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A rational method of treating locally all forms of disease in which inflammation and congestion play a part.

The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co., New York


No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

Literary Lore

Read not to contradict, but to weigh and consider."- BACON.

Collier's Weekly continues to turn the search light of truth upon the patent medicine frauds, and in this great work has the hearty endorsement of the medical profession.

Harper's Magazine for September.-Howard Pyle's remarkable new painting of Abraham Lincoln forms the frontispiece of Harper's Magazine for September. It was made to accompany an article containing new and unpublished facts about Lincoln's last day, told by William H. Crook, his personal bodyguard. The opening article is "A Country under two Kings," by Robert Shakleton.

September Travel Magazine.-Variety of interest is the keynote of the September number of the Travel Magazine. Coming as it does between the big seasons of summer and winter migrations it gives the publishers an opportuuity to present several articles of unique interest and more general character than we can find space for in our special numbers. And from the handsome red and green cover depicting the "Return from the Hunt," throughout the whole number, the issue is delightfully seasonable all the trips indicated may be taken this month with great pleasure. In "Following the Hounds in California" we have in Mr. Charles F. Holder's usual delightful style a description of the variety of sport and the fun afforded in hunting on the Pacific Coast.

The September St. Nicholas.-The September St. Nicholas has a decided flavor of adventure running through it, beginning with the frontispiece reproduction of Nicholas Macs's "The Boy Falconer," to which reference is made in N. Hudson Moore's account of hunting with "Hawk and Hound." Grace Wickham Curran's

"An Alpine Adventure" tells an exciting story of two lads' bravery, and there is a boy hero who does not know he is a hero in Edward Morgan's story of "Rob Dunstan's First Blackfish Drive," and in Samel F. Batchelder's "The Hero," while two manly boys are the heroes of George H. Ford's "Friends and Rivals." A dear oldfashioned fairy tale is Abbie Farwell Brown's The Wonder Garden," and Walter Camp, the authority on athletics, discusses "Football in 1907.'

Lippincott's Magazine for September opens with a novelette which is sure to attract attention both for its intrinsic merit and on account of the author, Carolyn Wells. Miss Wells has won an enviable reputation for her humorous work, and now proves that she can write serious fiction just as well as that of more frivolous type. The novelette is entitled "A Chain of Evidence," and the plot is based on a murder mystery which we believe to be unique in fiction, although scientists affirm that the possibilities thereof are by no means exaggerated. How the mystery is solved and the criminal is entrapped forms a narrative that is so absorbingly interesting that the reader will feel genuine regret when he comes to the end. A number of interestsng short stories, essays, some tuneful verse and the usual complement of jests. jingles, and anecdotes, complete the number.

The September Century.-A complete novelette "The Mind-Reader," by Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, leads the September Century, a tale rich in that notable author's char. acteristic insight into character, and with an unusual plot holding interest to an entirely unexpected conclusion. The serials, Frances Hodgson Burnett's "The Shuttle" and Elizabeth Robins's "Come and Find Me," develop with intensifying interest; and there are short stories also by Dorothea Deakin, Charlotte Wilson, Edward J. Nocton, Beatrice Hanscom and Margaret Horner Clyde. Another feature is a freshly interesting presentation of "Racing in Its Relation to Horse-Breeding," by John Gilmer Speed, author of "The Horse in America," who takes the ground that while racing is essential to the preservation of the thoroughbred, gambling is the curse of racing. There are further extracts from Horace Traubel's daily record of conversations with Walt Whitman in his old age in Camden, N. J., containing much of interest touching the poet's philosophy of life. Arthur E. P. Wiegall, eye-witness of one of the most remarkable of recent discoveries, that of the tomb of the famous Egyptian Queen, Thiy, has written of this discovery, of the character of Queen Thiy, and of her period, and supplementing this record of important excavation work is Robb de Peyster Tytus's account of "The Palace of Amenhotep III., Husband of Queen Thiy."

The Delineator is one of a class by itself, as it were. As a fashion magazine it cannot be beaten, and in addition it gives good wholesome reading matter for every member of the family. It seems almost impossible for a publisher to give so much reading matter for the small sum of $1.00, for twelve numbers of this magazine, but it is done. Address The Butterick Publishing Company, Ltd., New York city.

The Champion Animal Story Teller. The palm has been awarded to the Rev. W. J. Long, for the biggest story teller, and all around prevaricator, by President Roosevelt and a bunch of "sure enough" naturalists in September "Everybody's."—George Shiras, who has hunted in the North for thirty-six years says: "W. J. Long's latest book, Northern Trails," is largely devoted to the wonderful antics of the timber wolf with Newfoundland for its stage. In a long trip through the wild, northwestern portion of Newfoundland I saw no signs of wolves and understood from the guides that they, likewise, had been unable to find any trace of these animals in recent years. About five hundred American and English sportsmen hunt big game in the island of Newfoundland every year, and as none of these has killed a wolf, nor even seen one in recent years, they will unanimously vote that the doctor, having_abandoned_his degree of D. D., should have conferred upon him the new one of P. P.-Patron Prevaricator of the Ancient order of Ananias.'

