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lefs plain than it was before; which

does not


very well agree with a

pretence of Explication.

Here then I fix my foot: That there are three Differences in the Deity, which the Scripture speaks of by the Names of Father, Son, and H. Ghost, and every where speaks of them as we use to do of three distinct Perfons: And therefore I fee no reafon why in this Argument we fhould nicely abftain from ufing the word Perfon; though I remember that St. Jerome does fomewhere defire to be excused from it.

Now concerning thefe Three I might in the first place urge that plain and exprefs Text, There are I John three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the H. Ghoft ; and these three are one: But upon this I will not now infift, because it is pretended, that in fome Copies of greatest antiquity this Verfe is omitted; the contrary whereof is I think capable of being made out very clear

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clearly: But this matter would be, too long to be debated at prefent. However that be, thus much is certain and cannot be denied, that our Saviour commanded his Apostles to baptize all Nations in the Name of the Father, Son, and H. Ghoft: And that the Apofties in their Epiftles do in their most ufual form of BenediEtion join thefe Three together: And: it is yet further certain, that not only the Name and Title of God, but the most incommunicable Properties and Perfections of the Deity, are in Scripture frequently afcribed to the Son and the H. Ghost, one Property only excepted, which is peculiar to the Father as he is the Principle and Fountain of the Deity, that he is of himfelf and of no other; which is not, nor can be faid of the Son and H. Ghost.

Now let any Man fhew any plain and downright Contradiction in all this; or any other Difficulty befides this, that the particular manner of G 4


the existence of these three Differences or Perfons in the Divine Nature, exprefs'd in Scripture by the Names of Father, Son, and H. Ghoft, is incomprehenfible by our finite Underftandings, and inexplicable by us. In which I do not fee what Abfurdity there is, fince our Adverfaries cannot deny that many things certainly are, the particular manner of whofe exiftence we can neither comprehend, nor explain.

Let us now fee, whether the 0pinion of our Adverfaries hath not greater Difficulties in it, and more palpable Abfurdities following from ir. They say, that the Son of God is a mere Creature; not God by Nature, and yet truly and really God by Office and by Divine appointment and conftitution; to whom the very fame Honour and Worship is to be given which we give to Him who is God by Nature.

And can they difcern no Difficulty, no Abfurdity in this? What? no ab


furdity in bringing Idolatry by a backdoor into the Chriftian Religion, one main Design whereof was to banish Idolatry out of the World? And will they in good earnest conteft this matter with us, that the giving Divine Worship to a mere Creature is not Idolatry? And can they vindicate themselves in this Point any other way, than what will in a great meafure acquit both the Pagans and the Papifts from the charge of Idolatry?

What? no Abfurdity in a God as it were but of yesterday? in a Creature God, in a God merely by pofitive Inftitution, and this in oppofition to a plain moral Precept of eternal obligation, and to the fix'd and immutable Nature and Reason of things?

So that to avoid the fhadow and appearance of a Plurality of Deities they run really into it, and for any thing I can see, into downright Idolatry, by worshipping a Creature befides Rom. 1. the Creator, who is blessed for ever.



They can by no means allow twe Gods by Nature; no more can we. But they can willingly admit of two Gods; the one by Nature, and the other by Office, to whom they are content to pay the fame Honour which is due to Him who is God by Nature. Provided Chrift will be contented to be but a Creature, they will deal more liberally with him in another way than in Reason is fit.

And do they fee no Abfurdity in all this? nothing that is contrary to Reafon and good fenfe nothing that feels like Inconfiftency and Contradiction Do they confider how often God hath declar'd that he will not give his Gal. 4. glory to another? And that the Apoftle defcribes Idolatry to be, the giving fervice, or worship, to things which by Nature are no Gods?


Surely if Reafon guided by Divine Revelation were to chufe a God, it would make choice of one who is declared in Scripture to be the only begotten of the Father, the firft

and the


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