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Aug. 10. Secretary Day and M. Jules Cambon agreed on the terms of a protocol to be sent to Spain for approval.

Aug. 11. A protocol suspending hostilities was signed in Washington at 4:23 p. m., M. Jules Cambon having received authority from Spain to act for it.

Aug. 13.

Manila surrendered to the troops under General Merritt and Admiral Dewey.

Aug. 17. The President appointed, as commissioners to act regarding the evacuation of Cuba. Major-General James F. Wade, Rear-Admiral William T. Sampson, and Major-General Matthew C. Butler. For Porto Rico he named Major-General John R. Brooke, Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley and Brigadier-General William W. Gordon.

Aug. 19. Spain appointed as commissioners for Cuba, Major-General Gonzales Parrade, Rear-Admiral Pastor y Landere and Marquis Montoro. For Porto Rico, Major-General Ortega y Diaz, Commodore Vallarino y Carrasco and Judge-Advocate Sanchez Aguila y Leon.

Aug. 20. A grand naval parade was held in New York, in which the New York, Brooklyn, Massachusetts, Indiana, Texas, Oregon and Iowa participated.


Sept. 9. President McKinley appointed as peace commissioners William R. Day of Ohio, Senators William P. Frye of Maine, Cushman K. Davis of Minnesota, George Gray of Delaware and Mr. Whitelaw Reid of New York.

Sept. 17. The American commissioners sailed for Paris.

Sept. 18. The Spanish government appointed as commissioners Senor Montero Rios, Senor Abarzuza, Senor Garnica, General Cerero and Senor Villarrutia.

Sept. 20. The evacuation of Porto Rico was begun.

Sept. 21. Mustering out of volunteers ordered to begin at once. Sept. 24. Much criticism having been made in various directions regarding the conduct of the war, the President appointed a Commission of Investigation, which convened on this day at Washington. The commission was composed of the following persons: Major-General Grenville M. Dodge of Iowa, Colonel J. A. Sexton of Illinois, Captain E. P. Howell of Georgia, Major-General J. M. Wilson, chief of engineers of the United States army; the Hon. Charles Denby of Indiana, late minister to China; ex-Governor Urban A. Woodbury of Vermont, exGovernor James A. Beaver of Pennsylvania, Major-General A. McD. McCook of the army (retired), Dr. Phineas S. Connor of Cincinnati. General Dodge was elected chairman of the commission.


On Christmas Eve, 1898, the Peace Commission delivered to the President of the United States a copy of the treaty of peace drawn up and signed in the city of Paris, December 10th, 1898. By this treaty, Spain lost her sovereignty over Cuba and ceded to the United States the Island of Porto Rico and her other possessions in the West Indies, the Island of Guam in the Ladrones, and all her possessions in the Philippines.

The Spanish Commissioners asked an indemnity for the expense Spain had incurred in the war with the Filipinos.

As a compromise of this claim, the United States agreed to pay Spain $20,000,000 within three months after the ratification of the treaty.

In the United States the ratification of the treaty was bitterly opposed in many quarters, and it was not until February 6th, 1899, that the Senate voted its approval.

Its action was accelerated, no doubt, by the fact that the Filipinos had attacked the American forces at Manila on February 5th, and although a brilliant victory had been won by our troops, several of the brave soldiers had been killed and wounded. The American spirit at. home was thoroughly aroused. Patriotism arose above party. Republicans, Democrats, Populists and Silverites voted to sustain the government by a vote of 57 to 27.



Although we have not official figures concerning the losses of the Spaniards, the following may be considered/ a very good estimate:

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*These are unimportant, except for naval stations.

$ 125,000,000








· 3,000

Over against the enormous losses by Spain we find ours to be the

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These figures do not include those who died after being mustered



Country Expands and Becomes a World Power.

Senator Thurston, in apprising Governor McKinley of his nomination for the Presidency, said: "God give you strength so to bear the honors and meet the duties of that great office for which you are now nominated, and to which you will be elected, that your administration will enhance the dignity, and power, and glory of this republic, and secure the safety, welfare and happiness of its liberty-loving people.”

William McKinley seems to have been the chosen servant of the Almighty, through whom all those things were to be brought about. Under his administration 124,340 square miles of territory was added to the public domain, and the country was raised to the rank of a world power. Before Dewey's guns spoke at Manila, the great powers of the earth looked upon the United States as a third-rate nation. They murmured somewhat because her enterprise was undermining their commerce, but in the main, they held her lightly. Dewey's victory raised their estimate of the calibre of the people, and when Commodore Schley, at Santiago, smashed the fleet of the Spanish Admiral Cervera, the world rubbed its eyes and awoke to the consciousness that Brother Jonathan had grown as big as any member of the national family, and would have to be respected accordingly.

From the purchase of Alaska, in 1867, down to 1893, there had been no additions to the public domain. The following table shows the growth of the country in territory from the beginning of the government: ANNEXATION FROM 1783 TO 1893:

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President McKinley was not one of those who believed that the United States should never extend her power outside of the territory between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and the twentieth and fiftieth parallels of latitude. He believed in the people, in government by the people, and hence when Hawaii knocked at the doors of the White House and said, "Let us come in and be members of your family of states," he lent a ready ear. In his second annual message to congress, President McKinley said concerning Hawaii:

"Pending the consideration by the senate of the treaty signed June 16, 1897, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and the republic of Hawaii, providing for the annexation of the islands, a joint resolution to accomplish the same purpose by accepting the offered cession and incorporating the ceded territory into the Union was adopted by congress and approved July 7, 1898. I thereupon directed the United States steamer Philadelphia to convey Rear Admiral Miller to Honolulu, and intrusted to his hands this important legislative act, to be delivered to the President of the republic of Hawaii, with whom the admiral and the United States minister were authorized to make appropriate arrangements for transferring the sovereignty of the islands to the United States.

"This was simply but impressively accomplished on the 12th of August last by the delivery of a certified copy of the resolution to President Dole, who thereupon yielded up to the representative of the government of the United States the sovereignty and public property of the Hawaiian islands.

"Pursuant to the terms of the joint resolution and in exercise of the authority thereby conferred upon me, I directed that the civil, judicial and military powers theretofore exercised by the officers of the government of the republic of Hawaii should continue to be exercised by those

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