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"The creed of anarchy rebels against the state, and with infinite folly proposes that every man should be a law unto himself. It is more mischievous because more pretentious than the common levels of crime, for without disdaining the weapons of the ruffian it does not hesitate to seek shelter under the respectability that belongs to the student and the reformer.


"The creed of anarchy despises the obligations of the marriage contract, impeaches the integrity of domestic life, enters into the homes of the people to pull down their altars and subject the family relation, which is the chief bond of society, to the caprices of the loafer and the libertine. In all these things it has an alliance implied if not expressed, with every variation of that rotten public opinion which in many American states has turned the court of equity into a daily scene of perjury and treason against the hearthstones of the community, a treason so flagrant that a year ago, for the accommodation of a single man, the legislature of Florida was induced to descend below the level of all paganisms and all barbarisms by so amending the laws of divorce as to permit a winter resident to legally desert the wife of his youth, not on account of any fault of hers, but because of the pathetic burdens which she bore.

"I count it of infinite value to every decent form of civilization that against this background of unworthy living, from the front porch of a little cottage covered with vines, yonder at Canton, the outline sketch of two lives has been thrown, so beautiful in their loyalty to one another that good men everywhere stand in silence before it, while the womanhood of the world, seeing the knightliness of love which alters not, draw near, from stations high and low, to salute the picture with the benediction of their tears.


"The bill of rights, written in the English language, stands for too many centuries of sacrifice, too many battlefields sanctified by blood, too many hopes of mankind, reaching toward the ages to come, to be mutilated in the least in order to meet the case of a handful of miscreants. whose names nobody can pronounce. Whether the secret of this ghastly atrocity rests in the keeping of one man or many we may never know, but if the President was picked out by hidden councils for the fate which overtook him, there is a mournful satisfaction in the fact that in his life, as well as in his death, he represented American manhood at its best.

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"It has come to look more rational to me that if William McKinley's

assassination was indeed an incident of the standing challenge of atheism against the peace and order of society, it could not, now that Gladstone is no more, have chosen a sacrifice more fit to illustrate the nobility of human character, nurtured in the fear of God and trained from infancy in the law of Christ."


Governor Richard Yates.

"There is every reason to believe that he was commissioned to commit the crime. Whether he has admitted anything or not, his act was so cowardly, cruel and cunning that it is inexcusable except on the infamous theory that all heads of government must be destroyed and all civilization subverted. It cannot be denied that all his conduct is based upon anarchistic doctrine. He will pay the penalty of his crime. He will give up his life. But that matters not to him. He expected as much. He has, from the standard of the anarchist, achieved a grand and brilliant success. His example will be followed if possible.

"Civilization must do all it can to make it impossible. Anarchy must be made infamous, with prevention as sure as punishment. All teaching and inciting of murder and murderous doctrines should be and now will be punishable with death. If our laws are not sufficiently stringent we will make them so."


Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows.

"There is a species of theoretical or philosophical anarchy which is comparatively harmless. It means that all existing forms of government are imperfect and should be supplanted by individual liberty, carried to its extremest logical conclusion.

"But there is a red-handed anarchy which finds expression in the language of one of its representative advocates:

"I am an enemy of everything and everybody, and I am proud of it. Killing a ruler makes people think. We want to exterminate evils by force. We never consider consequences. We are opposed to government which means political tyranny. We do not believe in religion, laws or individual ownership of property.'

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"The flag of anarchy is, therefore, the flag of atheism. Anarchists are without God and without respect for the laws of God or human society. They believe in assassination and murder, to carry out their ends. their weapons are poison, the dagger, the pistol, the bomb.


"Their cult is one of disorder and annihilation. They have neither shame nor conscience. Shall such anarchy be allowed to flourish within our bounds? Would its repression be inconsistent with the principle which we have maintained from the beginning of our national history, that a man may hold what opinion he likes and speak as he likes providing he commits no overt act against the law?

"We cannot too jealously and sedulously guard the reasonable freedom of the press and freedom of speech. But self-preservation is the first law of nature. The preaching and teaching of murder leads to murder.

"The assassin of President McKinley is the abnormal graduate of the school of Emma Goldman and her kind. Clearly we have the right and it is our solemn duty to suppress to the fullest extent the murderous. utterances of these atrocious creatures.

"They should be prohibited from meeting together to discuss their plots and conspiracies against government and the lives of the constituted authorities. The United States mails must be closed against their pernicious literature. Those anarchists among us who remain defiant must either be confined or else deported from our shores.


"They are the enemies of all civilization and should, by the concerted action of the civilized world, be passed on to the wilds of primitive savagery and learn by bitter experience the tender mercies of the barbarians they represent.

"Stringent measures should be adopted against the admission of any more European anarchists to our shores. The immigrant desirous of becoming a good American citizen should always be welcome. No men more heartily detest Czolgosz and his abominable crime than those who have deliberately renounced their allegiance to other lands and have taken `up their abode beneath our flag of liberty.

"Both the states and the national congress should enact well matured laws to meet the emergency which is upon us.

"Respect for law must be continually inculcated in the home, the school and the church. Education is the salvation of our people, but it must be an education that recognizes God as the ultimate source of authority and power."


Mayor David Rose, of Milwaukee.

"Anarchist, look at this great people bowed in sorrow.

Go measure

the ocean of tears they have shed in the grief your fiendish hand has brought upon them. Go fathom the depth of their love for their institutions, consecrated to the happiness of man and say, 'Are our hellish ministrations needed here?'

"No, a million times. Go back to the regions of hate, go back to the lands where kings reign and tyrants rule. Go back, or by the blood of our martyred President we will rise in avenging wrath and wipe you from the earth. Monarchies may flourish and fall, but we have no throne to crumble. By the rectitude of our national conduct we will lead, and by the beneficence of our example we will teach, until crowns shall dissolve in the melting pot of a higher civilization and the whole world shall bow before the liberty of man."

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Edgar A. Bancroft.

"In a republic like ours there is no excuse, no palliation, for contempt of law. There is no evil that organized society can abolish that cannot surely be abolished lawfully. To meet and prevent such a crime as this requires no curtailment of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It only requires a clearer and more constant discrimination of the true use from the base up."


Lieutenant Governor Northcott.

"Anarchy is the highest treason of republics, and the law should deal with it with the utmost severity. The strongest penalty should be provided for the preaching of the doctrine of murder and destruction. The law now makes it a crime to conspire against any particular life, and it should be the highest crime to conspire against the life of society."


General John C. Black.

"But it is not well with our laws; it is not well with our institutions, while we receive and protect those who know no law and who hate our institutions; it is not well that the eagle should nurture the viper whose only purpose is to sting him to death. Liberty is very dear; human rights very sacred, but a president has as much right to life as an assassin, and a good citizen should be as free as an anarchist. And our highest duty, here in the awful presence of the third victim of our love and partiality, while his blood incarnadines our land in its fresh flow, here while McKinley's shade points to his gaping wounds and Lincoln

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