Inter-State Live Stock and Horse Show,-to be held at the Stock Yards, So. St. Joseph, Mo., September 23 to 28, 1907.. $17,000 in premiums. Finest collection of pure bred live stock ever seen in the west. Arrange to spend that week in St. Joseph.

Grand Military Tournament,-to be held at South St. Joseph. Mo, September 23 to 28, 1907. First opportunity ever given the people of the middle west to witness an event of this kind. 3000 United States regulars will participate in this great event. Every branch of the service represented. Change of program nightly. Reduced rates on all railroads.

Missouri Day at Jamestown.-Missouri day is to be observed at the Jamestown Exposition on September 21st. Preparations are being made to have it one of the most important special days of the Exposition. Governor Folk and his staff and numerous state celebrities are to be in attendance, while a number of excursions are being arranged which insure a goodly representation from the state. The Missouri Pacific and Big Four Routes are offering especially attractive rates at this time and those who have not yet visited the exposition will find it at its best during the coming month. It is expected that September and October will be the banner months of the enterprise. September 19th is to be "St Joseph Day."

Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs W. V. is enjoying the most prosperous season in the recent history of this famous old resort. Manager Mills is adding to his popularity. especially among the younger set, by giving a series of "Germans" in addition to the regular nightly hops in the ball room. There are so many reasons why a medical man should recommend "Greenbrier White" that we haven't room to enumerate, but we will simply say that three of the best reasons are expressed in the terms "fresh air," "pure water" and dainty food; truly these are prime requirements for a summer's outing. The visitor to this resort is impressed by its quaintness, the distinctly Southern (old fashioned a Northerner would say) characteristics; the immensity of the hotel, its broad galleries and high ceilings, grand ball room and spacious parlors, all give a sense of freedom, luxury and ease not to be found in the circumscribed quarters of more modern structures. The charm of the place lies in its antiquity, many of the families who are now summering here have been preceded in years agone by their parents and grand parents, for several generations. The waters have been recognized for their medicinal value for over a century, and should be carefully studied by physicians who are interested especially in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, blood and liver. We can heartily recommend this resort as being an ideal one for the doctor, his family and his patients. A card addressed to Mr. Geo. A. Mills, Manager, will bring full information and an analysis of the Springs. White Sulphur Springs is located on the main line of the C. & O. Railway, and stopovers are allowed on all tickets. Arrange to spend your next summer here.

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THE HERALD'S circulation being among a class of physicians who PAY THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS (and consequently READ each issue), this journal naturally offers the best opportunity to those advertisers who desire to reach the thrifty and progressive practitioners of the "Middle West." Rates made known on application

Notes on Reliable Remedies

"Prejudice is the child of ignorance."-HASLETT

A Timely Suggestion. For cholera fnfantum, entero colitis, dysentery, etc., prescribe tanphenyform (Warner), the ideal intestinal astringent and antiseptic. Read' the formula on page 87, this issue. Send for sample and give it a trial.

Cabinets. Physicians and surgeons desiring an up-to-date instrument cabinet, should investigate the "Bair," which combines all the new features applicable to the wants of the progressive practitioner. Send to the manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet Bair Cabinet Co., Des Moines, Iowa.

Summer Derangements, affecting the gastro-intestinal tract or the circulatory system are especially amenable to Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. It promptly controls fermentative processes, stimulates functional activity, and thus relieves any coincident depression or sudden variation of the circulation. An effective restorative that has no seasonal contraindication.-The Purdue Frederick Co., 298. Broadway, New York City.

Caution. We beg to caution the profession, that the solutions of gold and arsenicand gold, arsenic and mercury, as made by the formula of the National Formulary and sold by certain manufacturers, are very different, chemically, from Arsenauro and Mercauro. Prescriptions calling for Arsenauro or for Mercauro can not be properly filled by using the National Formulary products.-Parmele Pharmacal Co., 54 and 55 South St., New York.

Just the Thing in Miscarriage.-I find Abbott's hypnotic anesthetic just what I have wanted for some time, and will keep a supply always on hand. In miscarriage, where the placenta must be removed under anesthesia, they are the very thing and relieve the operator of the worry of chloroform or ether. I believe them superior to the morphine and atropine hypodermic, as more lasting and certain in effect.-A. D. Barnett, Guilford, Mo.

Tobacco Heart." This trouble comes under the head of cardiac neuroses. The inervation of the heart is disturbed, its action is weakened, irregular and intermittent; palpitation, precordial pains, faintness and vertigo are the consequences. The use of tobacco should be inhibited and a cactina pillet given every two or three hours, as the occasion demands. The patient will not only be benefited, but permanently cured if the treatment is continued for some time."-Charlotte Med. Jour.

