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Made by Connoisseurs, for Connoisseurs,
sold on merit alone, these cigarets are
now the choice of those who discriminate

My enthusiasm over these cigarets is due entirely to my knowledge of them and of cigarets in general. I admit I am a crank on the subject. I have been a crank on smoke for twenty years. I am a smoker first and a manufacturer afterward. I started the manufacture of these goods strictly because that was the only way to be sure that my friends and myself were going to be supplied with them regularly.

I am now extending the sale of Makaroff Russian Cigarets to my other friends-the ones I haven't seen, but who are my friends just the same, because they like the good things of life as I do.

Nearly every box of Makaroff Russian Cigarets discovers one of these friends for me. I seldom fail to get a hearty handshake by return mail.

Makaroff Russian Cigarets are offered to Connoisseurs (another name for cranks) on the basis of smoking quality alone. They have got to please you as a particular smoker, better than anything you have ever smoked before, or ĺ don't want a cent. They are made of pure, clean, sweet tc bacco, the finest and highest priced Russian and Turkish growths blended scientifically by our own Russian blenders. The Russians are the only real artists at cigaret blending don't forget that.

These cigarets are blended, made and aged as old wines are by men with traditions of quality to live up to-men who have spent their lives at it and who have generations of experience back of them.

Every cigaret is made by hand. Every one is inspected before packing. We use the thinnest paper ever put on a cigaret.

Note this particularly-It's a big point. These cigarets will leave in your office or apartments no trace of the odor usually associated with cigarets. (You know what the usual cigaret odor is like.)



Another thing-you can smoke these cigarets day in and day out without any nervousness or ill feeling. This is straight talk and I mean it. These cigarets won't hurt you and you owe it to yourself to find it out for yourself. The cigarets are packed in cedar boxes, one hundred to the box-done up like the finest cigars.

Your Own Monogram

in gold will be put on your cigarets just as soon as you have tried them out and want them regularly.

I will gladly send you full information about these smoking them. Smoke is the final test. cigarets, but talk is deaf and dumb compared with actually

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branches was withered away by the effect of the electric current, and the fruit also withered in the manner shown by the picture. The apples growing on the other side of the tree were apparently entirely unharmed, and, when matured, were of the usual size and flavor. The trunk of the tree seemingly was uninjured by the bolt, but the branches affected soon died and were cut away.

Lived Four Centuries A GIANT tortoise, believed to have

lived upwards of four centuries, recently died at the London Zoological Gardens. The only clew to the age of

FOUR CENTURIES OLD. "Drake," a giant tortoise at the Zoological Gardens, London, Eng., which recently died.

this creature lay in a half-effaced "16" cut into his shell, and supposed to be the first two figures of a seventeenth century date. Perhaps some pirate or castaway, in an idle moment, thus marked the horny encasement of the sluggish beast. At any rate, this much is known: toward the end of the eighteenth century, Drake -as the tortoise was named-was captured in the Galapagos Islands. The inhabitants of those regions then regarded him as a bicentenarian. About a quarter of a century after his capture, he was taken to England. Finally, he was secured for the Zoological Gardens.

Lettuce His appetite was enormous. was his diet, and he devoured only the hearts of the plant. It is said he could eat as much as an ox. Giant tortoises are somewhat rare, and his place will be hard to fill.


Bicycling on the Water AT

Ta summer resort near Baltimore, a curious craft is used for pleasure purposes. It is ordinarily termed a water cycle. As the photograph shows, advantage is taken of the sprocket wheel and chain to actuate the paddle wheel by using pedals as in an ordinary bicycle. The rear wheel, however, has a broad rim provided with paddle-blades, to give the necessary forward motion in the water. A fender in front of the wheel protects the occupants from the spray thrown up by the action of the blades.


For 25c. Silver or Stamps and the name of a friend who does not use the Gillette Razor, we send postpaid, to every address a full deck of playing cards, regular 50c. quality, celluloid finish, with round corners and gold edges, in handsome heavy gold-embossed leatherette telescope case.


The Gillette Razor is packed in a handsome leather case with 12 double-edged blades (24 perfect edges) each blade good for an average of more than 20 smooth, delightful shaves without stropping. When dulled throw away as you do a used pen. A new blade inserted in a second.

PRICES: Triple Silver-plated Set with 12 Blades. $5; Standard Combination Set with
Shaving Brush and Soap in Triple Silver-plated Holders, $7.50; Extra Blades, 10 for 50c.
Sold by all Drug, Cutlery and Hardware dealers everywhere. Send to-day for our handsome illustrated booklet.

Gillette Sales Company, 214 Times Building, New York

Gillette Safety



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Our Peerless Book Form Cards are bound together in tabs of 25 each, and when detached from book, all edges remain perfectly smooth-no perforation whatever. When your cards are carried loosely in case they seldom have a fresh clean appearance. In book form every card is always perfect, no matter how long carried. It is a drawing card, because every man who sees it detached from book, wants to look closer and examine it. Your card is then laid aside for future reference. and your interview is gained. Let us send you a sample tab of these Engraved Book Form Cards. The result will surprise you.

