; those opposed "" no.' The "ayes" have it.


(Whereupon at 1.15 o'clock p. m., adjournment was taken until 9.15 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, September 29, 1925.)


The encampment was called to order by Commander in Chief Herrick at 9.15 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, September 29, 1925. Whereupon the following proceedings were had:

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Comrades, you will give your attention to Comrade William W. Brandon, the Governor of Alabama, who will invoke the divine blessing.

Comrade BRANDON. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for our land and country. We thank Thee for this gathering of hearts, this association of minds, who put their country above all things. We recognize that Thou art the Commander of us all and we pray Thy blessing upon this assembly this morning. Bless the presiding officer; bless every man who comes here and, Oh Father, bless those that we have left behind at home; take care of them. May this convention be good; may our actions all be impelled by brotherly love, and may we soon hear that sound that was heard yonder on Judea's hills the night the Saviour of Man was born, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will toward men." Amen.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. You will please take your seats. I will ask any visitors who do not hold credentials to retire to the gallery. The main floor is for the use of the delegates. Comrade Provost Marshal.

The PROVOST MARSHAL. Commander in Chief.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Advance the colors.

(The colors were advanced.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The encampment will salute the


(The encampment saluted the colors.)

The PROVOST MARSHAL. Commander in chief, there is awaiting recognition Comrade Kinkaide and Comrade Hughes, of the Naval and Military Order of the World War.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The provost marshal will escort the comrades to the platform.

(The comrades named were escorted to the platform and presented to the encampment.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Will you, Comrade Kinkaide, say a few words to the encampment?

Comrade HENRY L. KINKAIDE, of Massachusetts. Commander in Chief Herrick and my comrades of the United Spanish War Veterans, first of all, Mr. Commander, I wish to take some slight exception to the impression that I represent here to-day the Veterans of the World War. Here in St. Petersburg, while you men of the United Spanish War Veterans are holding your convention, there is also another convention being held here of the Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War, which is composed of the officers of that great war, those officers who served with you, my comrades, in 1898. Three years ago the officers' organization, the naval and military orders, decided that instead of holding their annual meeting at the home city or town of the commander that it would move its annual meeting date to a time corresponding with the meeting date of the United Spanish War Veterans and, for three years, beginning in Chattanooga and last year in Michigan City, and this year in St. Petersburg, the officers are with you, my comrades. [Applause]. And yesterday, while in convention, our order passed a resolution authorizing the sending to your organization of a delegation to bring to you the cordial greetings of the Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War. [Applause.] We all, my comrades, together fought in the shortest and most decisive war which the history of the world has ever been called upon to record, and we here, as those officers, fought with wou and carried on during that period of ninety-eight and are now intensely interested in your welfare, and I assure you that we desire to do what we can to further your interests in all measures of legislation which pertain to your welfare. [Applause.] And so, my comrades, at the meeting which was held yesterday at our convention we appointed a legislative committee which has been instructed to work in every way with your committee on legislation to assist you to put forward and across the legislation which we know and you know are justly entitled to have put on the statute books of this great country. [Applause.] And so, my friends, I come here to-day on behalf of my commandery to offer you not only our most cordial greetings but to offer you our services, the services of our officers, who will work with you, Mr. Commander, in any and all ways you may choose to command us. [Prolonged applause.]

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Comrades, I am sure we have all been glad to hear from our comrade, Colonel Kinkaide, and he requests me to say one thing that he omitted, and that is that their organization would be very glad to have men who were officers in the Spanish-American War send in their names for affiliation with the members of the military order in order to have as large an organization as possible and in order that it might be of more help in aiding you.

Comrade WILLIAM W. BRANDON, Department of Alabama. I move you, sir, that this convention by a rising vote express appreciation of the address delivered and the sentiments expressed by our brothers of the Order of Naval and Military Officers.

(The motion was seconded by Comrade Belknap, of the District of Columbia, and unanimously carried.)

Comrade CARR (Oregon). Čomrade Commander, in behalf of the comrades of the Department of Oregon and the delegates attending this convention, it gives me great pleasure to present you with the working tools of your organization. Portland was unfortunate in not being selected for this convention, but we in Oregon feel that we should have some part in this convention. This was obtained from the forests of southwest Oregon, and it is one of the two places in the world where this wood is obtained. We wish you all of the success, and this encampment the same, that there is in the world, I have much pleasure in presenting you a gavel of myrtle wood. [Applause.]

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Comrade Carr, I appreciate more than I can tell you the kindly thought that inspired you to give me this gavel, but I appreciate more than that the good sportsmanship shown by the Department of Oregon last year when I know it was a disappointment to them not to carry home the convention. I had been there a short time before that, and I know the City of Roses would have given us the most wonderful time we ever had. I hope to get there again some day. I hope, too, that the comrades of Oregon won't be disappointed by the defeat they had at that time and will come back some time and ask for the convention and we will all be glad to go to Oregon. Thank you very much. [Applause.]

Comrades, the chairman of the resolutions committee requests me to announce a meeting of the resolutions committee at the rear of the stage entrance, that side [indicating] now, and any comrade who has any resolution to report will please take them to the committee. You can only get on the stage from this one side [indicating], comrades. I also desire to announce on behalf of Comrade Gihon that there will be a meeting of the enactment committee at the Princess Martha Hotel, room 609. The enactment committee will meet at 12 o'clock to-day. Any propositions for enactment should be presented either prior to that time or at that session of the committee.

You will give your attention to the adjutant general.

Adjutant General MURPHY: The following communications have come to the encampment (reading):

To the Delegates to the National Encampment, Spanish-American War Veterans, in Convention Assembled at St. Petersburg, Fla.:

Daytona Beach, Fla., joins with St. Petersburg in welcoming you and extends a cordial invitation to visit Daytona Beach at the close of the convention.

Free bus transportation has been arranged and the Seaboard Air Line has consented to accept veterans' tickets at Jacksonville for the return trip. All information may be had at the Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce headquarters, Oldsmar Office, Sixth and Central Avenues.



HARTFORD, CONN., September 28, 1925.

Commander in Chief United Spanish War Veterans,

St. Petersburg, Fla.:

Congratulations upon the highly important work of your administration and heartiest greetings to all. Doubtless this message will be heard by comrades from nearly every State in the Union whose kindness to me during my travels exemplified the highest ideals of our comradeship and will always be gratefully remembered.


BARTLESVILLE, OKLA., September 28, 1925.


St. Petersburg, Fla.:

Bartlesville Camp, No. 14, in session went on record favoring separate bill pensioning our veterans at rate of thirty to fifty; widows thirty; best wishes to encampment. We invite next encampment to Bartlesville, Okla.



SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., September 28, 1925.

Commander in Chief United Spanish War Veterans, Princess Martha Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla.: Greetings, best wishes for constructive convention. Regret inability to attend.


PORTLAND, OREG., September 28, 1925.


St. Petersburg, Fla.:

Oregon Department is sponsoring erection of statue of Roosevelt at Port Orford, farthest western town, to mark new wonderful coast highway. Funds by popular subscription under direction of all camps. Expect Mahone to introduce resolution. Want you to appoint committeeman each department. Best wishes for fine encampment.

GEO. F. A. WALKER, Past Department Commander.

BROOKLYN, N. Y., September 28, 1925.


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Commander in Chief United Spanish War Veterans,

Princess Martha Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla.: Vital business interests compels my presence in New York. I am grievously disappointed at my inability to attend the reunion. Congratulations on your masterful administration of our national affairs. Greetings to my comrades assembled, their fellowship of loving service.


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