The Cure of a Case of Osteomalacia.-In an article on the suprarenal glands and osteomalacia, in the Muench. Med. Wochenschrift, 1907, p. 278, L. M Bossi, of Genoa, describes the almost marvelous cure of a serious case of osteomalacia by subcutaneous injections of adrenalin. The patient was a multipara, 38 years of age, After who was enceinte in the eighth month and had a well defined osteomalacia. seven hypodermic injections of adrenalin, each of which consisted of one-half cg. of adrenalin of the 1: 1000 solution, the patient fully recovered.

Anatomik Footwear--We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the important announcement on page 98, this issue. Dr. Cole, the inventor of Anatomik footwear, has applied the plumb and level of the architect and builder to the shoe question, so that in brief, anatomik footwear means rational shoes for children and adults, perfectly distributing the body weight, thus preventing and relieving flat foot and all strains, obviating the use of supports of any kind. Anatomik shoes relieve the aches, pains swellings and cramps in the feet and legs experienced by most letter-carriers, policemen, nurses, clerks, waiters, heavy people and all those who are on their feet constantly. All children should wear anatomik shoes from infancy. This firm also makes for cripples special shoes which are better than braces. Read the essays by Cole: "Malformations of the Feet, a New Method of Treatment" and Shoes as a Cause of and Cure for Deformity," sent free on request to any physician.

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THE HE man who allows his life to justify itself, and lets his work speak, and who when reviled reviles not again, must be a very lofty soul.-Fra Elbertus.

A Suggestion. The new glyco-thymoline eye bath, which is constructed from a single piece of aluminun, has been found of exceptional service when used as a vessel to heat hypodermic solutions to the proper temperature. This little hint comes from a physician who has frequently found himself wanting just such a device. The gly co-thymoline people will be glad to send you one of these cups if you desire it.

The Three Ages of Woman-Third Stage. With the climacteric, the sexual life of woman is brought to a close, and is considered by some authorities as the most critical era of her existence. Various disturbances of the circulatory, nervous and digestive system as well as of the pelvic organs are usually characteristic of this period and are manifested many times by hot flashes, headache, melancholia, vertigo, neuralgia, etc. For its calmative and sedative action upon the nervous system as well as for its normalizing effect upon the vasomotor system, Hayden's viburnum compound seems to have proven, as a result of twenty-six years of clinical investigation, to be a most satisfactory remedy from a therapeutic standpoint for administration just preceding, at the time of, and following menopause.

Quantity of Lithium in Natural Mineral Waters Deficient.-Lithium is a constituent of many mineral waters, and to it many celebrated springs owe their world wide reputation: and herein is discovered their heralded pre-eminence in affording relief to those afflicted with calculi or gravel, and rheumatism or gout. The deficiency of the waters lies in the proportion of salts that are actual uric acid solvents—a proportion that is altogether too minute to be of more than relative utility. By commingling lithia and sodium phosphate in proper proportions with certain of the "bitter water" salts, as represented by sal hepatica, a compound is secured that is superlatively more active than either the lithia or sodium salt alone, or, indeed, than any natural mineral water. Recognizing this, the most eminent practitioners latterly have taken to prescribing sal hepatica in preference to the natural waters, with the result that the remedial action of the latter is enhanced, the untoward manifestations accruing reduced to a minimum and their palatability materially increased.

Chinosol, the very remarkable antiseptic, germicide, disinfectant and deodorizer is now introduced to the medical profession of America after having established its value in the minds of many of the leading medical men of Germany. It is endorsed by the Imperial Board of Health of Germany, the Royal Scientific Commission for Therapeutics of Prussia. the Hygienic Institute of the University of Munich, etc. It surely is a remarkable advance in chemistry. Chinosol can in reasonable doses be administered internally without harm, and when administered externally it is positively without danger. In destroying the bacteria of pus chinosol has been shown to be five times as efficient as corrosive sublimate, 100 times as effective as lysol and 100 times as active as carbolic acid. In the germs of typhoid and diphtheria chinosol produced results not obtainable with carbolic acid or lysol or corrosive sublimate. It surely is of interest to every medical practitioner to have at hand a substance which will kill the germ without killing the patient, or without even the danger of poisoning. Its action as a deodorizer is immediate and leaves absolutely no odor in place of the one it has destroyed.

Abbott's Saline Laxative.-It is universally admitted to be desirable to accomplish any necessary therapeutic indication with the smallest necessary quantity of medicine and the least possible interference with the functions of the body. Since we must help, let us give absolutely not a hair's breadth more assistance than is requisite, since further aid ruins self-dependence, both moral and physical. For this reason Abbott's saline laxative is superior to the crude salts and saline waters, because when administered in this form the dose is but a small fraction of that required of the raw salts. Saline laxative also has the unique distinction of being the only saline in the market which, when taken on rising, acts just after breakfast, once only, without a particle of irritation or griping, and then stops for the day. Other salines and especially the crude purgative waters will often continue acting at intervals all day long, to the intense discomfort of the victim. The same (efficient) dose of Abbott's saline laxative may be continued, if necessary, for years, without needing to increase it. It is obtainable either on prescription at all leading pharmacies or direct from the laboratories of The Abbott Alkaloidal Company, Chicago.

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