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am personally unknown in this convention but we have an individual who is not unknown, a man who has always followed out the tactics of our organization and the dictates of comradeship. I have been associated with him and I have known him for many years and I know that if you confer this honor upon him he will do what he is doing to-day. I am not going to take up your time because I know this matter of business should go through without blocking the traffic, but I ask you as men with fair and open minds to recognize a man of ability, character, earnestness, a man who as I have just said has been a soldier, a man who is prominent in his own city, a man with a reputation for honesty and fair dealing, a man who is fearless, L. D. Mahone, of Oregon.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed with the call of the roll.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Pennsylvania.

Comrade ARNOLD (Pennsylvania). Pennsylvania has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. Rhode Island; South Carolina. Comrade BUTLER (South Carolina). South Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. South Dakota.

Comrade BRUCE (South Dakota). No candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Tennessee; Texas.
Comrade DUKE (Texas). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Virginia.

Comrade PHILLIPS (Virginia). I do not want to take up the time of this convention in exploiting the man I am going to put in nomination for senior vice commander in chief. It seems to me that the brothers have enlarged too much upon their candidates. If they have all done as much as they say they have done they are not able to accomplish what they have promised to do. I want, however, to place in nomination a man whose record you will find in Washington as a soldier. You will find his name on the records of this convention and his name on the records will show that he has labored and worked in the high places and is willing to work hard for those who have lost heart. He is a man who is able to read and write. He is a man that not only has devoted his time to the work but he has gone down in his pocket and helped out comrades. His record is a record of which the Spanish-American War Veterans should be proud and is a record that is beyond reproach.

I put in nomination C. N. Markham, of Virginia, from the oldest camp in the State of Virginia. He has been in the State convention and he has been in our national conventions and I can say that when he becomes senior vice commander in chief you will be glad that you have elected him.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Washington and Alaska.

Comrade DOWNEY (Washington and Alaska). The department of California is the largest department in the United States. The department of Washington and Alaska is not, No. 1, but it has the largest auxiliary and we ask you as a matter of fairness and because the organization is greater than any individual in it to give us some representation on your national staff out on the coast. I second the nomination of Comrade Mahone.

Adjutant General MURPHY. West Virginia; Wisconsin.


Comrade HERZOG (Wisconsin). Wisconsin has no candidate.

A Comrade from Illinois. I am instructed by the department commander of Illinois to clear the atmosphere by saying we stand in this encampment this morning as a solid unit, 65 delegates, and Illinois has no candidate for any office at this encampment.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. We will resume. Comrades, this concludes the names of the States.

Comrade DINEEN (New York). I move you, commander in chief

Comrade SELDEN (Potomac). The department of the Potomac has not been called.

Adjutant General MURPHY. My mistake. Department of the Potomac?

Comrade SELDEN (Potomac). We have no candidate.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The Chair recognizes Comrade Dineen of New York.

Comrade DINEEN (New York). I move you, sir, that the nominations for the office of commander in chief and for senior vice commander in chief be closed.

(The motion was seconded by Past Department Commander Garrity of Illinois, and unanimously carried.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed to the roll call for nominations for junior vice commander in chief. Adjutant General MURPHY. Alabama.

Comrade HOLMES (Alabama). Alabama has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Arizona.

Comrade LAVIN (Arizona). Arizona has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Arkansas.

Comrade HOLMES (Alabama). Alabama has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. California; Colorado; and Wyoming. Comrade SHACKELFORD (Colorado and Wyoming). Colorado and Wyoming have no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Connecticut.

Comrade SHEA (Connecticut). Connecticut has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. District of Columbia; Florida. Comrade SPENCER (Florida). Florida has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Georgia.

Comrade STECKEL (Georgia). Georgia has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Illinois.

Comrade SNYDER (Illinois). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Indiana.

Comrade BAUMAN (Indiana). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Iowa.

Comrade TALLMAN (Iowa). Iowa has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Kansas.

Comrade SCHOENBORN (Kansas). Kansas has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Kentucky.

Comrade ASHBY (Kentucky). Kentucky has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Louisiana.

Comrade CHURCH (Louisiana). Louisiana has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maine.

Comrade Dow (Maine). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Massachusetts.

Comrade FLANAGAN (Massachusetts). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maryland.

Comrade MITNICK (Maryland). I do not want to take up the time of this convention, but Maryland has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Michigan.

Comrade ROGERS (Michigan). No candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Minnesota.

Comrade CURTIS (Minnesota). Minnesota has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Mississippi.

Comrade DONALD (Mississippi). Mississippi has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Missouri.

Comrade DEWEY (Missouri). Missouri has no candidate.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Montana; Nebraska.

Comrade STOWE (Nebraska). We offer for junior vice commander in chief the name of one of our comrades, Charles B. Colerick. He has been a great worker in Nebraska, a man who is financially able to carry out the business of his office if elected, even if elected commander in chief, a man who will carry out your wishes and who will work with your organization. I feel very glad for this opportunity to place in nomination the name of Charles B. Colerick for the office of junior vice commander in chief.

Adjutant General MURPHY. New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina.

Comrade GIBSON (North Carolina). North Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Ohio; Oklahoma.

Comrade STEINER (Oklahoma). Oklahoma has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. Oregon; Pennsylvania; Potomac. Comrade SELDEN (Potomac). The Department of the Potomac has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Rhode Island; South Carolina. Comrade BUTLER (South Carolina). South Carolina has no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. South Dakota; Tennessee.
Comrade SPEIRS (Tennessee). We have no bananas.
Adjutant General MURPHY. Texas; Virginia.