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Are you worried by any question in Engineering or the Mechanic Arts? Put the question into writing and mail it to the Consulting Department, TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE. We have made arrangements with the American School of Correspondence to have all such questions answered by members of its staff of Instructors. If the question asked is of general interest, the answer will be published in the magazine. If of only personal interest, the answer will be sent by mail, provided a stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed with the question. Requests for information as to where desired articles can be purchased will also be cheerfully answered.

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Separating Cotton and Wool

How can cotton and wool, mixed together in a piece of cloth, be separated?-S. H.

There are two methods of separating wool and cotton, which are based on the action of acids and alkalies on cotton and wool. Acids completely destroy cotton or vegetable fiber, with little, if any, destructive action on wool; while alkalies will destroy wool or animal fibers and have no destructive action on cotton. If a cloth containing both cotton and wool is saturated with dilute sulphuric acid, and dried, without washing, at a temperature of 100° C., and then rubbed briskly between the hands, the cotton, which has become carbonized, will fall out as a

grayish white powder. If the material is weighed before and after the treatment, the loss in weight will be the amount of vegetable fiber present. This method, however, can be used with only certain classes of goods, and is not as accurate or satisfactory as the following method:

Weigh carefully a small piece of material and boil it for four or five minutes in a four per cent solution of caustic soda. At the end of this period the wool will be completely dissolved by the caustic soda; and if the weight of the dried residual material is subtracted from the original weight of the cloth, the loss will represent the weight of wool or animal fiber present.

Arc Crucible Furnace on A. C.

Incandescent Circuits

1. Would you please let me know if it is possible to use an experimental arc crucible furnace on the alternating incandescent circuits used in the residence parts of the city?

2. Also please let me know if it is necessary to use any resistance coils, and the best way to wire for the furnace. B. R. R.

1. A small furnace could undoubtedly be operated from the lighting circuit with entire satisfaction.

2. It would probably be better to use a resistance-or, better still, a reactance -for regulating the current.

The best

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Everyone whether living at home or abroad-in town or country-can send their savings to this strong bank by the use of our carefully worked-out system of Banking by Mail.


Compounded twice every year-is paid on Savings Accounts or Certificates of Deposit, as preferred, affording an investment of exceptional merit. The principal is always available on proper notice and the 4% interest is earned without any trouble or worry on your part.

Absolute safety is assured by the high character, business ability and financial standing of its officers and board of directors, combined with its capital and surplus of Two Million Dollars, which is larger than that of any other savings bank in the world.

Our Booklet "T" which explains in detail our "Banking by Mail" system will be sent free to any address on request.


When you speak of a "ten-cent cigar," you mean a cigar that costs you ten cents.

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The same cigar is to the manufacturer a $40 per M..' or 4c. cigar, to the jobber a "$50 per M.," or 5c. cigar, and to the retailer a $60 per M.," or 6c. cigar.

Intrinsically that cigar is worth as much when the manufacturer appraises it at $40 per M. as it is when the retailer hands it over his counter as a "ten-cent straight." The difference between 4c. and 10c. is what it costs to get the cigar from the manufacturer to you along the old-fashioned trade turnpike with three toll gates.

Now, suppose you go to the maker of your cigars and say to him: "Sell me my cigars at wholesale and I'll take them home myself across lots."

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"Oh, no, he will reply, "that

wouldn't be fair to the retailer who has bought my cigars to sell at retail price."'

I am a maker of cigars who has never sold a cigar to a jobber or retailer to sell again. Hence I am under no obligation to "the trade." I invite the patronage of the man who objects to paying for the privilege of allowing a retailer to sell him a cigar-who wants to buy his cigars at cost, without the arbitrarily added expenses of the jobber and retailer. To prove that I actually do sell my cigars at wholesale prices I offer them under following conditions:

Shivers' Panatela EXACT SIZE AND SHAPE

MY OFFER IS:-I will, upon request, send one hundred Shivers' Panatela Cigars on approval to a reader of The Technical World, express prepaid. He may smoke ten cigars and return the remaining ninety at my expense if he is not pleasd with them; if he is pleased, and keeps them, he agrees to remit the price, $5.00, within ten days.

The fillers of these cigars are Clear Havana, of good quality-not only clear, but long, clean Havana -no shorts or cuttings are used. They are hand made by the best of workmen. The making has much to do with the smoking qualities of a cigar. The wrappers are genuine Sumatra.

In ordering please enclose business card or give personal reference, and state whether mild, medium or strong cigars are desired.

HERBERT D. SHIVERS, 913 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Mention Technical World Magazine

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