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Comrade DINEEN (New York). Is it the position of the chair that any comrade from a particular State arises to second the nomination of a candidate already in nomination that the regulation which prescribes the nomination shall be limited, the speech, five minutes will prevail?

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Seconding will be limited to five minutes, yes; that is my ruling.

Past Commander in Chief ENTENZA (Michigan). As a seconder, I am in favor of such a ruling with a view to expediting the matter. I will take two minutes and, like Comrade Alcorn, I am not going to ask you in a lot of words to pass me the pick. I am going to ask it in plain English. The man he wanted to put in nomination and he confined all the facts in his nomination to such a few words that you could well understand what his candidate stood for.

I am sure as a past commander in chief and as a member of this organization that we should have a man in the office of commander in chief who is capable of doing things and who does things and who does not talk about it. I want a candidate who says he is going to do this thing and who does not stand up and tell us what should be done. [Applause.] You men of the rank and file of this organization are the people concerned. The people concerned are not the people who seek the honor and wear gold badges and take from you the glory that you are entitled to. I will tell you one of the most pitiful things that exists in America and, if you understand something of the homestead law of this country, you would be surprised. Do you know this. If you want your homestead land in America you can not get preference over a soldier of the World War. The veterans of the World War have a preference in accepting land from the reservations. That is the point. I don't care how close you are to the administration. This is not an hour in the history of our organization to kiss men, my friends; this is the time and place in our organization to fight men in this country and bring forth justice. I have the good of the organization at heart. I think the men who are at the head of our organization are all good men, and I want it understood that I love every candidate that has been presented. I have faith in them, but I want a man to stand before the congressional committees and before the people of this country and tell them of the shame that exists, and if you can't fight in that line of endeavor, I don't want to be a member of such an organization. I am going to tell you something, comrades. Give the South a little chance. True, we are not a sectional organization. The Senators from the South and Congressmen of the South have been the reason why we have not had what we want, and it is time for us to wake up and get something from this country. Get off this high horse and elect a man who will do things, and when it comes to the time of the election vote for the man whom I am now about to second, and you will have money in your pockets. I have great pleasure in seconding the nomination of Comrade Hannah of Tennessee. [Applause.] Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Minnesota.

Comrade CURTIS (Minnesota). Minnesota passes.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Mississippi.

Comrade DONALD (Mississippi). Mississippi has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Missouri.

Comrade CASTANIE (Missouri). Missouri has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Montana.

Comrade MORAN (Montana). Montana has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Nebraska.

Comrade EAGER (Nebraska). Nebraska passes.

Adjutant General MURPHY. New Hampshire.

Comrade SULLIVAN (New Hampshire). I wish to second the nomination of a man whom I know, if elected, will give satisfaction. The weather is hot, and you have heard the speaker, and I merely second the nomination of Comrade Flynn. [Applause.] Adjutant General MURPHY. New Jersev.

Comrade BERRY (New Jersey). New Jersey has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. New York.

Comrade DINEEN (New York): Commander in chief and comrades, I am going to make my speech short. There is an old saying that a nomination speech or an address of this kind should be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover everything and short enough to make it interesting. [Applause.] I am not going to indulge in any fireworks relative to the intrinsic merits of the candidate that the department of New York has designated me to second. I might go on for hours and tell you of his services in the military field and also his ancestry and also the merits of the State from which he comes but things like that are not germane to the subject. I might also carry to your mind the fact that there are many things in this great country of ours that can be accomplished from the calm, full meeting of minds and the planning of campaigns and I could ask you to remember that no war was ever won as the result of one man's work. But I am not going to do either one of these things. But, my comrades, the man I have been designated to second the nomination of has served as chairman of the legislative committee for several years in conjunction with the other splendid comrades of our organization and he has been instrumental in laying the mines, the necessary mines, to disrupt the opposition that now prevails in the legislative halls of our Nation and now is the time when the mines are ready for firing, and I feel you will make no mistake in choosing as your leader to go over the top in your next national campaign Comrade Thompson of Ohio. [Applause.]

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. North Carolina.

Comrade GIBSON (North Carolina): North Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY: Oklahoma.

Comrade OTJEN (Oklahoma). Oklahoma has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY: Oregon.

Comrade McKENNA (Oregon): We have no candidate and, as I believe brevity to be the soul of wit, let us stop and give the other fellow a chance.

Adjutant General MURPHY: Pennsylvania.

Comrade ARNOLD (Pennsylvania): Pennsylvania has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY: Rhode Island.

Comrade MCGEE (Rhode Island): Rhode Island has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY: South Carolina.

Comrade BUTLER (South Carolina). South Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY: South Dakota.

Comrade TROUP (South Dakota). South Dakota has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY: Tennessee.

Comrade KENNERLY (Tennessee). In the name of the State where you met two years ago, where we extended to you the greatest hospitality that we could, we rise to second our candidate and to say this: While he was lieutenant colonel in the Fourth Tennessee, he had a hard-boiled Regular Army colonel that assigned him to court-martial work and he turned loose every red-neck and hill billy that was brought before him. Now, he will go to Washington and go down the line with you and help the red-necks and hill billys and I second the nomination of H. H. Hannah. [Applause.] Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Texas.

Comrade DUKE (Texas). Texas has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Virginia.