Comrade WALKER (Virginia). We have no candidate.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Washington and Alaska; West Virginia; Wisconsin.

Comrade HERZOG (Wisconsin). The delegates present the name of Past Department Commander Charles G. Juneau, for he has been active in the department and the national organization. We would ask consideration by the delegates for Charles G. Juneau for junior vice commander in chief.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Has the name of any department been omitted from the roll call? A motion will be in order to close the nominations for junior vice commander in chief.

Comrade DINEEN (New York). I move that the nominations for junior vice commander in chief be closed.

(The motion was seconded by Past Commander in Chief John Lewis Smith of the District of Columbia and was unanimously carried.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. The adjutant general will proceed to call the roll for nominations for the office of surgeon general, Adjutant General MURPHY. Alabama.

Comrade HOLMES (Alabama). Alabama has no candidate.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. I am going to suggest to my good friend Comrade Dineen, if he will let me get by with it, if you have no candidate to present to the encampment, pass over when your State is called. How is that Bill?

Comrade DINEEN (New York). All right.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Arizona; Arkansas.

Comrade HOFFMAN (Arkansas). I would like to place in nomination Col. Leonard Ellis.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Connecticut; District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Massachusetts; Michigan; Missouri.

Comrade HUEY (Missouri). I would like to place in nomination William L. Sharp of Missouri.

Adjutant General MURPHY. New York.

Comrade LANDSMAN (New York). I desire to place in nomination for surgeon a man who has actively taken care of the comrades of the Department of New York for the last 20 years, who has attended a great many of the national conventions, from away back in 1911 in Atlantic City, who has been very active for a great many years as pension surgeon, a man who is one of the boys and who will be willing to go his limit to do anything for any of them at any time. If you elect him to the office of surgeon general you will find in him a man whom you can trust and whom you will be proud of.

Comrades there is one qualification on behalf of the doctor that I want to bring to your attention. I asked one of the ladies of the auxiliary what activity the doctor has displayed in the last few months in view of the fact that I have been absent from the city. She said "He is the man for surgeon general." I asked why and she said, “Because he enabled me to reduce in the last few months." I am afraid a good many comrades here are liable to call on the new surgeon general and ask him to help them reduce. I have been thinking of doing it myself. Now, I nominate for the office of surgeon general, Dr. Arthur J. Schneidenbach, of New York.

Comrade Dow (Maine). I rise to second the nomination. Commander in Chief HERRICK. All right, you will be in order. You may answer when your department is called.

Adjutant General MURPHY. North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma. Past Commander in Chief ALCORN (Ohio). Ohio has no candidate. Adjutant General MURPHY. Maine, I understand, wishes to second the nomination of Doctor Schneidenbach.

Comrade Dow (Maine). I take pleasure in seconding the nomination of Comrade Schneidenbach, of New York.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Oregon; Pennsylvania; Potomac; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia; Washington and Alaska; West Virginia; Wisconsin. Comrade ROBERTS (Pennsylvania). I move that the nominations for surgeon general be closed.

Comrade DOWNEY (Pennsylvania). I second the motion.

(The motion being duly seconded was unanimously carried.)

Comrade DINEEN (New York). May I request a point of information? At the conclusion of the nominations and after the session, will the adjutant general announce the names?

Commander in Chief HERRICK. We intend to read the entire list at the end. The adjutant general will proceed with the roll call for chaplain in chief.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; and Wyoming.

Comrade SHACKELFORD (Colorado and Wyoming): Colorado and Wyoming yields to Texas.

Comrade DUKE (Texas). Comrade commander in chief and comrades assembled here. We are very much indebted to the people of Florida, we who have come from all over the United States, and we owe to the city of St. Petersburg and to the State of Florida a great deal for a most wonderful entertainment. I understand that Florida is not seeking any honor, and as our hosts they perhaps feel they should not seek honor, but as a mark of appreciation of what they are doing and what they have done for us, I think we ought to give them one of the important offices of this great organization. Most of us know our worthy comrade who delivered such a wonderful oration to us the other evening over in the park. We know his eloquence, we know his work, we know his actions and we know his personality, and I take great pleasure in nominating the Reverend W. A. Myres, chaplain of the Department of Florida for the honor and for the office of chaplain general.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Iowa.

Comrade HUNTINGTON (Iowa). We second the nomination of the Reverend Myres.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Minnesota.

Comrade CURTIS (Minnesota). We have no nomination to make, but we second the nomination of Chaplain Myres.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maine; Missouri; Maryland.

Comrade MITNICK (Maryland). Commander, I want to know why Maryland has been omitted twice from the roll call.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Maryland has not been omitted from the roll call. Has Maryland any candidate?

Comrade MITNICK (Maryland). Maryland has no candidate but seconds the nomination of Chaplain Myres.

Adjutant General MURPHY. Nebraska; New Hampshire; West Virginia.

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Has the name of any department been omitted from the roll call. If not, a motion to close the nominations for chaplain in chief will be in order.

Comrade SPOLDERS (New York). I move the nominations be closed. (The motion was seconded by Comrade Hoffman (Arkansas) and it was unanimously carried.)

Commander in Chief HERRICK. Now, I wish you would all remain quiet while the adjutant general reads the names, initials, and States from which the candidates were nominated.

Adjutant General MURPHY. For commander in chief: H. H. Hannah, of Tennessee; Richard R. Flynn, of Massachusetts; Carmi A. Thompson, of Ohio.

For senior vice commander in chief: Frank B. Dodds, of Kansas; L. D. Mahone, of Oregon; C. N. Markham, of Virginia.

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