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cup." Here the duty of self-examination, before partaking of the Lord's supper, is evidently taught. And, in the next verse, we are told what is requisite to enable us to partake of this ordinance in an acceptable manner. It is, that we have faith in lively exercise to discern the Lord's body. A backslider in heart, even though a real Christian, is not prepared to partake of this spiritual feast, without renewing his repentance and faith. In this examination two subjects of inquiry present themselves: 1. "Am I a Christian? 2. "Am I growing in grace?" In regard to the first of these inquiries, enough has already been said. To answer the second, you will need consider,— 1. Whether you were living in the exercise of gracious affections at the last communion. 2. Whether you have since made any progress in the divine life. To aid you in these inquiries, I have prepared some questions, which will be found in the Appendix.* These may be varied to suit your circumstances.

If you have time to keep a journal, you may find some advantage from reviewing it on such occasions. It will aid your memory, and help you to give your past life a more thorough examination. You will thereby be the better able to judge whether you are making progress. It should, however, be written solely for your own private use, without the remotest idea of having it ever

* See Appendix, E.

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seen by others; or else it may become a snare to you. But, however unfit this examination may find you, do not let Satan tempt you to stay away from the Lord's table. It is your duty to commemorate his dying love. It is your duty also to do it with a suitable preparation of heart. Both these duties you will neglect by staying away. doing so, you cannot expect God's blessing. But set immediately about the work of repentance. Come to the cross of Christ, and renew your application to his pardoning blood. Give yourself away to God anew, and renew your covenant with him. In doing this, he will bless your soul; and the Lord's table will be a season of refreshing. But, if this repentance and preparation be heartfelt and sincere, its fruits will be seen in your subsequent life. Remember who has said, "BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, AND I WILL GIVE THEE THE CROWN OF LIFE."




THE following plan of a daily concert of prayer was, some years since, suggested by a distinguished clergyman in New England. It gives something of the interest of the monthly concert to daily devotions.


SABBATH. Sabbath duties and privileges; preaching, Sabbath schools, family instruction, &c. Eph. vi. 18-20. 2 Thess. iii. 1.

MONDAY. Conversion of the world;

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alence of peace, knowledge, freedom, and salvation. Ps. ii. 8. Isa. xi. 6-10; lxii. 1—7; lxvi. 12.

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TUESDAY. Our country; — our rulers, our free institutions, our benevolent societies; deliverance from slavery, Romanism, infidelity, Sabbath breaking, intemperance, profaneness, &c. Ezra ix.

6-15. Dan. ix. 4-19.

WEDNESDAY. The rising generation; colleges, seminaries, and schools of every description; the

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children of the church, the children of the ungodly, and orphan children.


THURSDAY. Professing Christians; that they may much more abound in all the fruits of the Spirit, presenting their bodies a living sacrifice, and offering gladly of their substance to the Lord, to the extent of his requirement; that afflicted saints may be comforted, backsliders reclaimed, and hypocrites converted; that Zion, being purified, may arise and shine. Isa. lxii. 1. Rom. i. 8. Col. iv. 12.

FRIDAY. The ministry, including all who are looking forward to that office, and also the Education Society. 1 Thess. v. 25. Luke x. 2.1

SATURDAY. The Jews. Isa. liv. 8; lix. 20. Ezek. xxxvi. 27. Rom. xi. 11-31. Also, our friends.




1. Self-existence,- being underived. How proved from reason. How recognized in Scripture. Ex. iii. 14. Rev. i. 8. Jer. x. 10. Dan. vi. 26. All other existence derived from him. Ps. xxxiii. 6. John i. 3. Col. i. 16, 17. Heb. xi. 3.

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