Comrade WALKER (Virginia). Virginia has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Washington and Alaska.

Comrade DOWNING (Washington and Alaska). We have no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. West Virginia.

Comrade CHAPIN (West Virginia). West Virginia has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Wisconsin.

Comrade HERZOG (Wisconsin). Wisconsin has no candidate to present to this convention.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Comrades, this closes the nominations for commander in chief and at this time

A VOICE (interposing). How about Iowa?

Adjutant General MURPHY. My error, Comrade. Iowa?
Comrade TALLMAN (Iowa). Iowa has other business.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Has any other department been omitted from the roll call. If not we will pass in just a moment to the nominations for senior vice commander in chief. Prior to that Comrade Robert S. Cain is here to present the greetings of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. [Applause.]

Past Department Commander ROBERT S. CAIN. My comrades, this is not a speech. I have a telegram here from a man in Butler, Pa. His name is Fred Stover, a member of the old Tenth Regiment. At the last national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Oklahoma he was elected their commander in chief and this telegram will convey his message to you without any thrills attempted to be added to it by me. The message reads:


United Spanish War Veterans, St. Petersburg, Fla.:

Will you kindly represent me as commander in chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at encampment and convey the good wishes of myself and my good comrades to those assembled in convention at St. Petersburg?

FRED STOVER, Commander in Chief.


Commander in Chief HERRICK. The encampment will give its attention to the adjutant general.

Adjutant General MURPHY. The credential committee is in session now and will remain in session until the adjournment of this meeting. They will then go into session again at 3 o'clock.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the call of the roll for nominations for senior vice commander in chief.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Alabama.

Comrade BRANDON (Alabama). Alabama has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Arizona.

Comrade LAVIN (Arizona). Arizona has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Arkansas.

Comrade HOFFMAN (Arkansas). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. California.

Comrade ROBERTS (California). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Colorado and Wyoming.

Comrade SHACKELFORD (Colorado and Wyoming). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Connecticut.

Comrade SHEA (Connecticut). Connecticut has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. District of Columbia.

Comrade BELKNAP (District of Columbia). We have no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. Florida.

Comrade YORK (Florida). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Georgia.

Comrade THOMPSON (Georgia). No candidate.

Past Commander in Chief JOHN LEWIS SMITH. Commander in chief.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The Chair recognizes Past Commander in Chief Smith.

Past Commander in Chief JOHN LEWIS SMITH. In order to facilitate the expeditious dispatch of business, I move the nominations be called for in order of office and let the roll call be dispensed with. Comrade LAVIN (Arizona). I second the motion.

Comrade DINEEN (New York). I hate to raise a point of order all the time, but inasmuch as we have a book that took many years to make up, I raise the point of order that the motion of Past Commander in Chief Smith is out of order..

Commander in Chief HERRICK. I rule that your point is well taken, Comrade Dineen. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas.

Comrade SHEEDY (Kansas). Comrade commander in chief, may I have the privilenge of addressing the convention from this position? Commander in Chief HERRICK. Yes.

Comrade SHEEDY (Kansas). I am originally from New England, also Ohio, but I believe that is not important to my people in Kansas. Kansas is unique in the history of the United States. We long ago, by proclamation, did away with Dixie lines. We elected several years ago a man who served in the Confederate army. In 1906 we came within 2,500 votes of electing Colonel Harris Governor of

Kansas, and in 1916 we gave 40,000 votes for the man who is now President of the United States. We have no lines in Kansas.

Delegates of this convention, we are here for achievement, to accomplish something, to nominate and elect a man who will do things. It is the pleasure of the Department of Kansas to nominate for the important office of senior vice commander in chief a man who has shown his work as junior vice commander. He served in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War; he is an educated man and a worker for your organization--he is at work every day and every night and we wish, delegates of this convention, to present for your consideration for senior vice commander in chief, F. B. Dodds, of Lawrence, Kans.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Kentucky.

Comrade ASHBY (Kentucky). Kentucky has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Louisiana.

Comrade CHURCH (Louisiana). Commander in chief and comrades of this convention: As past department commander from the great State of Kansas and as present department officer from Louisiana, it affords me great pleasure in following the footsteps of my friend and availing myself of this opportunity to second the nomination for senior vice commander in chief of F. B. Dodds.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maine.

Comrade Dow (Maine). We have no candidate for senior vice commander in chief.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maryland.

Comrade MITNICK (Maryland). Maryland has no candidate but it gives me very great pleasure to second the motion for F. B. Dodds. Adjutant General MURPHY. Massachusetts.

Comrade FLANAGAN (Massachusetts). Massachusetts has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Michigan.

Comrade ROGERS (Michigan). No candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Minnesota.

Comrade CURTIS (Minnesota). No candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Mississippi.

Comrade Downs (Mississippi). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Missouri.

Comrade CASTANIE (Missouri). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Montana; Nebraska.

Comrade EAGER (Nebraska). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. New Hampshire; New Jersey. Comrade BERRY (New Jersey). New Jersey has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. New York.

Comrade FITZPATRICK (New York). New York has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. North Carolina.

Comrade GIBSON (North Carolina). North Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Ohio; Oklahoma.

Comrade STEINER (Oklahoma). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Oregon.

Comrade MCKENNA (Oregon). I feel that we from the West should at times endeavor to obtain recognition in this great body. I

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